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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. I am really confused about the radio thing (and what exactly is terrestrial radio?)...so are they saying that the artists should be treated as advertisers, like say Ford or Viagra and be paid for the use of their material? If that is true, I don't see how it would benefit someone like Clay...the radio programmers or DJ's would still probably only pay for those performers who already get radio play and are proven to be popular. If they won't play Clay now, why would they pay to play him? Kim
  3. Because there are some fans who actually enjoy preying on the fears of the fandom; they bring this things to the boards and then sit back an enjoy the mayhem that ensues. I also think there are fans working both sides of the fence...who have turned on Clay for one reason or another and even though they present themselves as true fans; they are also doing their darndest to get the fandom to implode. You can almost set your watch by how quickly they show up when there is a controversy. And then I think there are some who are just gluttons for punishment; who purposely go to websites or watch shows that they know are not Clay friendly just so they can come to the boards and complain about how upset they are and how mean people are to Clay. Kim
  4. Agree with Cindy, Luckiest, Play and Tijala; to me; the biggest problem regarding the online fandom is the lack of respect for Clay; his family and associates at times. You can disagree with something Clay has said or done or not like his background singers or how his hair is on any given day...but do it respectfully. It is the tone and choice of words that annoys me. Kim
  5. Exactly! That is what I was trying to say; I think more fans have left the online fandom than the actual fandom. Kim
  6. I think a lot of fans just got burned out on the message boards; especially during the whole ATDW drama...and left the boards all together or just lurk now and then, but don't post. Kim
  7. Something About Us...probably my favorite song after EIDN on the CD. As I mentioned, I sent it to my daughter to see if she would be interested in having it at her wedding, still haven't heard back from her yet. It has just a jazzy feel to it and always reminds me of Frank Sinatra or Harry Connick, Jr.; that type of sound. I suppose some might think the Romeo and Juliet type lyrics a bit cheesy, but it always reminds me of when I was dating my husband. Kim
  8. I am not really a music person per se; that is, before Clay, I didn't listen to much music; the oldies or talk radio in the car, that's about it. Now, I listen to just Clay; sometimes the new stuff, sometimes the demo's or concert audio...but I enjoy him so much that I don't need anything else. Guess that is why radio isn't such a big deal to me; I know it is important for him; but I just wouldn't have the patience to listen to the radio just to hear a Clay song...I would rather put on a CD. It is interesting about OMWH, when you actually read the lyrics to the songs; they do all sound pretty depressing, but I don't get that feel listening to them...if they were all slow, draggy songs I guess I would have a problem with them...but I do think the CD is pretty upbeat despite the content and I do think that in these times, the messages are relevant. Kim
  9. Yeah, that was my thought...what has she done for UNICEF? Kim
  10. Wish I had known that was on; was looking for something to watch tonight, but I never think to check out the music channels... Kim
  11. Walks slowly into FCA holding on to the walls for support...don't my new glasses look purty...still trying to get used to them though...had hubby drive me to the eye doctor and I was actually getting nauseous on the way home...lot of stop and go traffic. Hope I get used to these soon! I love Sacrificial Love...being in love with being in love...then the reality sets in and it may not be all that and a bag of chips...been there myself. And yet, I think it can be applied to the love some have of Clay...just hanging on and looking over his shoulder until the next thing comes along...not being able to say good-bye... Great song. Kim
  12. Afternoon all, Still at work, my daughter works at the Library also and has a meeting, so I have to wait for her to be finished...hopefully won't be more than a half hour or so. Then I have to go home and bake something since it was decided that we should all bring in something sweet to munch on tomorrow...last thing I want to do, so I will have to find something quick to make. Last place I would have expected Clay to be is Somalia; but he will go where there is need...I think these trips feed his soul and recharges him. I guess this is why I gets so annoyed at the whining and complaining when Clay isn't around; it really isn't all about us and are wants and needs. Praying for a safe return home for him. Kim
  13. Yeah, I almost didn't write the part about Jaymes, because I knew the reaction I would get, but perhaps you can explain to me why it is easier to except them as friends having a baby than as a couple having a baby? It seems to be an issue for a lot in the fandom and I just don't understand it. Kim
  14. I think in the beginning the word "fraility" is what I had a hard time with, because to me it is a feminine word...and while I could definately hear a woman singing those words, it was difficult for me to hear a man sing it...maybe If I hadn't known the song was written by a woman, it would not have bothered me so much...but I do think songs can be "male" and "female" and from the beginning this was a "female" song to me...a song that should be sung by a woman. But like I said, after listening to it everyday since May 6th, I have come to love it and I guess one of the reasons (and I know there will be a lot of eye-rolling and gagging when I say this), but once the baby news broke, I could definately hear him singing it to Jaymes...never got the God connection to the song. It just makes more sense to me now. Kim
  15. Thanks Ansa! Okay, everyone keep your fingers and toes crossed and say a few prayers; I sent Emily the Obama montage set to Something About Us and asked her to listen and possibly consider the song for her wedding. I so want her to use this song...I keep picturing her and Mike dancing to it for their first dance. Heck, if she doesn't want it; I'll bring the CD anyway and my hubby and I can dance to it...our anniversary is two days before her wedding. Kim
  16. Could someone define sonically for me...I know Clay used that term too and I am not sure what it means musically...all I keep thinking is sonic as in sonic boom and I know that is not right! Kim
  17. The Real Me had to grow on me...really did not like it at first, but after many listenings I am finally enjoying it. "How much will they take before I'm empty" always reminds me of the fandom or I should say some in the fandom who no matter how much Clay gives, it is never enough. Kim
  18. Lotus I read that too...I have always maintained that CD sales are not representative of how many people are hearing Clay's music...two different things in my book. Kim
  19. Afternoon all,. Just home from work and decided to see what was going on before I head into the kitchen and try and figure out what to make for dinner...course, I am the only one here so it really doesn't matter. Loving all the concert memories; seems we all went to the same concerts...Merrillville, Sterling Heights, the IT concert in Chicago...some of you I have met and some I have not, but I hope the next concert tour, I can meet many more of you. Have you noticed how people never look like what you thought they did? You always get a picture in your mind of what they look like and then when you actually meet, they are totally different. I would love for Clay to have a variety show; not too long ago at work we were discussing TV at work and how there really isn't much on and someone brought up Carol Burnett and how they would love to see a show like that again....and it wasn't me! Everyone agreed! I think he would do quite well with a show like that although I think it would probably cause some heads to explode in the fandom. Talk show would work for me too...just seeing Clay on my TV on a regular basis would be great. ldj; Sending good thoughts that the doc can fix your knee up soon! Kim
  20. Good Morning! Cindilu! Gorgeous banner....but then you have one gorgeous speciman to work with! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
  21. I believe there is a stash of root beer around here for those that don't imbibe (stop laughing!)...hey, someone has to be the designated driver! Kim
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