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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. PKMiller People are in different places and have different needs, different resources (and YES, different bank accounts.) If people want to buy 10000 stubhubs in a row, that's ok with me. More money for charity. It's what they need. Not what I need. I don't really understand the "elite" vs non-elite. Did they label themselves that way or did others?

    At any rate, I have met some real turkeys among Clay fans (and probably some people think I AM a turkey--LOL.) But, I've also met some real turkeys at the grocery store and pretty much everywhere else. People are complex. Most Clay fans (including most of the people I've met from FCA) have been great!!! I've made some wonderful friends.

    Just go to NYC! Have a great time! Maybe the person you are going wiith doesn't feel the same as you about the other group. That doesn't mean that she values you less. I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.

  2. I know that some people feel that if they post something and don't get a respnse, they are being ignored or not welcome. I see people saying this at this board and other boards, so I'm sure it's a feeling that's out there. I just don't think that's the case. I read what people write and even think about it sometimes, but I don't always have time to comment. Or I don't (usually) have anything of value to add. I think the best thing is to just post what you think and not worry about responses because what you or anyone says just becomes part of the fabiric of this [mean] board.

  3. My God, you all have been talking up a storm here. I was so far behind.

    YWT--I never thought of it as anything other than Clay's PERSONAL expression of faith--not sure how that would affect me. I'm a complete heathen, but I ran right out and bought the songbook so I could play that beautiful song on the piano. I like Gregorian chants too--doesn't make me feel pressured to become Catholic.

  4. OK Chris Rock is basically sold out..a few scattered single tickets. But of course thanks to my experience in this fandom I'm not worried in the least about finding a ticket. But I just thought I'd let ya'll know and get prepared for the next round of Clay concerts... Ticketbastard makes you put in TWO separate words now with a space between each word. WTF? One nonsensical word wasn't enough? This is gonna be fun, only NOT.

    WTF!!! I could never read even ONE word. Sometimes, it took me 3 tries. I hate those sonofabitches.

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