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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Feels so good to be home! Thanks Couchiefor getting us back! The week-end must have caught up with me; I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 and that was it for the night! Was hoping for some Clay news while I was lights out, but no such luck. But I know it will be soon! Well I tried posting a picture, but I keep getting an error message..maybe picture is too big? Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Taking a break from cleaning my room..truly embarrassing to see how dusty everything is and how in world do I accumulate so much crap? Who knew I actually had honest to goodness book shelves under all the stuff stacked up on them. Next vacuuming and putting fresh linens on the bed. Where oh where can our Clay man be? Kim
  3. It's raining, I don't have to work today; I do have to go grocery shopping...that's about it...another day in my exciting life! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Interesting, I am a member of CV and never heard any of this..the infamous back channels again? Personally, I think there was some major over-reaction going on and no need to read anyone the "riot act". People are free to say whatever they want about Clay and his career, choices and decisions...I figure he or his team should have the same right. Kim No backchannels - that all played out on the main thread at CV pre-tour. I guess I missed it..because I don't remember reading anything about the admins being contacted. Kim
  5. I don't think references were needed at CV early on, but after the whole Fake Baby Mama and Fake Clay business, I think they got a little stricter. Kim
  6. Interesting, I am a member of CV and never heard any of this..the infamous back channels again? Personally, I think there was some major over-reaction going on and no need to read anyone the "riot act". People are free to say whatever they want about Clay and his career, choices and decisions...I figure he or his team should have the same right. Kim
  7. Last day of the work week for me; taking tomorrow off as I have lots to do this week-end and needed an extra day. Won't be able to take vacation until mid-summer because one of the ladies in our department is having knee surgery. So we will be short-handed and I cannot take time off while she is gone. I think I may be a tch crabby by the end of May, LOL! I am conflicted on the whole WJ thing...don't really think it is him, but since the admins at CV have to approve all members wondering how if it was him he could have slipped through without them knowing..they do ask for references. Whole thing is just weird to me..still can't imagine Clay writing those posts. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. This tweeter is from Boston..Nick lives in Boston..but there are other cities with red lines:
  9. Changes to the Grammy Awards: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_music_grammy_changes
  10. Well, I don't twitter but I do enjoy the twitter posts of Clay sightings, etc...I have a Facebook account and barely post anything on that...I really wonder how people have the time! Clay has been so adamant about not tweeting, I would be very surprised if ever does. Kim
  11. And you know..if he did blog and didn't tell us any career news, than people would be complaining about that..he knows that. Kim
  12. Lucky Akim! I've run out of Orville Redenbachers..........anyone have some? Shh...don't tell my husband, LOL! Couchie I have always thought it was the norm too..has never bothered me when Clay takes time off after a project. This last tour he went above and beyond with the fans with all the PBS M&G's, regular M&G's..keeping the tour going when he knew sales were not good..I can never thank him enough for that...as much as he appreciates us, I do think he needs a break now and then. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. I just always find it a hoot that people who have never worked in the music industry seem to think they know better than Clay how to run his career. I will never second guess him because I am not in the music industry; I have never sat next to him in meetings or been privy to conversations he has had with business associated that affected his decisions. He made the decisions he made with the information he had at the time and did what he thought was best. Since we don't and probably will never have all the information he does, I don't know how anyone can judge him. I am sure if anyone asked him he would probably say that he has made wrong decisions at time..haven't we all? I look back at my life and there are many things I would have done differently...but we all make decisions that we feel are right at the time. He is a smart man..he knows the recording industry is not all that and there may not be a place for him in it..but he knows he wants to continue singing and to me that means Broadway. I truly believe he is working on that right now and when the time is right we will hear about it. I can't wait. Kim
