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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Heads up...Clay will be on ET tonight to promote the CNN special on UNICEF...screencap at the CB...apparently done before his trip...he is still blond. Also he was intro'd as father-to-be...should be a download available soon. Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone; Glad to see the CNN Special is listed at the OFC; looking forward to seeing it. Yesterday at work, I spent the day checking for missing items which involved walking the stacks; checking the shelves...I must have done a lot of reaching because today I can barely raise my right arm...my shoulder and upper back are very stiff...should be a fun day at work. 3 Days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. I really liked the blond hair, but I could get used to the darker hair...and I love Clay in longer hair...he needs to keep in that way. Kim
  4. Small picture of Clay here...it looks like he has a goatee: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/somalia_44691.html
  5. Just saying "Hi", not much to add to the conversation. Articles like the above really put things in perspective...even when Clay is not around, he has a way of slapping us upside the head and saying "quit whining"...wonder if we will see a video diary of Somalia on Sunday Night. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 4 Days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Than you can appreciate how thrilled I am that the town has moved the fireworks back to the football field less than a 1/8 mile from my house. I need to get back to the beach where Holly and I can sit on the bench by the beach and watch the fireworks from the casinos a across the harbor miles away. Note: Since my posts can be muddy and hard to understand, I have to assume that nothing was meant personally for me, unless my name is used. Of course, not everyone here knows my real name, heh, and there is a damn good reason for that! Why I should edit for tactful ness - For example Hee! I love this! I need to carry that around with me since I have been told many times that I do not have any tact! Kim
  8. True we really don't know Clay, but what I know of him through LTS; his interviews; his work with UNICEF; his worth ethic and his devotion to his family and loved ones...I would say he is definately a man of character and integrity and that is what I trust in. Does that mean he is perfect; of course not...he is a flawed human being just like the rest of us and probably, like the rest of us, has made poor choices in his life; whether personal or business...hindsight is always 20/20 and we all have that. To me Clay is a stranger...I have not met him; I don't know him...but he is someone I admire and someone I enjoy being a fan of...and when someone says they are hurting over a supposed decision he made...well, that comes across to me as a little too invested. That kind of hurt I would reserve for my child or husband, not a celebrity that I barely know. Kim
  9. Playbiller Thanks for the explanation; I did take the second part personally. You can kid me about getting green-inked anytime; lots of people do. My only problem with discussion about Jaymes and the baby, etal, is that it be done respectfully, whether you like Jaymes or not, she is an important part of Clay's life and I think that should be respected. Kim
  10. I'm not sure what you are getting at, but my post this morning was not directed at you or anyone on this board. I think I am entitled to my opinion as anyone else on this board and if you disagree with me, fine disagree with me...its called having a discussion. And PM's work both ways; I don't appreciate being called out on the board...and yeah, one of the reasons I am here is because I was getting tired of getting green-inked elsewhere and it is nice to come to a place where I can be myself, warts and all. Sorry if my bluntness bothers you, but that is the way I am and if something is happening on the boards that I feel strongly about, I am going to say something. Kim
  11. Just a quick peek in from work... :F_05BL17blowkiss: to all...love you guys! Kim
  12. I have always felt that comparing Clay to other Idols is like comparing apples and oranges...totally different career paths and definitions of success. Clay has always said that he did not get into this business for fame and fortune but to make a difference, and since he has done that, I would say he is successful. The biggest problem in the fandom is that the career the fans want for Clay may not necessarily be the career Clay wants for himself and I think a lot of people have trouble accepting that. I think there is this sense of entitlement...we supported Clay after Idol, bought his CD's, attended his concerts; supported his charities, so now he needs to do something for us...sing the songs we want; put out the single we think is the best...in short...take our career advice and have the kind of career that we can be proud of and brag about and prove to people that we were right all along and that Clay should have won. But Clay; how dare he, has other ideas and doesn't want to be stuffed in the "pop singer" box and that doesn't sit well with some because they know better...even though they don't know crap about the music industry, haven't sat in on any meeting with Clay, RCA, etc.; and because it really is all about them and their needs and wants. I have a real problem with that kind of self-centeredness in the fandom...I think we all have a choice, either accept Clay for who he is, what he stands for and his life choices or move on..never have seen the point in bitching about something you have no control over. I have no worries regarding Clay or his career, because he is a smart, madly talented man; knows what he wants and how to go about getting it and is open to any and all opportunities that come his way...he will be around long after the Kelly's, Carrie's and Daughtry's of the world have left the stage. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Don't remember him emphasizing the you; but I really think the only video I downloaded of that song was from Raleigh. Kim
  15. Congrats on the job, Iseeme! WINY...hate to admit it, but I have only listened to this song a couple of times...don't remember Clay hamming this up in concert...but then, I am not one that downloads every single performance of every single song, so maybe I missed something. I think it is great that Clay has such a presence on AOL and I don't think there is anything wrong with the fans streaming the songs...as far as anything else, well I am a fan; I don't work for Clay...for me this is a fun hobby...if it ever got to the point where I was stressing out and getting frustrated because his career wasn't going the way I wanted it to, than I would leave. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 6 Days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. ldj Another thing we have in common; I like to cook too and am a Food Network junkie! I am always trying new recipes which sometimes the family likes and sometimes not so much. I just find cooking relaxing. Kim
  18. Looks like I am in some good company with you and Merrieeee! Kim
  19. Bwah! Aikim, I am picturing you showing up at the wedding dressed in nothing but high silver heels and underwear, with plenty of bling! Oh Lord, definately don't want to see me in my underwear! And the bling will be tastefully done; I am not much of a jewelry wearer...just my wedding rings and earrings but I figure I need to get a necklace of some sort. What is funny is I never wear silver; my wedding rings are gold and I always wear gold earrings; so this is going to be a change for me. Kim
  20. Hmmm...lots of different conversations going on...lovely quilts FromClaygary; I don't quilt but my MIL does or did...she made one from my oldest daughter when she was born. The only sewing I do is embroidery and not for a while, all the unfinished projects in the armoir in my bedroom with attest to that...really should get back to it. Oh and I agree with you that Weight of The World could be a message to the fans, funny how a lot of the songs can be interpreted that way... Finally got a pair of shoes for the Wedding; do you know how hard it is to find a pair of silver shoes without 4 inch heels...got them at Sears. So now, I just need to get the undergarments and jewelry and I am done. So anyone else out there a Virgo? Kim Forgot...not really into chick flicks unless your count Casablanca my favorite movie of all time.
  21. Love Weight of The World...down, down, down and unbreakable are my favorite parts...it is such a great song to crank up while you are driving and sing along to! Oh and I agree with all the posts regarding RCA, Clive, etc...I always say there is more we don't know than we do and we will probably never know the real story behind ATDW...we all have theories, even me, but unless Clay writes a tell-all book...it will just be theories and speculation. Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, 7 days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Hi P'ivy; I saw you lurking down below and was hoping you would post...I don't drink, but I do have some pomegranate blueberry juice that is quite tasty. And yes it is a fun place...hope you stick around! Kim
  24. "Well Now" in Everything I Don't Need...very sexy! Kim
  25. Welcome gothedistance and all other lurkers...come out and play! No ants in my kitchen; but I have my washer hooked up to my kitchen sink since hubby is re-doing my laundry room. It's been a trip. Can only wash in cold water and trying to dishes around the washer is lots of fun. He ran the garden hose through the kitchen window and hooked up my washer. Better than going to the laundromat though. Looks like we are in for some rain...getting dark outside. Kim
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