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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I just want to point out that Clay NEVER said, "I have no sex drive and no urges."

    There is NO WAY to know if the writer actually used these words in the question or just made them up later. I suspect the latter.

    My daughter and I were interviewed once for an article about Mother's Day, and when the article came out, we looked at each other and said, "WHAT??" We didn't say ANYTHING even close to what the article quoted. It made us sound like complete saps (well, it's possible that we ARE, but the writer couldn't have ascertained that from the questions she asked.)

    I trust NOTHING unless I hear it come right out of Clay's mouth.

    Writing negative crap about Clay is like pissing into the wind. Won't land on Clay.

  2. Regarding seat A101...wouldn't the box office know the significance of that seat...just find it hard to believe that they would give that seat to the same person 8 times in a row...sorry for the skepticism, but since everyone watched the Spamalot clips with DHP, I find it hard to believe that those with that seat didn't know they would be going up on stage and I think it quite plausible that someone would ask for it.


    I tend to believe that if someone says they didn't know about the seat and bought the tickets that came up that they are telling the truth; however, if you want to believe they lied, and that makes you feel better about someone having what you don't have, go for it!

  3. I posted a question on CV asking about average salaries for Broadway performers, but no one answered, so I went researching. I found this about minimum salaries from the Department of Labor.

    According to AEA, the minimum weekly salary for actors in Broadway productions as of June 2007 was $1,509. Actors in Off-Broadway theaters received minimums ranging from $516 to $976 a week as of October 29, 2007, depending on the seating capacity of the theater. Regional theaters that operate under an Equity agreement pay actors $544 to $840 per week. For touring productions, actors receive an additional $113 per day for living expenses ($119 per day in higher cost cities). New terms were negotiated under an “experimental touring program” provision for lower budget musicals that tour to smaller cities or that perform for fewer performances at each stop. In an effort to increase the number of paid workweeks while on tour, actors may be paid less than the full production rate for touring shows in exchange for higher per diems and profit participation.

    I read a couple of blogs that said that "star" salaries range from $25,000 to $50,000 a week and found this interesting article from 2003 USA article

    ETA: I fixed the article link, which wasn't working earlier.

  4. Pointing at Claymates in the audience (his socks crack me up!)


    I absolutely LOVE the "evil" grin on his face as he does this! Totally CMSU!!

    watching the interview again today: he talked about him having a hard time NOT reacting to the audience

    So do you think he was referring to Friday night's Holy Grail of Tuxedos [tm:kareneh] here? *giggle*


    Couple of articles:

    Fans Flock to see Clay Aiken in Spamalot

    Giants fans weren't the only ones willing to freeze their butts off to cheer for their idols.

    On Sunday night, when the temperature was a bone-rattling 19 degrees, Clay Aiken aficionados clamored outside the Shubert Theatre to get up close and personal with the new star of "Monty Python's Spamalot."

    Alyssa Benedetto, 19, a student at the University of Delaware who lives on Long Island, was among an estimated crowd of 100 people.

    You HAVE to look at the first two comments under the article luckiest linked above. No, really....you do! Best response EVER to a jerk!!

    Off to see the wizard......

    That first response was SO PERFECT!!! :lmaosmiley-1:

  5. it's not a fold, fer goodness sake, but don't you think the position is kind of off? It just doesn't look right to me.

    Bookwhore, I hear ya, honey.....

    But then WTF IS it?

    Weeeellll, could it be he is wearing the dance whateveritscalled, but no one showed him how to wear it, so it's just sitting there bunching up while what's supposed to be in it is hiding below all free and happy?????

    I think he's too big and popped out.

    (Drops dead in a faint at the thought!!!!)

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