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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I think the ONLY time a man's sexuality should be in question is when his penis is aimed in a woman's direction.

    I have NO patience AT ALL with all this pedestal crap, judgmental crap, and gay crap.

    Clay's life is his business.

    If people are leaving the fandom because Clay might or might not be a father: GOODBYE and goodriddance!

  2. I just want to say how much I appreciate a place where we can actually talk about everything without being slimed and don't have to pretend that there is NO news because topics are off-limits.

    Not that I would ever be edited.

    Of course, this laxity of editing is probably because we're all a bunch of unrepentent bitches.

    I'm ok with that.

  3. Wandacleo said:

    Nobody is stuck in time.

    Clay may have learned to like avocados. Does that make him a liar?

    I have no idea what you meant with that comment. I was merely saying I believed what he said. Of course people change with time and maybe he did learn to love avocados but it was just a silly example.....sheesh! My point was I've always believed him when he said he wanted a family and children. HIS idea of what that meant isn't necessarily what MY idea is of what that meant.......so I don't feel he was misrepresenting himself. I might have been projecting.

    I wasn't actually addressing you at all so no "sheesh" is needed. It's just that your comment about avocados reminded me of what Clay said about everything in CA having avocado on it.

  4. Nobody is stuck in time.

    Clay may have learned to like avocados. Does that make him a liar?

    I don't think, though, that people's characters change without GREAT effort, self-awareness, and (probably) therapy.

    So, I don't take everything that Clay has said as gospel for the whole of his life.

    But, I know a good man when I see one.

    Sufficient for me.

  5. Interesting little tidbit for thought. The average sperm donor (90%) is a male (DUH) college student whose sperm deposits result in up to 10 offspring (JESUS!). Since many women seeking in vitro fertilization are in their 30s, 40s, and sometimes 50s, then Clay is older than most donors (and only servicing ONE recipient if the rumors are true).

    I think that the changes that are coming in attitudes about reproduction are already here--just a bit under the radar for some.

  6. I don't want to belabor medical issues, but while it's true that Down's syndrome is related to the age of the mother, most birth defects are not and are caused by non-age related things, such as inherited conditions, folic acid deficiency, alcoholism, drug use, and the age of the FATHER. Nothing in life is simple.

    Once a woman is pregnant, one might as well celebrate life.

  7. I have no idea who eric roberts is, I assume a fame whore. Carmen sold her soul when she went to MSNBC - just because people talk about things do not mean that you can say it is a definite in this particular case carmen - fame whores all. Yes, Carmen is still trying to push her album. She might have meant well, but her foot has found it's way to her mouth pretty often. I am starting to appreciate Trenyce more all the time. I just think it is so rude and maybe the imaginary "exclusive' is off with people now.

    First post .Seems to me youshould get all the facts before the name calling. Eric Robert is Julia Roberts brother. Maybe he is a B lister, but seems to be a good person, do you know anything about him? I think you are all in denial. You all act like Clay owes you something. Some of your emotional reactions are totally OTT. If you take such offense to criticism of Clay. you shouldn't be hypocritical and speak badly of someone you know nothing about.

    Totally post-whoring here.


    It might be better to avoid terms such as "you all" unless you're absolutely sure that we all share the same ideas and minds.

    Which me most decidedly do not.

    Clay owes me jack shit.

  8. My grandmother had a child at 49. My other grandmother had a child at 47. Those who think there is something unseemly about 49-50 year old women having babies are probably those who grew up with birth control pills and abortions. Menopausal babies used to be quite common, but now that science has taken care of chance, women are being relegated to WHAT exactly? Uterine has-beens? A 50-year old woman is young and vibrant and ALIVE and has every likelihood of living to at least 90-100. Plenty of time to get the kid through college and on into life.

  9. I have a question for those of you with laptops. What kind of case do you like, and why? I'm trying to decide between a shoulder bag, backpack, and a rolling case. There are pros and cons to all three. My old case is too small for my new 17" laptop, so I'm in the market for a new one.

    Be safe, annabear!

    The only bag you don't have to carry is the rolling one.

    Just saying.

    (In case you are as lazy as I)

  10. Keepingfaith Thank you so much for telling me about Hair!! I couldn't remember where I'd heard that phrase before.

    I'm feeling so positive today--ebullient almost.

    Only good can come from this situation:

    If it's NOT true, then the truth will come out and the maggot journalists will look like fools.

    If it is true, somewhere out there is this perfect little soul that is part of Clay just waiting to be born. That just fills my heart with joy.

  11. I was watching the movie The Family Stone last night and there's a very uptight woman in it, and the guy says to her, "You have a freak flag. You're just afraid to fly it."

    Honestly, Clay just stands out there with his freak flag, proudly waving it back and forth for everyone to see--no apologies.

    I LOVE HIM so much for that!!!!

  12. I would love to know all the answers to put my curiosity at rest, but I recall Clay saying early in his career that people have a right to be curious but not to know. He seems to live by that, and I completely respect his right to say or not say whatever the hell he chooses about his personal life.

    I'm just hoping for Clack from tonight.

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