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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Well - a big thanks to all who tried to help bring me up to date in my bewildered state.

    First page? Woooeeee.

    And I still love the guy big time but......a press release would be much appreciated!!!! NOT that he owes it to moi......but I think they both owe it to that little kiddle that's due in August!!!! No sense in being born with a big monkey on your back.

    (but can you imagine the talent genes in that collaboration????)

    Oh, by the way, I'm going away again next weekend. Kinda scarey thinking what might come out this time....

    I think by the time the kid's able to read the tabloids, it will be OLD news and no one will care, so I wouldn't worry too much for the child's sake.

  2. I understand criticizing children, drug addicts,and child molesters for procreating, but I just don't think it's any business to anyone what consenting adults do. And, I can't help but feel that it's a tad offensive to suggest that in today's world there are rules about who should marry/procreate/date etc whom. Jesus. My family is clearly screwed. One nephew is (very happily) married to a woman 20 years his senior, one is gay and lives with a man. My family comprises just about every color.

    I'd kill for a VW bug.

  3. Both test his fans' understanding of him, how he's presented himself, etc.--in different contexts, to be sure, but in both cases some fans have found themselves questioning their previous 'knowledge' of Clay and feeling 'betrayed' or 'lied to'...

    Fans questioning their imaginary "knowledge" of him and feeling "betrayed" or "lied to"? Uh, there's a place where they fix that. Yeah, and those are fluffy clouds not padding. LOL!

    But you have totally made your point about how much this disgusts you.

    The topic is of the moment is about things that disgust us? *Oooh, pick me, pick me!*

    Things I find classy:

    - great friends caring for each other, helping each other, standing by each other

    - people wanting others to be happy

    - people waiting to verify news

    - Clay never using the word "weird" in relation to his fans no matter how much we drool over his body parts or smut like there's no tomorrow or post embarrassingly lovey-dovey comments on his blog without regard for our "status/standing" in comparison to him

    Things I find skivvy:


    :big hug:

  4. I went to an AI party last night so I ate my way through the finale, but I just couldn't bring myself to care who won. I like both OK and will probably download a song or two from both's CDs, but I can't get excited.

    Donna Sommers--I'd kill myself if I had to sing the same few songs for 30 or 40 years (how long has it been?)

    I didn't understand why Jack Black came out with his pants off--was he supposed to be offstage having sex with Robert Downey, Jr???

    Jordin Sparks. Jesus Christ. That dress.

    Republic guy (Vedder? Tedder?)--thank God Clay recorded OMWH and not this guy.

    Biker chick--I waited eagerly for her to stop dead in her tracks during the little dance routine, shout "FUCK YOU" and march off the stage. Alas.

    Bryan Adams and George Michael--I enjoyed them.

    Jonas boys--Where will they be in 5 years? Make that one year.

    Carrie--what the hell was with that mini-skirted wedding dress? Her songs are starting to sound alike. I thought this was the keying the car song until she was almost done.

    Commercials--GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! They must have set a world record for the number of commercials.

    Little weird guy and the marching band--OMG. (And they couldn't fit Clay in????)

    Weird Indian movie thing--what the shit was THAT???? It was not remotely funny. They must have paid BIG BUCKS for that promotion.

    Clay--still the one.

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