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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I don't think that coming out is a LOT easier in many places than it was 10 years ago. Maybe in the entertainment industry--looking only at the public aspect--but in real life, the cost can be very high. I know people who have stayed in the closet their whole lives and now are too ashamed/embarrassed/whatever to come out--even though the climate seems better. If you build one image of yourself, it can be so difficult to live with a new one--even if it's more honest. So much of life is habit.

    Clay is--if nothing else--a brave man.

  2. I just cannot stand the religious tracts outlining how homosexuality is a sin and how Clay can remain celibate. I feel like screaming, "ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?????" Why in the hell do they think that Clay would say the actual words "gay" and "homosexual" unless he planned to act accordingly. He even said he might find someone. Talk about delusional.

    I'm dead sure that stupidity is a bigger sin than homosexuality.

  3. Totally on board with you wanda. And they are extrapolating his one 'lie' - the one he told for self-preservation - until somehow everything else he's done is questioned. HE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT. He's proven himself over and over and over again. If I read 'oh but if he lied about this...' one more time, I may hurt somebody.

    Oh, please, let me help you.

    I SO HOPE Clay starts dating publicly (probably won't happen). It would do my heart good to see some of these people just crap themselve.

    Me too. But I have a feeling that Clay will remain private with his life. He said people don't want this stuff in their faces, or something like that, and I think Clay himself prefers to keep his life private, and not because he's hiding but because he's a private person. Nobody knew much about Paul Newman's private life, because he was a private man. I saw an interview replayed with Paul Newman last night and the interviewer asked him why he believed his marriage had been so successful, and Paul said that he wasn't comfortable talking about his marriage in interviews. Period. Wouldn't do it. Of course, if Clay is in a relationship, I'd love to see them out to dinner, at a premiere, etc.

    Damn, 5 shows for me last april and may and I couldn't get near the stage door thanks to a bunch of blue haired old ladies and now I have to fight off some big ass men? This sucks! :cryingwlaughter:

    You just crack me up. I'll fight 'em with you!

    Now that just sucks! It's fine for her to believe what she wants to believe and leave the fandom if that's what her conscience dictates. It's not fine for her to keep stating it over and over again. It's like she's trying to force someone to believe her beliefs. That's where I lose patience and sympathy, too.

    See it all comes back to the me, me, me syndrome. I've said my piece, bye bye, oh but wait I really have to tell you more about how I feel, bye bye, oh just one more thing about me and then I really am outta here! Oh but..........

    Go already! I'm sorry but I'm running short on sympathy for those people. If what he is is so abhorrent to you then why are you sticking around? It's sure as heck not to work it out because you have already said you can't tolerate it. Leave room for those that are struggling and coming to terms with it.

    Man, I never had any sympathy for pseudo-religious hate, and as far as my own religion goes, I'll be praying those stupid bitches leave for good. I understand everyone has a right to vent and blow, but I have as much sympathy for a religious bigot as for any other kind -- nada. I remember when the courts ruled that the American Nazi Party had a constitutional right to march through a Jewish neighborhood. They had the right to march, but no right to sympathy or respect from anyone. I find bigots to be frightening people, and I'm related to some, and most of them are multi-facted bigots, they don't hate just one thing, one group, one ideology, they hate a lot. I try to talk to myself and tell me that it's all ignorance and if you don't engage the ignorant they'll never learn, but that's just not my calling so I leave that to others gifted in such "outreach."

    It made me physically ill reading slop at OFC. Okay, I already have bronchitis, but this made it worse! I quit reading yesterday morning because although I like a good back and forth, I know the difference in swimming with sharks and drowning in bile.

    And, I realize I don't fit into the discussion anywhere. I haven't had this long period of investment in "straight Clay" because by the time I got here, there was a raging controversy in some quarters and I quickly established in my mind that it was a ridiculous battle between people who were too damn interested in somebody else's personal sex life. When Clay said people will believe what they want, I chose to believe that he was straight without being invested in believing it, because I realized he wasn't committing himself to any point of view. That was indeed obvious to me. I didn't need one thing or the other to be true to be a fan; it was always immaterial for me. Now I'm just happy to my soul that Clay doesn't have to hide, mince words, walk a tightrope, and all those things that people shouldn't have to do in life.

