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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Um, did I miss something?

    I don't think you did. I think wanda is talking about the interview with Linda Loveland last week, where Clay "showed off" his underwear and tights. If I'm wrong, I'm sure wanda HAD BETTER LET US KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because if there's a new video clip out there, with Clay wearing said items and showing them off...well, I'm writing off work for the day.

    OMG, it is devoutly to be wished!!!

  2. the Playbill...click it twice


    I just read that .... and noticed the mention of 2 being Clay"s lucky number.

    By coincidence, this crossed my mind a couple days ago about Clay and the Number 2.

    He auditioned in 2002

    He had to audition TWICE, because he was 'cut' in Charlotte

    He had to perform TWICE for the TV audience, before he was accepted into the Top 12.

    He came 2nd to Ruben's win

    It took TWO viewings of Spamalot before he was convinced to do it.

    He has two backup singers (ok, this one's a bit lame.....nothing unusual about it)

    He was raised by two grandmothers - although one wasn't related by blood

    He had two Dads, although neither could be considered remotely adequate as fathers

    He has two brothers, one step-brother and one half-brother

    He has two sisters, one step-sister and one half-sister (now passed)

    He now has two dogs

    He has two 'careers', one as an entertainer and one as a humanitarian

    Am I wrong about any of the above?


    He has two giant titanium cojones

  3. Well, I've had no luck with any program so can't play the flv files of the wonderful WRAL spots...I've downloaded real player for mac but that doesn't do it...any suggestions?

    It played on my Mac. I have Flip4mac, a free program that converts files to play on QT, so maybe that's why. I wish I knew so I could be more helpful.

    I have Flip4Mac and it didn't convert it. I thought Flip4Mac only converted wmv files to play on QT.

    Well, I guess that's because I downloaded the wmv files instead of the flv. Whoops.

  4. Cotton I'm so sorry about your aunt, but she sounds as though she lived life fully. We should all be so lucky.

    Gibby I have a Panasonic Lumix and I love it. I debated about getting the Canon, but it was bulkier and heavier so I figured it would be a pain to carry. (I'm lazy to the core.) The Panasonic takes very good pictures, and I know the Canon does as well.

    Videos: I think I'm falling in love all over again.

  5. Exciting videos!

    CD release parties: Well, I think that if a group of Claymates stripped down buck naked and ran through a mall yelling "BUY CLAY'S CD!!!" that would be cause for angst about fans drawing attention to themselves, but if people want to organize parties to buy Clay's CD and even want to advertise it, I don't see how that's going to detract from Clay or hurt anyone. People did it for Harry Potter, and no one seemed to think that took away from the author in any way.

    It's easy enough to not go.

  6. I think it's going to be pretty damn hard to remain unspoilered until May because people are going to be talking about what they see and hear. I think the only way to achieve that would be to take a two-month break from the boards! Honestly! I'm hoping for an early release of a single and LOTS of preliminary information. I just have a really positive feeling about this!

    One of my friends had a friend at the Shubert tonight, and she was able to exchange her ticket for a day later in the week.

  7. I think there's room in the fandom for those who want to ferret out every piece of information and those who don't. It's easy enough to scroll.

    Different strokes, you know. One way's not necessarily better than another.

    I love the song lyrics, by the way, and Kipper looks good to me. I expect that if Clay REALLY wanted to keep him hidden, we wouldn't know a thing. It's almost March, so I think we'll be getting more and more "leaks." That's the way it works in the music business--how they build interest.

    I'm so excited.

  8. I realize his "claim to fame" as he has said before is Clay. Without all the crap and the hits he received from both sides due to "the crap" he got a huge kickstart and became a juggernaut in the blog-o-sphere and this makes me very very sad. I can only contend that the rest is based upon the fact (in my own mind) that he must be givin' good booty to some big mucky-muck somewhere on the 150th floor! (or has photos of such. heh)



    That just cracked me up.

    I think Warner Bros. is paying him to shut up, no matter how they present it publicly. They can call it whatever they want. The little bastard just blackmails himself into one position after another and he's SO revolting. How a miserable little mole who sits in a coffee shop surfing the net and writing nasty notes on pictures of people's asses can get this rich just boggles the mind. Society is truly going to hell. (Rant, rant, rant....!)

  9. I don't get excited about what Simon says one way or another. I think that he is sometimes cruel in his honesty, but I find that I agree with him more than most, and music is a very hard career. If the contestants fall apart over Simon, how in the hell are they going to deal with the PHs of the world? It's probably good practice. I never really thought his comments to Clay were that bad--he often said things that were complimentary. Being a pain in the butt at times is just his schtick. I find him WAY less annoying than that "Dawg" shit and Paula's ...well, I don't even know how to charactierize her.

  10. Only Claymates have memorized the original AI2 to the point that they know that Rewind is "manipulated," but Clay is clearly the narrator and is there on film making comments every show, so the primary manipulation is to put Clay right front and center-- before his new CD comes out!!! I'm not seeing how any of this is a detriment to Clay, but I'm not big on the idea that the world is out to get Clay OR that it owes him homage. Imagine how Ruben's fans must feel!

    In a fit of greed, I have taken on a couple of new writing projects so that I can have more money for Clay. I'll be sitting at my computer every day for the next couple of months (excluding the time I'm in NYC SPENDING the money I'm earning on Spamalot). Couchie, I understand your taking a job to support your habit. Perhaps we should have some type of meetings: Cloverworkers Anonymous.

    I seriously want a bear!!! Those are the cutest things EVER.

  11. Since I'm sure that Clay has signed a whole lot of those Huber drawings, I imagine if he were concerned about copyright, he would speak up. I think that she is really talented and I have no problem with her making money off of Clay's image, but I'd be more impressed if her drawings were from non-copyrighted photos because they do look almost copied and thus not so original. She's so talented. It would be great if she drew some pictures that were less ubiquitous.

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