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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Cha Cha It isn't that she didn't understand; she just will never, ever admit she is wrong! Last week we had a staff meeting and she was upset because patrons were bringing in drinks other than bottled water...according to her the policy stated "clear liquids in sealed containers" which to her means bottled water. Except that is not what the policy stated and my boss, who just loves to point out when she is wrong...mentioned that the actual policy said "all liquids must be in sealed containers". Well; she disagreed with him and he offered to show her the policy manual and how it was written which caused her to yell at him "I know what it says, I wrote the policy!" as we were all squirming in our seats. Not one to let a challenge go by, my boss went and got the policy manual after the meeting and showed her what it said. She didn't say a word to him, but sent him an e-mail saying she was re-writing the policy. Needless to say, she does not like confrontation nor being showed up. Kim
  2. Luckiest1 I am glad you had a good time; but the crowds...don't if I would have been able to handle that. I find that more and more, I just do not like large crowds. Not a good day for me; hating starting a day off with a run-in with the Library Director; she can be a real bitch on wheels at times and today was one of them. We are having a in-service workshop next Friday which I will have to miss being on vacation, which she is none too happy about. I tried to explain to her that my husband has to pick his vacation weeks in January and we had no idea the in-service would be the same week since the date had not been chosen yet. Unfortunately she was not buying that and just kept mumbling about "there being a reason the date was posted 4 months in advance"...just about had to bite my tongue off to keep from arguing with her. I thought that was the end of it, but then she sends me an e-mail saying I need to put into writing my reasons for not being at the In-Service and send it to the Library Board and her. So, I typed up a note all the while grumbling at my desk...but I was very polite and even bragged on myself a bit and pointed out that I have never missed a staff meeting or an In-Service Meeting and rarely take a day off. But then I come here and see all the lovely pictures of Clay which immediately put a smile on my face! Thank you all for those! Ldyj Glad to hear you are up and about, but don't overdo! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
  3. Just finished typing up a list for the Wedding; Emily is stopping by later to pick up the dog and the list...invitations are going out this week! Time to start the countdown clock; nibbles nails! Was over at the Party Store this morning looking for things for the shower; decorations, etc. and found some really cute bowls for the table in a lavender color and some lavender and silver M &M's. I will go back and really shop next week when I am on vacation. Kim
  4. Welcome justforfun; yes he is gorgeous and I will take him with or without glasses! Luckiest1; Have fun at the concert; it took me a while to figure out what "Macca" meant, I thought it was some new group! Yes I can be acronymed challenged at times! Looks like CV is down. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, Looks like I missed whatever drama was out there last night, but then I don't visit a lot of boards except here and CV and I didn't too much angsting on CV. Hope the EHP has a wonderful day today; Couchie working until Midnight, yikes! Hope you can stay awake today! We are off to my sister's for a graduation party this afternoon and it is raining; hope it clears up so we can sit outside. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Eeeeeeeeeee! Baseball is back...I have a little connection to the EHP, my Cubbies are playing the Astros in Houston. Off to watch the game! Kim
  7. Addendum to the car story: Don't you just love service men who think they are comedians...we handed over our credit card and he says "that will be $1.000 at which point I am all up in his face because he quoted us $645 and he says I did and then shows us the bill with the actual charge of $562...so not funny. But yay! for us that the bill was not as bad as we thought it was going be. Kim
  8. I got my car back! Also went and got my haircut; I have such thick heavy hair and it had grown out so much it was beginning to look like I had a helmet on my head...now with about 2 inches gone; it feels so light and carefree....I figure I'll need one more cut before the wedding in September. Dog is scratching at the door, better go let her out! Kim
  9. Apparently those UNICEF pictures were from the Holiday Album distributed to donors for a certain amount of money; they were not supposed to be posted. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, Oh Luckiest1; that is a funny story, but poor kitties indeed! An other hot day today, but we are supposed to get some rain tonight; I hope so, my poor garden needs it. Glad to hear the EHP made it safely to California. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Jimmy Kimmel was on The Insider tonight and was wearing a Clay Aiken Jukebox Tour 2005 hat. The Insider report was about the ABC press conference where Jimmy imitated a reporter asking questions about Jay Leno. There wasn't any Clay mention on the Insider or in any of the articles. But Starfishy at CB noticed the cap and recognized it. Jimmy also wore the same cap to the 2006 Virgin CD signing. The screencap is from Clayscience21: Kim
  12. CG I agree with what you say and yes, criticism is warranted at time in order for one to grow and learn. For me the problem has always been the choice of words and how it is presented and of course; like luckiest1; we all have our tolerance levels and what would seem disrespectful to me would not to you. I understand disagreeing with Clay's choices but when the disagreement is presented in a way that Clay is characterized as a clueless boob who doesn't know how to run his career or his life, well then I have a problem. But like you said, variety is the spice of life and the one thing you can say about this fandom is that it is never dull. Kim
