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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I was just reading the paper and saw that Jon Peter Lewis (remember him from AI?) is going to be singing at a local niteclub--$15. The article says that he has a CD coming out in June. A few months ago, Mandisa and George Huff gave a concert at a church in Salinas (about 20 miles from here), and as I recall the tickets were $6-8. So, I guess AI dropouts are still out there but no necessarily hitting the bigtime.

  2. Gibby, If you guys like barbecue, there's a great restaurant on 43rd between 6th and Broadway (close to the theater)--Spanky's. It wasn't as crowded as the restaurants closer to the theater and it was REALLY good with huge portions. Carol and I shared a salad (BIG) and a rack of ribs. Plenty for both of us! OMG, I wish I had some right now!

    Roxie's is good too--but it's very packed, and my daughter's camera was lifted from her purse once when we were there, so keep things close. Roxie's charges for sharing unless you each order something, so be aware of that. If you ask the waitperson, you can find out the "rules" about how much you each have to order.

    If you're in the mood for a busride--go up to 87th and Amesterdam and have breakfast or lunch at the Popover cafe. SO GOOD!

  3. I don't mind the bad auditions on AI when people KNOW they're bad and ham it up or are just clueless but are treated with some degree of respect--but I hate it when people really seem to think they have talent and then are quashed like bugs. That makes me feel bad. Some of them look so humiliated. How is there humor in that? The producers could easily edit those out and spare people further humiliation.

    I don't like mean.

  4. Me again. I'm so frigging proud that my pictures are showing up. If anyone wants to take them somewhere, go ahead. This posting picture crap is just too stressful.

    Just got back from NY. I gave up trying to post in NYC as it took 20 minutes to get signed into the Internet and I had to log in to FCA 10 times before i could post. Major frustration.

    It was so great to see Luckiest (and family), Playbiller, and Cindilu. I'm sorry I missed Cotton, but my friend and I ended up sitting next to Neesa and Puddinsjoy! I waved at Toni7Babe and tried to wave at Scarlet. We had such a wonderful time.

    If you have no alternative, seeing Clay is worth selling your body for. You know, just in case you were desperate and wondering.

  5. My friend and I went to see Clay for the second time tonight. We saw Spamalot on Tuesday, Curtains (not nearly as good) last night, and Spamalot again tonight. We are stuck in the hotel from hell—DO NOT STAY AT THE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL!!! We have no internet connection and they charge by the 1/2 hour in the lobby among [MULTIPLE] other sins.

    Anyhow…..on to Clay now that I’ve finished my public service announcement.

    I’ll tell you mostly about what I observed tonight because I was so enthralled on Tuesday that I could hardly control myself much less my memory. We were in the center section row C on Tuesday and in row B right beneath the tower tonight, so we were looking right up into Clay’s face. I was watching his long fingers. When he talked, he was playing with the strap on his helmet. Then, when he started to ignore King Arthur, he turned away (like ignoring him) for a moment and his fingers wrapped around the corner of the window. He used his hands a lot when he was talking. When he was talking about the swallows he had his fingers fanned out and made like a bird-flying, with the hands mimicking wings.

    When he was talking about becoming a Knight with Lancelot, he says “It’s not all dressing up and dancing” and he kicked his leg up behind him. So cute.

    When the “Not dead yet” guy is singing, Clay stands there with his mouth open and gaping, looking totally shocked. He’s wearing brown scuffed shoes, by the way. I checked them out up close.

    When Sir Galahad meets up with the LOTL and she’s right up against him and says she’ll show him how [to be a knight] he gets this look on his face and bends a little and put his hands toward his crotch. (“DOWN!!”) It was incredibly funny. Later when SG was trying to get the orchestra to stop playing, he started swearing at them and gave them the one finger salute.

    When Sir Robin came back out as a knight, he was wearing black shoes that had blotches of silver all over them. ( Not that I have a foot fetish.)

    When Clay was dancing, his feet were lifting up as he was rocking back and forth.

    When the dancing girls came out swinging the ball things (What ARE those things?) Clay looks just gleeful—big goofy grin and we could hear him say “Oh, look at that.” Honestly, he does joyful glee SO well.

    Later, in the Vegas scene after he takes his glass he is just running around with his mouth open in a state of ecstasy. He was over to the side with Sir Galahad and he was shimmying like the girls were doing with such joyful abandon and then he kicked up his leg and grabbed at his hip as though it hurt.

