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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I'm back from St. Louis and have a serious cold. I've been snorting and sniffing and moaning all night.


    Playbiller It would be great to get together with you. I'm HOPING that only the Saturday shows during the Gala will be cancelled. (PLEASE, GOD!!!!)

    I so hope the news about GMA is true. I remember the picture I saw of Diane giving Clay a big hug after the interview. I know she really cares about him, so I'll be very happy if he gives her an exclusive interview. She and her husband have been very good to Clay.

  2. Jazzgirl In some places, you can call the fire department and they'll come pump out your flooded basement. If you own your home, your house insurance may pay for pumps, etc. and damage.

    I have two houses that flooded (3 feet inside) in 1995 when WE had a 100-year flood. Some things--like washers and driers, actually dried out and could be used, but they all died within a few months. The repair guy said that the water was dirty and it got into the parts and corroded them, and the same thing happens with cars. However, if you have CLEAN water soaking things, they may be all right. It's really important that you get fans and heaters and have everything dried out because otherwise you can get terrible fungus growth everywhere. We had to take out our walls and spray everything with clorox a couple of times. So, remember if you have sheetrock that the water soaks through and gets in behind it.

    I'm so sorry. I feel so bad for people who have been flooded because I know how miserable it is.

  3. I don't think that Clay was ever the goody-goody that some people made him out to be, and I don't think he even suggested he was. He did say that he felt a responsiblity to be a good role model in his public llife. You can be quite bawdy in private and still be a good public role model. I think that as it's clear that Clay's audience is not primarily teeny-boppers, he is more free to be the man he really is.

  4. Jmh I remember when I was growing up on a farm in Idaho and there were flies in the house, my father would always say that was a sign rain was coming--and I've found that to be true. Pretty much how the seagulls come to land and hunker down before a storm.

    I think that's a cute picture of Hannah and Clay--probably taken in the middle of a room full of people all having a great time and wishing Hannah well! I love that he has good friends.

    (I sure wish I could see that baby!--just thought I'd mention that in passing.)

  5. I remember when Bruce Springsteen was the hottest thing and then his career was "over." His records weren't selling--he disappeared from the spotlight and then he was the hottest thing EVER again!

    Careers ebb and flow and people take time out, do different things. Talent prevails.

    I'm not even remotely worried about Clay. He's probably making a shitload of money in Spamalot, so it's not as though he's broke or out of the limelight. He's not all over the tabloids because he stays out of sight and out of LA. Good for him. I don't understand why anyone is worrying.


    That's me after finally getting my kitchen cleaned. My dinner was a smashing success--everyone raved about the food and had seconds. Good thing because I worked like a damn dog all frigging day, and I'd have grabbed anyone who complained by the hair and heaved her out the front door.

    Honest to God, talk about time-intensive!! My heart goes out to all of the women of India because if they cook like this everyday, then the sisterhood of women around the world should be embracing them.

    I'm so tired.

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