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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 145 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 147 Days until The BAF Gala! (I think you all know which emoticon would symbolize me!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. That is a good question...I have totally run out of things to ask him. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 148 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. This fandom is so predictable...there is already a fan complaining that Clay called her immature. Kim
  6. This is hitting all the Entertainment Shows...ET, AH,"E"...there will be clack for those interested. Unbelievable...like E.F.Hutton...when Clay Aiken talks...er...blogs, people listen. Kim
  7. Just want to add my kudos to the board...even if I don't post much, I thoroughly enjoy reading here...it is a haven of sanity in the not so sane world of the Clay fandom...common sense, logic...well thought out posts...hair pulling and teeth gnashing kept to a minimum...lots of humor and just plain fun and best of all....just love of Clay and what he stands for. Oh yeah...and I do believe I have seen some smut a time or two. And I truly appreciate the admins for a board where we can just hang out and talk without having to worry about flying fish...you guys rock! Kim
  8. I think AI has been continually trying to repeat the success of Season 2 and it is just not going to happen....love that once again the buzz is all about Clay! Really do wonder if there is something behind the blog or just Clay wanting to vent? Gorgeous day here...blue sky, not a cloud in sight...plenty of sunshine. I have been outside reading, working on my tan...listening to the birds and just enjoying life...perspective is a good thing. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, 148 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Sneaks in....drops off tidbit....sneaks out... Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, I just love that man...he is so damned fearless...just lives his life; speaks his mind and the hell with the critics and haters...and I so agree with him on AI! 149 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, "Hauls out Swifter and cleans up all the drool...leaves stack of clean drool bibs by front door"...So was it good for all of you! 150 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, My last word (hopefully) on this subject...I don't like reality shows period...like I said I find them manipulative and phony...I get that some people enjoy them...obviously they are a very popular genre...just not for me. Thanks for the reports...glad to hear that Clay was so well-received...keeping fingers crossed for pictures! 151 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, I know AI and all the other reality shows are about manipulation and are scripted, etc....but it has always bugged me that the judges were allowed at rehearsals; just seems if they wanted to present an objective opinion, than they wouldn't see the contestants until the actual performance and we would get an unscripted opinion of the performance. I know not going to happen and that 's not the way the show is set up...but I think it would be a much better show...this is why I don't like these kinds of shows...too much manipulation and phoniness. NCT Awards tonight! 152 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. I am pretty sure it was all vaulted except for certain parts. Kim
  16. Clay answered some more questions...starting with post 5973...I truly love a smart man! Kim
  17. I think they expected Clay to win and were honestly shocked when Ruben did and had to basically treat it as a tie because of the backlash from Clay fans...I don't know if Clay had won if they would have promoted him anymore than they did as runner-up...but obviously being a runner-up didn't hurt him. Even with all the pimping they did for Ruben and making it obvious that he was the chosen one...I still think they expected Clay to win and had to make good when he didn't. Kim
  18. Speaking only for myself...I don't hate Simon, or Kathy Griffin or Kelly Ripa or Conan O'Brian or anyone else were supposed to hate because they "did Clay wrong"...I may not like things they have said or done...in that case...I don't watch shows they are on and move on. Never have understood the "grudge" mentality in the fandom...and I think it is kind of hypocritical that fans who are pulling out their hair and gnashing their teeth at the hate thrown at Clay...do the same thing to other celebrities...but of course, that is in defense of Clay so that is okay. Clay is a celebrity...he is going to have jokes made about him...he is going to have things said in the NE about him...just like every other celebrity...it comes with the territory...you either have to learn to deal with it and let it roll off your back or you are going to spend inordinate amounts of time being angry and frustrated and life is too short to live that way. Sorry for getting so heavy on an early Sunday morning, but this just hit a nerve with me. Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, I never thought Simon meant gay with the Broadway comment; but there were fans on the boards who did...I think he was just being honest...Clay did not fit the image of what they. American Idol, thought a pop star should be and he did/does have a voice perfectly suited for Broadway. I got raked over the coals pretty good for saying that at other boards, cuz, God forbid you ever agree with anything that Simon says. 1 Day until The NCT Awards! 152 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until The NCT Awards! 153 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. New Clay interview!!! Just saw this article from MTV when doing a Google search: :thumbsup2:
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