  13. Saturn just called, my car is not going to be ready today as promised...crap...I had my whole day planned out for tomorrow...errands I needed to do. Spikesmom You got your point across just fine and I agree with what you said. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Had an extra 2 cents lying around so thought I would throw it into the pile...for me it is simple...I was bullied in grade school and beyond much like Clay was; so I have a lot of empathy for him and because of that it has affected how I post about Clay. I can have a very thin-skin where criticism is involved; even though I know that not all criticism is bad and it shouldn't be taken personal. But sometimes I do think..."wow, Clay had to take so much criticism in school about his hair, clothes, etc...why should he still have to put up with that from his fans"? Because you know, the boards can seem like high school a lot of the time with all the pettiness; snobbery and cliquish behavior that goes along with it. Or maybe that is just my perception coming from the high school experience I had...I don't know. I just know that I have had to learn and I am not always successful to be more tolerant of opinions that I don't agree with and not take personal offense and immediately going into defense mode where Clay is concerned. And I do think there are fans who enjoy playing devil's advocate and stirring things up; I have seen it happen...one little comment and then they sit back and watch the fandom implode. Okay, well that was a little more than 2 cents...probably more like $1.50. End of the week for me and I get my car back today...Yay! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Not sure what was going on but I could not get into FCA, tried Mozilla and IE and it kept telling me page not found. Chardonnay Your secret is safe with me since I missed the picture and I have no idea what is going on...but it sounds like something good...I hope. Kim
  16. My husband has red hair (well, he did when I met him; it is pretty much all gray now) and freckles. Kim
  17. White Christmas...my favorite Christmas movie of all time...I would love to see (well, I wouldn't be able to actually see it) but I love for Clay to be in a production of this show and yes, he would be perfect for the Danny Kaye role. :thbighug-1: Jamar; I think you could use today after the Home Run Derby discussion (btw, I was on your side) Kim
  18. Did I kill the thread? It seems like I got here and everyone left; I swear I showered today and used deodorant! Kim
  19. Pre-AI Clay is exactly the type of guy that I would have gone for in high school and actually my hubby I guess would be considered a tad nerdy. Really good looking guys always intimated me; maybe because I never thought of myself as the type they would go for. I have never seen any "group think" here, just varying opinions; some I agree with and some I don't. I have also been called a "positive polly" in my time for always looking on the bright side of life and not pointing out Clay's flaws ad infinitum, and yet the one time I did post something that was not complimentary (it was about the QVC performance), I was the recipient of some really nasty responses elsewhere. I also have found out that criticizing a particular fan bugaboo like casting Clay as a perpetual victim, which does happen, is not always well received. Interesting how some fans can dish it out where Clay is concerned, but are not too happy when their own faults are pointed out. Car update: It is the alternator which is covered under warranty; but the brake work being done is not, so I am looking at a car bill of over $600...good news is that this didn't happen while we are on vacation in a couple of weeks. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Luckiest1 What a great story! I was picturing it in my head and imagining how exciting it was...good for your son! Early meeting today at work; just a staff meeting but we get breakfast and since I have to be in early, I get to go home early. Ldyj I hope your surgery went well and you are feeling better soon! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Well, that was my thought...we don't have a cell phone (number one on the to-do list; long story why we don't have one) so I suggested he just go up to one of the houses (we were in a residential area) and ask to borrow a phone to call for a tow...nope...he had other ideas. Kim
  22. Yep, seeing that name on his shirt made it all worth it...and speaking of Clay...I was thrilled to see the UNICEF blog and pictures...he has the best smile in the world. How wonderful that $50,000 was raised already; I hope with this blog maybe we could double or triple that! Kim
  23. A Vue of an Afternoon or How I Got Towed by Clay! I have been without my car (Saturn Vue) for the last two days due to the battery light being on; Mark did not want me to drive it until we took into to be serviced so today was D-Day or B-Day as it were. So I get home from work, change clothes (It is 97 degrees outside...naturally, these things never happen on beautiful 80 degree day) and we take off...Mark following me. The Saturn Dealership is only about 5 miles straight north down the road but of course it is 4:00 in the afternoon and we hit rush hour traffic and every darn red light. So stop and go, stop and go and I am praying that I get to the dealership without the car conking out. Apparently, God was busy today because I am about a mile away when I see the Service Engine light come on and the speedometer suddenly took a nosedive to 10 miles an hour. My exact words "oh shit, the car is going to die"; fortunately I was just coming up on a left turn so I get in the turning lane, wait for traffic to clear and get the car onto a side street where it gave up the ghost. Mark pulls up behind me gets out of the car and these are the first words out of his mouth "Something wrong?"...he immediately gets one of those patented wife "are you kidding me looks" and I say "the car died". Mark: Try it Again Car won't start; nothing, won't even crank. Mark: Your parked in a no parking zone, we have to move the car. Me: Are the police really going to give us a ticket when they see the car is disabled? Mark: We have to move it...you steer and I will push the car. Did I tell you the street I ended up on was going downhill? Mark: If the car starts moving too fast, put your foot on the brake. So ensues 10 minutes of him pushing the car all the while yelling at me to either put on the brake or turn wheel...we get to the corner where we thought we could park the car and after I turn halfway onto the street, realize it is an up hill street and there is no way in hell we will be able to park the car there. Another 10 minutes of putting the car in reverse, him pushing it backwards and yelling directions to me...finally get it going in the right direction...did I tell you the street was downhill...yep, the car starts picking up speed and I am saying words like fudge or something like that while he is yelling at me to brake. Finally get the car parked; hazard lights on and head back to his car to drive to the Dealership so we can get a tow. It is still 97 degrees, and now I am hot and sweaty and I have to pee. Thank the Lord the tow people were speedy on the job and were waiting for us when we got back to the car. Now the "Clay" part...we are waiting at the service desk to sign all the paperwork, when the guy from the tow company shows up...tall, thin, brown hair in a buzz cut, nice looking guy...so he standing at the desk waiting with us and talking to my husband when I notice embroidered on his shirt the name "Clay", so of course, my mind wanders to images of Clay in work clothes with a clipboard when my husband rudely interrupts my little daydream to whisper to me that the tow guy's name is Clay. "yes I know" I whisper back; but the spell is broken; we get the paperwork filled out and head home. But now I can say I was towed by Clay! Kim
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