    He's a hot patootie to me. Always has been and I'm sure he always will be. He wouldn't be the first gay guy I was hot for so I'm not embarrassed to lust after him one little bit. I would throw that skinny ass down! And I proud to admire the stuffings out of this man who is ever wise, gorgeous, generous, thoughtful, caring, funny, clever, charming, entertaining, fascinating, magical and mega-talented. He's just the incredible Clay that I love!


  4. Oh, fucking hell--I just read through the infamous lists again and realize that I'm the exact opposite for most things--wouldn't be caught dead wearing a WWJD bracelet, cuss, drink, have shitty morals.....and so on! You know what that means......

    I'm GAY!!!!!

    I never even knew.......all those wasted years lusting after men!

    What was I thinking????

    ETA: I must go over to OFC and come out.

  5. I wish I could take my DIARRHEA to the OFC and post it. Honestly, I was just there trying to see if there was an improvement and some looney posted this long list about why she believed Clay was straight (GET OVER IT!) and couldn't be gay. The list included such gems as he wore a WWJD bracelet, said he had good morals, didn't drink, smoke, or curse, joked with a man about a beautiful wife, etc., etc. It was so offensive, I could feel the rumble starting up in my intestines.

  6. Since we're on the subject of toilets (a welcome relief), I must share my Japanese toilet story. I had been in China for a month before going to Japan and got serious uh...diarrhea...which persisted. So, I was out sight-seeing and the urge (you KNOW how that is) came upon me so I went to the closest building looking for a bathroom. I think it was an office building but some guy let me in. He couldn't understand when I tried to say "toilet" (toyureturoo...or something like that), so I resorted to "benjo," which I believe roughly translates into "shithouse," as he about shit HIMSELF trying to hide his laughter behind his hands. Anyhow, he led me to the toilet--which happened to be one of those squat-and-do-it-in-the-floor things. So, there I am, squatting, shitting, and holding onto the wall for dear life when the door opens and the guy bows and with a big smile, turns the light on for me, and backs out again--watching as long as possible. All I could think to say was "arigato" as I had no idea how to say "get the fuck out of here!" in Japanese.

    It was one of the lowest points in my life--one of those moments where you say to God, "If I'm going to die anytime in the near future, just KILL ME NOW!!"

  7. I am making notes of all selections - anybody know if it would be interesting to try a capsule hotel just to say I did it?

    Um, no. And Tokyo hotels are very expensive, plus they add on more taxes than a Florida car rental does.

    Ten years ago, my hotel room at, for example, The Dai Ichii Annex, was about $250 a night, plus tax - and the Annex was waaaay cheaper than the Dai Ichi itself, next door, the annex was bare-bones, for business people.

    Are you staying in a hotel?

    I would stay in anything cheap!! I stayed in a businessman's hotel in Japan (the only woman and ONLY non-Japanese). it was about the size of my bathroom, but I slept fine. I recall that I made reservations for minshikus (like cheap bed and breakfasts) all over Japan from some Minshiku Center in Tokyo. I suppose it's still there, but it's been a long time.

    Further note: I saw those sideburns. That man has seriously got a hard-on for sideburns.

    Prejudice: I just can't respect people who are prejudiced, and I don't care if they wrap it in the flag, the Koran, the Bible, or whatever. Very few people believe everything that their religion teaches--and even if they do--that doesn't mean they can't make a choice to be loving and accepting. Terrorists blow up people in the name of religion. Do any of us think that's right. I don't see that this is different. Believe me, I grew up in an area (northern Idaho) where there was little diversity (one half-Chinese family and one Italian family) at the time. Mom's doctor--Dr. Peterson--wore skirts (everyone did in those days) and men's suit jackets. She talked like a man, walked like a man, and wore her hair like a man (and lived with a woman). I remember checking her out and asking my mom why she was like that. Mom's answer was really simple: "She was born different. She can't help it." End of subject.