  14. To me, that's the crux of the matter. I too like having a break, knowing that he'll come out of hiding soon (my definition or Clay's, doesn't matter *g*) and I'll be back to planning trips, watching clack, etc. But I know it will happen -- I have faith. Some, I feel, do not. On another topic: could this be how Clay is involved in Drop Dead Diva? Wanda Sykes to guest as a judge on 'Drop Dead Diva' (plus more season 3 spoilers) -- EXCLUSIVE That sounds very much like something Clay would want to be involved with...keeping everything crossed he is one of the "additional guest stars" Kim
  15. Seems to be a lot of grumbling around the fandom..so wondering, are all fandoms this needy when the object of their affection is taking a break? I personally don't need Clay to tweet or blog to remain interested...my fandom is not based on any of that...it is solely based on my love of his voice and my admiration of him as a man and how he lives his life. That won't be changing no matter if his next career venture is one month from now, 6 months or even a year. I loved the Facebook interactions from yesterday because it shows me that Clay is living his life and enjoying his friends; when he is on his downtime I just don't think he thinks about us they we think about him...it is just "okay, the tour is over, time to get busy with other things" and I do believe he is busy working on whatever comes next. Every day that goes by is one day closer to whatever that may be. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Fear I cannot believe he is going to be 3 months old already...seems like it was just yesterday that she told us she was pregnant. Unfortunately, I seem to have gotten dumber since I had my kids because she prefers the baby books to my advice, LOL! Clay tidbits: Posted on Ben's Facebook: He also posted it on Trenyce's: So it seems Clay is just living his life; enjoying his friends and watching youtube..hope he is working in between all that! Kim
  17. Really loud thunderstorms last night..cat was sitting in the window when a big clap of thunder hit; never saw her run so fast in my life..I think she spent the rest of the night under my bed. Dog on the other hand can sleep through anything. Another Monday morning..short week for me as I am taking Friday off..yay..looking forward to a three day week-end. Austin is being baptized on Sunday so it will be a busy one. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Clay...wake up! Kim
  18. Thunderstorms expected today so since I will be stuck inside; a good day to get domestic and do some baking. They also had roasts on sale yesterday and I bought a couple..these are chuck roasts and I like to grind them up for hamburger...tastes much better than the package stuff. I have such an exciting life, LOL! Off to make pancakes for breakfast. Kim
  19. Yay for the Giants and my Cubbies won also! Bad fan that I am I turned the game off because they were losing and they went and made a comeback and won the game! I think Michael may be waiting a long time for Clay to tweet! Kim
  20. Yay for Saturday! Grocery shopping this morning and then not much else for the rest of the week-end. Looks to be a little warmer..in the 50's...but next week-end they are predicting near 70...I hope so. Austin's Christening is next Sunday and I have been praying for nice weather. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Back from getting our taxes done Some days it feels like all I am working for is to pay taxes. Kim
  22. Its dreary, rainy and my Cubbies are losing...typical Opening Day in Chicago! Having a quick bite and then out to get our taxes done...oh joy! Kim
  23. Happy April Fool's Day..we are getting our taxes done today..hope Uncle Sam does not plan on playing any jokes on us! I would kill for 80 degree temps Fear; so tired of the cold..just want to be able to open my windows and turn off the damn furnace. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. What he actually did as a Community Organizer: http://www.nationalr...ron-york?page=3 Are you kidding me? Look at the source. These people are not reliable sources for anything. They have an agenda. There is a Tea Party Advertisement right in the middle of the page. Why on earth would anyone consider that to be a reliable factual source? Might as well go ask Donald Trump. If I was really interested in checking out Obama's community service, I would go to objective sources not to subjective sources. I do not need to check Obama out. He is cute enough to have been a movie star, maybe he should have taken that route to the White House? Did you actually read the article or just look at the ads? I read the whole thing and thought it was very well done; I didn't know much about what Obama had done and he obviously did make a difference in some people's lives...what I didn't know was how young he was at the time...and if the only criteria you use to vote on elected officials is if they are "cute" well, that is pretty sad. And I would never characterize Obama as cute.
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