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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Well, guess I will jump in on the favorite/least favorite discussion and hope this won't be considered sacrilage, but The Real Me is actually my least favorite on the CD. I think it has a lot to do with the background of the song and maybe if I had heard it without knowing that it was written by a woman about her struggle with bulimia, I would like it. But when I hear him singing it (and especially since he uses his falsetto, which I am not that fond of), I hear a song that I think should be sung by a woman and not a man. I know that sounds really sexist and I wish I could get past my pre-conceived notions about the song, because it is a beautiful song. I don't skip it on the CD, I listen to it and am really trying to like it, but so far I am having a hard time.

    Takes a deep breath and hits reply...


    OMG!! I love TRM too!! And I'm seriously insane over Clay's falsetto!!!

    There's no hope for this fandom if we can't even agree over falsetto! :cryingwlaughter:

  2. It's interesting how people's tastes differ--which makes it all the more unbelievable that some people seem to think that their preferences speak for the mass of fans. I see that Clazorback doesn't like It's in Everyone of Us, and I think that's so beautiful it almost makes me cry. That and OMWH and EIDN are my complete favorites! My LEAST favorite songs (at the moment as this sometimes changes) is Something about Us and Falling.

    (Although "least favorite" when it comes to Clay means I have them on repeat only 20 times instead of 40).

  3. I wish these "fans" who are trying to "help" Clay would just shut the frak up.

    Clay was PERFECT on the View. PERFECT, and I don't want to hear from anyone who thinks otherwise.

    His hair was perfect, his eyelashes were perfect, his smile was perfect, his pants were perfect, and OMWH was PERFECT.

    Quiana and Angela were perfect too.

    The whole damn thing was perfect.

  4. I think it will be good when people reach the place where they don't need to put down groups of people to make a negative point about someone.

    I've probably been guilty of it myself, but careless words can be quite hurtful.

    (Not counting all the times when I've been purposefully a bitch!)

    It's fine to not like men in mascara.

    Isn't saying that sufficient?

  5. Interesting discussions going on and I'm a day behind, as usual.

    I don't much care who goes to see Clay as long as someone does and I don't care if it's the same people over and over and I don't care if they're old or young. TV shows are usually taped at a time when young people are at school or work, so most audiences are "mature." I don't care. I'm not jealous of anyone. I find some fans a pain in the ass. I find some NON-fans a pain in the ass.

    That pretty much covers it.

    Oh yes, Clay is hot. (Am I too f%$king old to notice????!!! OMG!!)

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