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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Not all of us Republicans are ultra-conservative or homophobic...I happen to agree with the review...I didn't think it was family friendly, it was unfunny and I didn't think Rosie was a very good host. You know I really am getting tired of being bashed for my beliefs...not only are you intolerant, but insulting as well... Kim
  2. I meant Clay Aiken...not Clay Aiken as Sir Robin...guess I just don't have much of a sense of humor tonight...cause I just didn't get the whole show. Not even close to Ed Sullivan in my opinion...of course, I am not a fan of Rosie and that probably has colored my viewpoint. Kim
  3. Sorry, I turned it off after Clay was on...thought the show was very boring and unfunny...and I honestly did not like Clay's appearance...I wasn't expecting much...but I am so ready to see Clay Aiken...I really am disappointed. Kim
  4. So far I am not impressed with Rosie's show. Kim
  5. I am still waiting for my Meet and Greet too...crossing all my fingers and toes that we have a tour next year so I have another chance! Kim
  6. Justclay12 I totally understand...one of the things I mentioned in my letter to him was how much it meant to me when he quoted my post at the OFC and how as fans, we all would like to have our own little "Clay moment"...I am so glad you had yours! Kim
  7. No laughing here. I think that's sweet! Ok, I've always heard of mincemeat, but I have no idea what it is exactly.... I know Google is my friend, but anyone here care to enlighten me? From the back of my jar sitting on the counter: Water, corn syrup, apples, raisins, molasses, dried citrus peel, distilled vinegar, salt, spices, beef, bitters, fruit pectin. The original mincemeat that was made in England (and maybe still is) had beef and beef suet..I don't think any dried fruit. The jarred mincemeat is pretty sweet; sort of like a fruitcake without the cake! Kim
  8. Clay on TV tonight! ! Anyone else nervous...I always get a little nervous before an appearance. There was a matinee of Spamalot today, but so far no reports. So tonight I will be making pies; pumpkin and mincemeat...I am the only one who likes mincemeat, but it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it. My Dad loved mincemeat and always made the pies in our house...he would always add a jigger of whiskey to the pie...gave it an interesting flavor...I however, have not kept up that tradition. We are just staying home tomorrow, so I will get to see Clay on T.V....usually we go to my in-laws but it is such a long day...2 hour drive...3 hours to visit and then 2 hours home so my hubby can get in a nap before he has to go to work. He just was not up to this year and it will be nice not to have to rush around in the morning to get out the door. Okay, have a confession to make...don't laugh...I feel silly enough already...I sent Clay a Birthday Card and I....blushes furiously...wrote him a fan letter! The first time I ever wrote a fan letter to any celebrity...but since I figure the chances of me every getting a chance to talk to him in person are slim to nil...why not? I was very good, didn't get overly fangirly...just wanted to let him know he is being thought of. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Clay is Talking Turkey! 4 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 39 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 61 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, He looks great, but if I am being honest, I am so over the spiked hair...really hoping he lets it grow out some after Spamalot. Congrats on your new adventure Cindilu! You are braver than I am Gunga Din, the thought of going back to school makes me hyperventilate! 1 Day until Clay is on Rosie Live! 2 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 5 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 40 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 62 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on Rosie Live! 3 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 6 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 41 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 63 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Hums a verse or two of Invisible.... according to the countdown I post every morning, Rosie will be on Wendesday, 8:00 Eastern time...and don't forget Clay and the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on Thursday! (I know, you have been without glasses and who wants to countdown days first thing in the morning...I know there are days when I have a hard time...last week I even left out the Thanksgiving appearance and sadly no one noticed! :thbighug-1: ) Wanda Glad your Gracie came home...a pox on the pet sitter who let her go! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone: 3 Days until Clay is on Rosie Live! 4 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 7 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 42 Days until the Closing night of Spamalot! 64 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 4 Days until Clay is on Rosie Live! 5 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 8 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 43 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 65 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Happy Birthday, Cotton! Loving all the reports of Clay being heard on the radio; he was even played on Chicago radio! I didn't hear it myself, but my best Clay buddy did...this is really something because he is never played here! The station is 93.9 WLIT. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days until Clay is on Rosie Live! 6 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 9 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 44 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 66 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Well, I am not a fan of Rosie, so I may have to just wait until someone yell's "he's next" and then turn the show on. Kim
  18. Good news is I finally got a person; apparently you have to ignore all the prompts and then they put your through to a person. Bad news...he was an idiot! I must have explained the problem 8 ways to Sunday and still could not make him understand that the reason my bills were late was because I haven't been getting my bills. He also insists I missed a monthly payment which is why I am getting charged double this month, but I went back through my checkbook through May and I have paid them every month. It looks like they just didn't credit my account for one month; but I couldn't make him understand that. I was about ready to pull my hair out! He also suggested I talk to the post office because obviously they are the reason I am not getting my bills; that maybe there is a problem with my address, but the late notices are getting to my house with the same address...so it is not an address problem! Kim (Hugs and good wishes to Annabear and her Mom!)
  19. The Chat sounds like a lot of fun; unfortunately I won't be there; hope all those that are going take lots of notes and ask some really interesting questions! Mini-Rant ahead: Just spent 45 frustrating minutes trying to get a hold of someone at DirectTV to straighten out a billing problem; I have not gotten a bill for two months, but I have gotten overdue notices (interesting that the bills seem to get lost in the mail, but the overdue notices arrive just on time). Tried calling the number on the back of the bill; all you get is prompts for paying your bill and no option to talk to a real live person. So, I thought I would try the website; tried to register, it told me we already had an account, so I went to the login and put in my e-mail address; tells me there is no such an account. Tried my phone number and account number from my bill and it brings up my account but with an old e-mail address. So I still can't get into the account because I don't know the password and since I don't have that e-mail address anymore, it is a moot point. Is there a way to update my account? Not that I can find...but I did notice another phone number to call, so I call it and surprise I get the same lady giving me the same prompts as the other phone number on the bill. So now, I decide to just e-mail them...sent an e-mail and told them what I thought of their Customer Service and Website...they are supposed to get back to you in 24 hours. We shall see. My husband went and hid in the bedroom; he doesn't want to be anywhere around me when I am dealing with ineptness...my Italian temper goes into overdrive and there could be flying objects, LOL! Kim
  20. Good Morning All, 1 Day until Clay is on ET??? 7 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 10 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 45 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 67 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on ET! 8 Days until Clay is Talking Turkey! 11 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 46 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 68 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until Clay is on ET??? 12 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 47 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 69 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. I saw the original production of "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" at the Medinah Temple in Chicago back in 1969. My Great-Aunt took my sister and I...it was the first live show I ever saw! Gary Burghoff (Radar from Mash) played Charlie Brown. I remember how awestruck I was by the whole thing! It was a great show and I still have the original soundtrack album that my Aunt bought me for Christmas that year. Haven't listened to it in years, but I still remember the songs. Tom will make a great Snoopy! I hope the new version is successful; If I could, I would definately see it again! Jamar And a big for the BAF! Kim
  24. Good Morning Everyone, 4 Days until Clay is on ET??? 13 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 48 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 70 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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