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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Interrupting this much more fun topic to ask for some positive vibes to be sent my way. Just got some vibes myself at the workplace that it might be quite smart of me to look for another job. No direct request or specific thing---just more confirmation of a sneaking feeling that 'the writing's on the wall' , you know?

    Can you say "being set up for failure"?

    I thinkyacan! :unsure:

    Losing my job would not only put us in the sights of various creditors who've been breathing down our necks, but would obviously jeopardize any and all plans to DO CLAY in NYC (or anywhere else, for that matter)....

    And honestly, I'm not sure THAT is something I could deal with at all. :cry4:

    If anyone who is setting you up is male (or lesbian would work too), go to Human Resources and file a claim of sexual harrassment. Then, it's damn near impossible to fire you.

  2. I usually hate anticipatory angst (MINE, not yours) (well, yours too), but in the case of the CD, I don't think I care to know what's on it or what the exact theme is in advance because the sheer JOY of spending 10 minutes getting the cellophane off of the CD case, downloading it into the computer for 5 minutes, and loading it onto my IPod for another 10 minutes before I can finally hear it just leaves me breathless!

    Life is so complicated, but so worth it.

  3. As I posted above, I can't post the link to the article because it requires membership to access anything but the summary. I haven't told a lie since I stole a pencil in the 2nd grade and suffered years of agony over that one sin.

    Is that snippy enough?

    ETA: Here's a link for ANOTHER article about the subject of CD sales for Mother's Day, but it must be lying too since I think Michael Buble is a pop singer.

    Variety article about mother's day sales

  4. XXX Big WORD.

    I guess I, personally, have a hard time with the concept of jealousy although I understand wishing I could have what others have, but their bank accounts, front row tickets, free time, ambition, whatever, don't in any way impact mine. People are at different places in their lives. I distinctly remember a time when I was so broke I ate crackers for week. Now, I'm retired, my daughter's grown, and I have more disposable income (I just love that term!) I try for good tickets, and I bought tickets early for Spamalot, so I GOT good tickets. I'm thrilled, but I'm also thrilled for everyone else who did and thrilled for the people who can go 20 times. I just wish I could!

    As for doing things over and over--that's individual. I had one M&G and I don't intend to sign up for another one (well, maybe in 10 years), but I know people who bid on M&Gs and have gone to meet Clay over and over. I couldn't care less. It makes them happy, and they must have a need for this that I don't have, but this doesn't mean there's something wrong with either of us. We're just different. I wish we could all just accept that because I think some of the finger-pointing and tsk-tsk-tsk-ing over what people have or are doing is very hurtful--not only to the individuals but to the fandom.

  5. My friend brought me an article that a friend had clipped out and given her because she thought it was so funny. My friend, recognizing the name Clay Aiken in the New York Magazine article brought it on to me. Here's HER evaluation as a person who listens to opera and news radio, has never gone to a pop concert or read a tabloid in her life: "This article is so funny. He must be a really interesting man."

    So.....there you go. A legitimate NJU response to the Huckster article that got so many knickers in knots.

    I didn't realize, by the way, that the picture took up a whole page and is sexy in a weird sort of way.

  6. Gibby, have you tried acupuncture? That works like a miracle for me.

    RCA: I think that record companies are more interested in sales than in radio play. Sales bring money in: Radio play takes money out.

    There are really successful artists out there who are rarely heard on the radio. Jimmy Buffett hadn't had a radio hit for YEARS before he sang a duet with Alan Jackson, but he has wildly successful tours and rakes in about $30 million dollars a year. The only time I listen to radio is in the car. I think there are a lot of people like me. If a record is trying to attract a teenage market, then maybe radio is important, but teenagers are notoriously fickle. Famous one minute, dead the next.

    I'm just not going to worry about it.

  7. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE yeah!!! article...LOVE....Clay...LOVE MORE!!!

    Karen eh...what an interesting story. thanks for sharing. I know that the few times I have been to concerts it has been really interesting to watch the fans when Clay is not there. I love the people that are just having fun...but for some people... being in the concert seem like work. Too much worrying about what NJU's say...or trying to see which fans are behaving or trying to get a better view of Clay or trying to get his attention.

    Ok things I love about the article...

    the quote from Hannah...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    I love how this writer characterized the New York article as snark and mentioned the exaggeration in the way she imitated his accent.

    The way the guy confirmed that Mike Nichols does not do stunt casting...Mike Nichols isn't known for stunt casting. And in any case, you are a natural at this. ....EEEEEEEEEEE

    His characterization of his relationship with Simon Renshaw...that shows respect in both sides.

    his answer about radio...what a great attitude...

    Awww he has another family in this cast and I heart patsy...what a fun quiz

    how truly grounded he is...

    what he said about Simon...

    How intelligent he sounds...

    I like his answer about where he is on the spectrum...

    Love his answer about the bitter kid from topeka...

    I als found his answer about the work in idol really interesting

    Oh, God, ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!

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