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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I don't mean to be callous - but I'm really wondering this. Why is 'trust' such an issue? I keep seeing that bandied around over there. 'I still 'love' him, I just don't 'trust' him.' He's not our son or our lover - he's a singer and an entertainer and humantarian. Honestly, it's sounding more and more like a bunch of jilted lovers than fans of a singer.

    I think you hit the nail on the head for some of them!

    Overinvested. Overentitled lunatics.

    I'm sorry--I just cannot be nice about any of this anymore (NOT that I was ever very nice--ok, ok). Some of the crap about the "lies" and "trust" and "sin" are just revolting. How many times do people have to go over this? It's been days! Clay is STILL going to be gay tomorrow and the next day and next week. Either peope can understand that in order to stay in the closet, one has to lie, or people can never get past the "LIE."

    I feel so sorry for people at the OFC who are gay or have gay family members or friends. They are being TRASHED and told how sinful they are and that they need to be abstinent. It's disgraceful--a hell of a lot worse than anything Clay ever did to anyone.

    Oh, wait, he never actually DID anything but live his life in privacy.

  2. Give me a world without Matthew Shepard in it, then I'm willing to give those who can't come to terms with Clay's "lying" a break.

    Until then....

    My nephew is gay. I know first hand that coming out for many people is HELL (in big fucking capital letters).

    It's impossible to live in this country and NOT know that.

    Please, PLEASE, I just cannot abide anymore bullshit about this.

  3. You know, the fact of the matter is, people we love lie sometimes. I know that my daughter told me PLENTY of lies in her younger years. But, I love her. I could remind her on a daily basis of all those lies--over and over and over. I could rant and rave about it. I could say there's NO time limit on lying so that something she said in 2003 is STILL punishable. I could do that. (Some parents do.) I choose to have a loving memory. I remember that she lied because she was young and foolish and afraid of consequences. I remember all those times when she told the truth. I look at her now and see such a lovely young woman--a good kind mother. She doesn't lie to me now. I love her. I cut her slack through her rough times because my goal was that she be a good adult. She is.

    I love Clay.

    I cut him slack.

    I think he is a good adult, too.

    (I'll be so glad when all this shit is over because I'm getting downright wordy. Just kill me outright if I you ever have to scroll through my posts.)

  4. Scarlett Years ago, I took my Mom back to Washington DC so that we could visit the Vietnam Memorial. It was so big and crowded and we didn't know where my brother's name was, but we were walking along and trying to read the names and as we moved past one section, the alarm on my watch went off, and I looked up and right there in front of us was my brother's name. I just had to reach out my hand.

    I didn't even know my watch HAD an alarm. I never set it.

    It's a lovely thought that Kevin is Parker's guardian.

  5. I almost never go to OFC because of a few really obnoxious bitches--some of whom I believe are really trolls as they NEVER do anything but cause trouble. However, I decided yesterday that I was going to donate some hours of my time to posting at OFC to try to keep the attention off of those raving bitches. The tone at OFC today has been quite light and often very humorous. I think that's a good thing. I know the bitches will be back, but good people could bury them by posting.

    I hope some others will join me.

    I totally understand if you don't.

  6. I grew up in a time when women were supposed to stay in their place. In HS, one assignment was to research and write about the career you wanted, so I researched being a doctor. I'll never forget my teacher--a WOMAN--calling me to the front of the room and lecturing me about how the assignment was serious and it was ridiculous to think a woman could be a doctor. It was offensive then, and it's offensive now. Jaymes is a person--a separate person. AND, she's seeing her partner and child trashed. She was a hell of a lot nicer than I would have been.

    Some of the things that the "fans" have written are so judgmental, blatantly ridiculous (how many times can a person whine that he "lied") and in some cases just downright revolting. If people aren't happy with Clay--FINE--leave. L.E.A.V.E. How hard is that?

  7. I need to share something. The lullaby clip gets me right here because "Baby Mine" was my little angel's (well big angel now I guess, because he would have turned 16 this December) song. It feels so peaceful to watch Clay sing it to his baby and imagine that mine's listening too from his cloud somewhere. *sigh* I made a cassette tape for his service / procession (no mp3's & ipods back then) and of course "Baby Mine" was on it. I so miss my dearest Kevin Michael.

    Nothing's an accident. Maybe that song was sent from Kevin Michael through Clay for you.

    I believe that.

  8. I'm sorry - I'm still rolling on the floor in hysterics at the poster who is sorta of cool with Clay being gay as long as he doesn't love a guy....

    and the one that was offended by Jaymes saying some fans were obnoxious...just before she explained that Jaymes made Clay's CDs sound like shit...

    I was delusional when I thought the crazies were gonna go away, wasn't I?

    "Not with a MAN !!!"


  9. Here you go--feel free to quote anything I say at OFC. I have no secrets.

    I don't understand the concept that simply because a reporter asks a rude and intrusive question that the person--Clay or anyone else--is supposed to bare his soul in stark honesty regardless of the cost. Who made this rule?? Are we all so truthful that any deviation from exact truth becomes a lie. If someone asks, "How are you" do you really answer, "My hemorrhoids are killing me!"

    "How are the kids?" ..."Oh, great! Little Johnny is using meth again and his teeth are rotting out of his head. Little Sarah has been sleeping with half the football team and has an STD."

    No--we say "oh, I'm fine. They're fine."

    LIES ALL!!!

    So some people will leave the fandom. So? Some other people with join

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