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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everybody, Back to work today and tomorrow and then another 5 days off; a girl could get used to this kind of schedule! 6 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 28 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Now I am a ground-breaker! Oh Lord, what have I started! (hopefully some good smutting!) waves to nuttyprofessor Kim
  3. Well, every once in a while I have to let my "inner smutter" out...just don't get used to it! I will always defer to Muski in the smutting department. Kim
  4. Would that man be Reed? "blushes furiously" Kim
  5. Ldyj Glad you made it to NYC okay! Have a great time and no drooling over Clay's caricature! I will be here next Sunday too...sadly no trips to Spamalot for me at all but I am hoping for a tour or two in 2009! Kim
  6. Love the new banner and I too can see the message! I know a lot are sad that Spamalot is coming to an end, but I am rather excited to see what is next in Clay's career! That profile shot needs to be on every page, one of the best pics of Clay ever! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, Clay looks so good in those stagedoor pics! I love his hair swept off his forehead and just natural looking...someone needs to hide his flatiron and hair products! 7 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 29 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. I agree...it did seem like a lot and maybe could have been edited better. It was good that Clay was included and who knows what this connection with Geraldo could bring to the Foundation. Kim
  9. LOL, sadly, I meant the sweater, not the shirt. He really does get a lot out in the few minutes he's on - he speaks so well! I hope they at least plug the web address and/or name of the Foundation before the show is over. Unless I missed it, they never actually said it. No they did not mention nor did they plug it at the end of the show; that was disappointing. Clay was articulate about inclusion but I am not sure it was enough to get the general public interested in the BAF. I wish he had talked about the camps and what the Foundation is doing. Kim
  10. There was a bit of discussion over at CV and the ring that Cha Cha mentioned seeing on Clay's finger is actually the loop of the triangle he holds. 20 minutes to Clay on TV! Better locate the station now, I just did because I didn't know what channel and had to scan through a few until I found it. If you have DirectTV it is channel 360. Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, Safe travels to all those heading to NYC...If you see Clay at the stagedoor give him some love from me! Don't Forget The Waiting List Tonight...10:00 EST....9:00 Central (not sure of the time on the West Coast...check your schedules!) 8 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 30 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, Very tired this morning; had a great but long day yesterday. Went to my sister's in the afternoon and she gave us all DVD's of our family home movies...I had been asking her for years to make us copies so I was thrilled. It is really nice because my grandparents and great-grandparents are on them and it will be great for my kids to see. Off later to meet a couple of Clay fans for a visit. 1 Day until Clay is on The Waiting List! 9 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 31 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. More Sardi's pics: http://www.celebuzz.com/clay-aiken-gets-face-done-s74021/
  14. Clay blogged at UNICEF: http://fieldnotes.unicefusa.org/2008/12/cl...n_emerge_1.html
  15. I believe they did the performance Monday night because there was no performance last night. So it still works out to 8 shows a week. Hope I am right! Anyone? Bueller? Kim
  16. The gifts have been opened...wrapping paper everywhere, the kitchen is a mess and the dog finally crashed on the couch! Still have to wrap gifts for my sisters and make up a plate of goodies to bring over there. Santa was very good and brought everything that was asked for (well, my daughter has two gifts to return...I should know better than to buy clothes). Have a wonderful rest of the day and don't forget there is an evening performance of Spamalot tonight! Kim
  17. "waves to Claytonic" I am afraid this morning I took the easy way out for breakfast...Cinnabon cinnamon rolls; juice, coffee...maybe some sausage and hash browns. Was going to make french toast but I am just too tired. Two hours until chaos ensues! Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Merry Christmas to All! 2 Days until Clay is on The Waiting List! 10 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 32 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Everyone is stuffed to the gills, the kitchen is cleaned and in about 10 hours the real festivities begin. Emily and Mike will be here at 10:00 a.m.; so I will probably be up around 7:00 to begin breakfast. Then to my sister's in the afternoon. Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" now...Christmas Eve tradition and I still get misty at the end even though I have see it many times. Kim
  20. Nice mention for Clay! http://artsblog.freedomblogging.com/2008/1...broadway-star/5
  21. Awe Couchie you're doing fine! I really do love to cook but what I made was pretty simple...we always do finger foods on Christmas Eve...just put it on the table and they can eat whenever they want. I remember the chaos of having little ones and I have to say I am really enjoying now with my kids all grown...hope Clay is having a wonderful Christmas with Parker. Kim
  22. Fudge is done...Taffy Apple Salad is done...still have dishes to wash...then I need to make meatballs, little weiners wrapped in bacon, hot pineapple salad; veggies, cheese tray...get the table set...by the time hubby gets up from his nap the food will be ready and I will need a nap. I don't pay much attention to Clay's clothes either...I just see that smile and nothing else matters! The sun is shining now after being drizzly all morning...we no longer have snow...it is just dirty slush...not very Christmasy. Kim
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