  8. De-lurking to say I don't know if anyone caught the end of SNL but at the end Amy Poehler came out wearing a Clay Aiken shirt. She even pointed to his name while the credits were rolling. I thought I was done crying but I'm now tearing up all over again. Or Amy is having Clay's baby too.

    ETA: No nothing else was said. I expected them to make a joke during Weekend Update but they didn't do anything.

    So proud of Clay. Thank god for this board and a few others because the OFC has got me so down. I'm really sick of the lying debate.

    I think that people in the business realize that as a "sex symbol" with a huge female following, it took real courage for Clay to come right out and say "I'm gay." I expect that he has a lot of support right now. There are many, many people in the entertainment industry who are never that brave. They hide behind their fake wives and girlfriends and live lies. I'm so very thankful that Clay doesn't have to do that.

  9. From CB Hcorbett10

    Just got back from the show. Can I just say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! !!! I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!!!!

    During the Find Your Grail scene, he was waving the peace sign around with his left hand. He also gave a cute little squeal when he soiled his pants the second time.....when the knights of Ni re-entered. Lots of cheers and applause from the audience all night. I can't really remeber much else, other than what a GREAT stage door!!!!! He went once around the barricades. My friend and I gave him flowers, balloons, and cards. When he got to my friend she was holding her card.....he started to sign it and then he realized it was for him. Yes, Jess Mcvargeas GOT A HUG AND A KISS ON THE CHEEK!!!!!!!!!! He said I would get mine one day too.....he promised...hahahahaha!!!! I took video. I'm kinda new at this. I have to load it and then I'll post it when it's done. I warn you all though.....this may take a while...lolol!!!!

  10. Hey one of my best concerts ever was the Atlanta JNT05...me and Heidi made small talk with the gay couple right across the aisle from us. At intermission we were trying to figure out how in hell we were going to tackle Jerome to get to Clay. We finally decided it couldn't be done. And then, and I've told this story before, as soon as he heard the first strings of Mary Did You Know, he burst into tears. I hope and pray there is some new blood at Spam and whatever else he chooses to do.

    Who burst into tears: Jerome, Clay, gay couple???

  11. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    ooo a new club Waldo Watchers are us!!!

    I'm joining.

    I actually dropped by OFC to see if I was up to writing ANYTHING and I couldn't bear it. i hope to hell Clay changes his mind about this free speech shit.

    I've been agonizing over which I find the most odious--the people demanding Clay apologize and ask for forgiveness or the ones saying "I forgive him."

    FOR WHAT??? He's not our family. We buy tickets. He performs. That's it. That's the way it works. Clay has been so amazingly approachable and generous with the fans that some people honestly think he owes them something. Jesus.

  12. From CB

    Hcorbett10 wrote:

    So I just got off the phone with JessMcVargas who was at the show tonight. GREAT show she said, lots and lots of energy. There were like two rows of barricades...LOTS of men at the stage door tonight. Clay took pics with some people who asked in the middle barricade and came back to sign stuff for people who he had missed. Jess told him how proud of him she was and she let out a "AND I WANNA GIVE YOU A HUG SO BAD", not really expecting anything. He at first said he couldn't, but turned around and gave her one anyway...and a kiss on the cheek. NOT KIDDING! EEEEEEEEEEEEK! He was so happy tonight! Can't wait for pics and stuff.

  13. OMG I laughed my ass off with the Paula's Party clip! Rub your meat? BWAH! That was just great to watch. Man I didn't realize how much I missed him. It's been too long since we've seen him goof around like that! Is it time to get on the plane for the gala yet?

    Didn't you love the look on his face when she was telling him to rub. Then, when he splattered her with flour and he started to say, "I was just " and thought better of saying the obvious "rubbing my meat." I just cracked up!

  14. Totally on board with you wanda. And they are extrapolating his one 'lie' - the one he told for self-preservation - until somehow everything else he's done is questioned. HE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT. He's proven himself over and over and over again. If I read 'oh but if he lied about this...' one more time, I may hurt somebody.

    Oh, please, let me help you.

    I SO HOPE Clay starts dating publicly (probably won't happen). It would do my heart good to see some of these people just crap themselve.

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