    Tonight I noticed that the nun was a male. I missed that before. I was probably too busy watching Clay sitting on the table looking amazed at the dancing.

    When the BIG FEET of God descend from the sky, Clay put his head down and hands over his eyes. When he talked about someone swallowing the grail, his hand touched his chest.

    I loved when Clay was waving that torch around and tottering over the mountain looking just so confused and scared.

    When he did the slow motion, Clay bent WAY lower than the others. We’re talking serious thigh control here.

    His riding through the 4 seasons was funny as he shivered for winter, tongue out for summer, and hands up to protect himself when the guy came with the water.

    In the French taunter scene, Clay threw his leg over and talked to his horse. It was so sweet.

    In the scenes where Clay gets scared or nervous, he tends to put his left gloves to his mouth and sort of chew on a finger.

    When the GIANT wooden rabbit came out, Clay said, “OH WOW” and grabbed the rabbit. Later, when they realize that the rabbit is inside the French castle, and they aren’t inside the rabbit, Clay rubbed his face in dismay.

    The cow hit Patsy on Tuesday but missed him by a mile today, so Patsy just stayed in the scene and carried on.

    Right before intermission, when they were doing the “Run away, run away” part, Clay looked terrified and was screaming when he ran backstage.

    After intermission, during the Brave Sir Robin song, Clay was swaggering and looking so proud until the words started getting through and he got more and more upset. When the guy sang “his penis split” Clay reached out and hit/grabbed the tambourine to stop the guy. It was so funny.

    Clay is a brilliant pooper. Seriously. He let out a squeal, clutched his but with his hand and waddled off with one hand on his butt and the other in the air.

    The Knights of Ni sang, “If you want my body, and you think it’s sexy, it’ll cost you $4500 for three hours” (or something like that—people were laughing so hard it was hard to hear.) Then, Ni and King Arthur were laughing and couldn’t go on for awhile. Finally, Ni said “Paid for by Elliot Spitzer.” And everyone just lost it. The audience was just howling. Finally Ni said, “Life’s a bitch, “ which brought on more gales of laughter.

    OH YES, one little memory from Tuesday, Clay almost lost it at one point and was sort of clamping his mouth shut and trying so hard not to laugh—I think in this same scene about Spitzer (they did the same routine on Tuesday).

    Clay just rocked on “You can’t succeed on Broadway if you don’t have any Jews.” He looked SO serious during the stomping and dance. Then, when he gets the yarmulke and the cane to dance, he called out “Papa, can you hear me?!” as he started to dance.

    Clay is a great drunk—weaving a little, lower lip sort of out, glazed look on his face. The whole scene was just so funny. When Lance came running in and stabbed Clay, he opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and fell over

    Rabbit scene—Clay was laughing like crazy at the rabbit until it got vicious.

    Brother Maynard was funny, as always. He just sort of tottered out and pushed his glasses up a couple of times when he was reading.

    Clay looked so happy at the end and did his filled with glee look. Really, the man needs pants with a longer inseam. Fortunately, he doesn’t have them yet.

    It was a great show.

    Both Tuesday and tonight the houses were packed. There may have been a few stray empty seats, but I didn’t see them and there were people all the way to the top of the balcony both nights. VERY appreciate crowd. Everyone got big cheers, but I think the biggest cheers were for Clay.

    Clay came out to sign but I couldn’t get near him on Tuesday because there were so many people. He didn’t come out tonight. Not sure why. I couldn’t hear what Jerome said—again BIG crowd of people waiting. I’m sure many were disappointed.

    We’re going to see Avenue Q tomorrow and Spamalot again Saturday night before we leave town, but we’ve decided to try to get tickets for Saturday afternoon as well. We just can’t resist.

    (This report may travel.)

  6. Just running by the FCA door to yell "I'M READY!" before showering and jumping in to bed.

    OMG, I'm just so excited that the day has finally (almost) arrived when I'll leave for NYC.

    Big wave to all those I'll be seeing there--and meeting for dinner Tuesday--and a big hug for everyone left behind. I'll do my best to remember every single detaiil for you.


  7. I'm packed and ready.

    I've--of course--thrown my back out so I'm limping around like some demented hunchback, swearing mightliy. Just to prove that I'm completely cursed, the sink in the garage has backed up-not a good sign--and I'm waiting for the plumber who will be gleefully moving at half the normal speed since it's Sunday overtime.

    However, I'm leaving for Clay in the morning, so NOTHING else really matters.

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