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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. God, I'm tired. I've been sick as a dog with the flu all week and spent my first day out of bed glued to my computer and OFC because I feel it's so important that supportive fans post their thoughts. It was great to see so many FCAers there and to read your posts. We're a pretty impressive bunch, I think.

    I'm so happy that Clay shared his sperm with Jaymes. Very good choice. That child will probably have a giant set of titaniums--considering the genes he's inheriting.

    The thing I liked most about Clay's interview is that he refused to act as though he's some poor victim of his homosexuality. He was proud and open, and I completely adore this man.

    More than ever!!

  2. I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "it's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

    It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

    Official end to rant.

  3. I just read that Clay probably got a measly $500,000 for the interview. Times are tough in the magazine biz. I guess Parker's college fund is secure.

    And/Or a lot more camps get funded for next summer. Where did you read this?

    Kim... Thanks for your post.


    What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

    Please tell me here or by PM where you have been reading this kind of crap and I'll be sure not to go there!

    The figure came from MSNBC and the un-christian post was at the OFC but the one particular poster is going to all the boards she belongs to and asking to delete her membership. It is just sick.

    Good riddance!!! She can't leave too soon!! I just wish she'd leave without spewing all this disgusting filth.

  4. I was married in Washington Cathedral and was told by a priest that I was going to hell because I had not married my catholic husband in a catholic church. I told him that if I was living in sin then I was sure having a good time! Needless to say my MIL was horrified I would speak to a priest that way.

    What saddens me most is the judgemental posts that I have read (not here) by posters who call themselves christians. I never thought to read words like abomination. abnormal, perverse, disgusting and unholy in any post about Clay. I understand having to process and understand all this but to out and out condemn.....well I am at a loss for words.

    Sick bitches.

    (I hope that's sufficiently judgemental.)

  5. Now that I've pulled myself together and gotten over being all schmoopie, I have to say that I thought that was a very good, balanced, unbiased article and that Clay was treated with great respect.

    I'm so happy about that.

    I'm also happy that (most of) his fans have been so loving, open, and supportive. It must give Clay so much comfort--only fair since he's given us so much joy.

    I must just add that I think it's probably not fair to suggest that Clay's friends "lied." In the first place. they probably didn't know. It's not as though he came with a label--and unless Clay came out, it would be completely inappropriate for a friend to "out" him. So, if that's a lie, then it's a very white one, and I think forgivable. (Right up there with my friend telling me, "Oh, yes, you look much thinner since you've lost those 3 pounds.")

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