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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. OMG, I've been shopping with my friend at the outlets all day. I'm frigging exhausted.

    I love both Angela and Quiana, and I would love them even if I didn't like their singing (which I do) becauseI think they love Clay.

    Kandre, you are SO right about Pierce Brosnan. My friends and I went to see Mamma Mia and we just about rolled in the aisles laughing whenever he started to sing in the bullfrog voice. Jesus. We were trying to figure out if his voice was meant to be funny or if he seriously thought he was singing.

  2. I've been very busy with RL, but I wanted to say hello and tell everyone I hadn't croaked. I try to check in once a day just to make sure Clay hasn't done anything new and exciting. I miss you guys, but I'll be back in the loop soon. I'm on a mad mission to redo my office so I can actually work in there and paint and fix other stuff in my house.

    What was i thinking??

  3. I was a HUGE Elvis fan (I still have the scrapbook I made!). I was also a fan of the Beatles and the Stones, but not with the same teenage fervor I reserved for Elvis. If I had to choose between Clay and Elvis, though, Clay would win, hands down--for his sense of humor if not for his voice (and his beauty). I couldn't afford to see Elvis when I was young and chose not to see him when I was older (as was he) because i didn't want the dissipated man to ruin my memories of the young one.

    I have faith that Clay won't end up as Elvis.

  4. P person here.

    Are people still worrying about where the fans have gone?

    Clay's hibernating--so are some fans. I think the big boards have lost some fans to the smaller ones--like this one. It seems a lot livelier around here than it did a year ago.

    Good time to work in the yard, catch up on other things after months of reading daily Spamalot reports.

    First cellcert--we'll all be out in force.

  5. Bombs should not be tossed in the the PM messenger.

    :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Oh Lordy, this made me think of Brother Maynard!

    Oh Lord, bless this thou holy PM that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits in thy mercy. Then the Lord spake saying first shalt thou type up the holy PM then shall thou count to three. Three being the number which thou shalt count, then thou shalt click 'send', lobbying the holy PM towards thy foe who have been naughty in my sight shall snuff it.


  6. A little note about freedom of speech seems particularly appropriate today.

    While I find the opinions of some people tiresome--and I'm sure NO ONE feels that way about my opinions (LOL)--the one good thing about this place is i don't have to suffer in silence, and some bitch moderator with green ink doesn't get to decide whose opinion fits the party line or what topics are fit to discuss or what news is board-acceptable. I think the ability for people to freely express their opinions probably does drive the fringe lunatics away because they don't have impunity to spew nonsense without consequences. I consider that a bonus.

    I also suppose that if people get a sense of self-worth from people agreeing with them or are very sensitive if people disagree with them, this might not be the right board for them--but there are lots of boards to choose from.

    I personally think we are blessed to have this board. I love it here. I love the board family--even the ones I disagree with. I'm happy to see new names popping up and new perspectives.

    And--just on general principles--I love Clay.

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