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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I wanted to say one more thing about the OFC. Scarlett, I don't feel superior. It has nothing to do with superiority. Free speech gets to be applied to all. If someone is going to express hateful points of views those views have a right to be countered. The fact that emotion is involved just means people care. It would be nice if we could all be rational but that's hard to do when someone you love is being kicked in the teeth. And in the end, the only thing IMO the free for all accomplishes is letting me know who to avoid at the next Clay concert. I have already said that my intolerance for some of this is judgemental on my part. I know my faults. But I wonder if the people who are spouting words like abomination do. Yeah it would be nice to cut them a break for a week, or two or forever. But who is going to cut Clay a break.

    That's exactly how I feel. Aside from the fact that those calling Clay an abomination are also aiming this at all his gay fans and gay family members. It should be enough to say that their religious beliefs preclude associating with gays. That's understandable--people have used the same arguments to preclude associating with Jews and ethnic minorities for years. It explains exactly where a person is coming from.

    However, just because someone can find scripture to support prejudice doesn't mean that those with different beliefs should just accept those beliefs as valid. Hindus used to (and in villages STILL sometime) marry child brides. Do we say that's ok just because it's part of a religion? Genital mutilation is done on girls in huge areas of the world. Do we say that's ok because it's part of their belief system? Fundamentalist Muslims blow themselves up to attain glory (and virgins). Do we say that's ok?

    I don't think we should draw a line in front of gay bashing and say--OK, that's your belief. It's ok.

  2. Uh-oh....is Kathy taking crap? How truly sad!

    Oh, you have no idea. Aspie spilled her heart out and talked about how she was so afraid of going to hell for her sins and thought her brother and mother died because of her sins but that she found some comfort in the fact that God loved David, even though he sinned--and this raging evil bitch posted that David's son died because of David's sins so there are consequences for sinning.

    CAN YOU IMAGINE???? I'd have reached right through the computer and choked that bitch if I could have.

    My God, and she said this in the name of the Lord.

  3. I really just don't want to be supportive anymore. Those people posting that Clay is an abomination and going to hell and THE WORST that David's son (as in David and Goliath) died because of David's sins were so completely horrendously out of line and sickening that the whole suffering bunch can just leave as far as I'm concerned. How do gay fans feel reading this vile hate crap?????

  4. JAMAR! You alright honey! Just watching ESPN news. Good Luck tomorrow!

    It's interesting what I "see" now. There's a commercial running in California telling us to vote against gay marriage cuz they'll have rights like everybody else if you don't. BEWARE BEWARE. Sadly I will admit I never noticed it before. I'm trying to make myself feel better by saying maybe they just started it. Not sure about that though.

    I wish you'd hold your nose and go post this at OFC.

  5. ETA: Er, Wanda - pretty sure that the JPs of the world and the tabloids are still liars. Being right about ONE thing does not make you (universal) right about all things. I wasn't sure about your post above - if you were saying that stuff was also true. Just checking.

    No, I NEVER believe the tabloids because they twist the truth--even if there is some--all out of proportion. I'm just saying--it doesn't matter to me one way or the other because I think the acts of two consenting adults are just no one's business. I don't expect Clay to have been or continue to be celibate and I'm willing to bet that someone whom he's dated will--at some point--come crawling out of the woodwork. OR someone whom he HASN'T dated but who just lies to get money.

  6. I think that the secrecy and rules about topics so prevalent on un-named boards have contributed to the perception that Clay was straight and projecting a straight image. Anybody who suggested otherwise was stomped on and, because NO discussion was allowed--or it was allowed with strict rules and in secret forums--the people who really don't care didn't have a voice. I was furious with JP and the tabloids because I think people's sex lives are their business. I hate to see people profiting from another. When there was the "Circling the wagon" thread at OFC, I signed and said my support was unconditional. I meant that. I didn't care if he'd been out boinking the Dallas cowboys--OR cheerleaders.

    I was certainly guilty of indescretions in my youth. Who isn't/wasn't? I expect that Clay has been indiscreet at times--and for sure we'll be hearing about it--and seeing pictures.

    And because I'm such a true, loyal loving fan--putting Clay before my prurient interests--I'm praying that his pictures won't be naked.

  7. I always thought there was a possibility he was gay...and a possibility that he was straight. I just didn't give a damn.

    Really, I just want someone to love him. He's such a wonderful man. I'd hate to think he goes through life without (a) passionate love affair(s).

    Now THAT would be a waste.

    I honestly don't think we have to worry on that point, however. He has looked much too confident in himself to NOT be getting any.

    ETA: I don't really think that the NJU had any more insight into Clay's sexuality than anyone else--it's just that they were more influenced by the relentless media depiction of him as gay.

  8. I wish I could be as understanding as Jenna, but I just don't believe that there isn't homophobia involved in the lying fixation. Remember when ALL THOSE FANS believed that they were communicating with Clay and that he was sharing things with them. They had NO problem with his duplicity then. Those fans who were buying baby presents for FBM weren't up in arms screaming about how he had lied to them--they were salivating at the thought that they had "insider information."

    Well, we all now have insider information, but the response is quite different.

  9. I do think it's still very hard, especially in some places and situations. As much as it's considered politically incorrect to express anti-gay sentiments, the fact remains that many, many people are still quietly homophobic, and in surprising ways.

    Surprising---like pretending it's all about the "lies."

    I have a confession to make. I'm sorely ashamed.

    I actually caught myself, for one brief moment, shipping Clay. Imagining him being held and loved.

    In my defense, it was with Anderson Cooper.

    Nonetheless....I'm ashamed.

    ETA: I have no idea if AC is gay, but since I have the hots for him, I was willing to share him with someone I love--Clay.

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