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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. Except for a quick peruse of topics at the CB to see if there's anything new (an uncensored) in the world of Clay, I don't go anywhere but here. I do not remotely care what Clay does with his life and wouldn't dream of passing judgement on any part of it--and have no interest in reading when others do.

    I don't need to know what every crackpot and bitch has to say about Clay. They're out there. I don't care.

    Have I mentioned lately that I love Clay?

    Honestly, planning for concerts got me through the darkest period of my life when I was so sick I felt like curling up in a ball somewhere. There is NOTHING Clay could do that would disappoint me because I completely trust him to be a decent and good man.

    I trust my instincts.

  2. ACK! I'm having internet problems, but I managed to catch up. Interesting comments and discussion.

    I PERSONALLY don't care if I never hear people bitching about Clay because that's not what I'm here for. I want to be a fan not another frigging critic.

    However, if people feel compelled to share their every negative thought, i just wish they'd begin it with "I" (as in I don't particularly like that song) instead of "Clay" (as in Clay doesn't care about his fans or he'd ..... or Clay is stupid or Clay is a jerk.) That just pisses me off--especially when it's the same few people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Talk about tiresome.

  3. I recall reading a study about trends and how they related to social events, and the conclusion was that during hard times, people seek escape--in fashions, movies, and music. OMWH is really wonderful, but it's not escapist or fluff. People are worried sick about the mess this country is in--war, foreclosures, gas prices, food prices, crime, etc. I think that OMWH will survive in the long run and be admired, but people are trying to forget sad things at the moment.

  4. I no longer get upset at the crap written about Clay because the same crap is written about virtually everyone--we're just not reading THAT as a general rule. The world is full of cowards who hide behind their anonymity to say nasty things and attack people to make themselves feel better. Some even join message boards and pretend to be fans and just spew hate and discontent everywhere they go--usually with impunity.

    Clay is a wonderful man. Who gives a shit what morons think?

    If people don't want to support Clay's causes because he doesn't blog--then they should probably move on to someone who blogs as they want.

  5. Hi everyone,

    I'm back from St. Louis and am finally getting over my 6-day computer withdrawal. It wasn't pretty.

    I see that Clay will have a talk show and a lemonade stand after he returns from Somalia.

    I just got an appeal from UNICEF and put it aside thinking, "Clay will be asking for money soon."

    It's great to be back among friends.

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