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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. Thanks for those, annabear! I guess that even if his hair did get darker in his 20s, it would not be as dark as it looks in his first audition. So yes, looks like his hair is naturally lighter but I'm still shocked that he was dyeing his hair BEFORE his first Idol audition, I thought he was the all-natural boy until Idol forced him to shed his glasses and change his 'style' (per Randy Jackson!) I actually like his glasses, the rimless ones he now has. That suit him so well, it is amazing how just changing the frames of glasses can make such a huge difference.
  2. Well, I'm shattered!! LOL I would have bet London to a brick that his hair BAI (yep, I just made up my own acronym) was 'virgin'! I know so little about Clay!!
  3. On the matter of the natural color of Clay's hair, surely the color shown here in his very first audition for AI is his natural color. And that's the color I like best. Slightly lighter is okay too but the bleached blond look does not look as good as the darker color, which seems to give his skin a healthier glow. (At the end of the day, I'll take Clay any-which-way, but if I had a preference, the above is more pleasing to me visually. Everyone is different, I just wanted to point out that his NATURAL color - as shown in the YT audition clip - gets my vote!)
  4. REMOVED Ooops, I posted the YouTube Iseeme is talking about, and now I see Cotton posted it when I wasn't looking!! Great minds think alike Cotton!
  5. I stumbled across these Idol Power Rankings for December 2007. I am so surprised to see some names higher than Clay, who is No. 9 out of 11 rankings. I wonder what criteria was used to determine the rankings. Also, they say Jordin Sparks, at 17, is the youngest winner in Idol history. Well, perhaps she is the youngest winner in American Idol history, but she is not the youngest Idol winner in the world. The youngest is Casey Donovan, who was only 16 years 6 months old when she won Australia Idol in 2004. Source: http://www.popeater.com/2007/12/26/idols-p...-ranking-no-11/ Idols Power Ranking: No. 1 Idols Power Ranking: No. 2 Idols Power Ranking: No. 3 Idols Power Ranking: No. 4 Idols Power Ranking: No. 5 Idols Power Ranking: No. 6 Idols Power Ranking: No. 7 Idols Power Ranking: No. 8 . Idols Power Ranking: No. 9 Idols Power Ranking: No. 10 Idols Power Ranking: No. 11
  6. I agree with those who feel that it does not make sense to get concerned about a celebrity's personal life and especially in relation to their babies, it's their life, although I do wish some of them raised goldfish instead of children or even cats and dogs. I have, however, always been interested in the adoption of orphans from developing countries by celebrities. I believe that in the long term, these children will help the xenophobic to see that we are more alike than different. One thing I learned is that the opposite of love is not hate, but fear, the kind of fear that comes from a lack of understanding. (I don't mean everyone should adopt overseas orphans; it takes a great deal more than financial means to share your life with an orphan.) There's too much been said about the whole IVF thing. Lots of couples use IVF, not because they aren't sexually active but because they have an issue with conception. I hope Clay and Jaymes ARE in a loving relationship. If I care about Clay - and I do - why would I not want him to have love and happiness? The reality is that he's never going to exist in my life except in my dreams, and that's all I can ever hope for in terms of "owning" him.
  7. Welllllllll, I'd agree in a general sense for consenting adults BUT that is verbatim (Sometimes the heart wants what it wants) what Woody Allen said about his relationship with Soon-Yi, and I was outraged about that because of the whole complex family thing with Mia, etc. Soon-Yi was a young adult by then but her siblings were traumatized by it. HOWEVER, since i have no problem with Demi and Ashley, then I cannot see any problem with Clay and Jaymes, whether it is a close friendship or more than that, more power to them. Life can be painful and difficult, and if you can find someone you connect with so well, then it is no one else's business when consenting adults are involved. It's their life, no one has a right to deny their happiness. Here's the strange thing, I bet if Clay ran around town with a new girl every month and spent money on cars and casinos, most people would find nothing wrong with that. Guys would be patting him on the back and girls would be standing in line for their turn. Wouldn't you feel sorry for any kid born to someone like that? Me, I like Clay Aiken just the way he is. Let him be.
  8. OK Thanks! Could someone who is better acquainted with D101/Spamalot please write a definition for me to include in the Glossary, i.e. so that those who haven't been to Spamalot will understand what it means.
  9. Truer words cannot be spoken! "Behind closed doors" ... you never know the real story. And sometimes you can actually live in the same house and not know what is going on. There are soooo many examples of this and perhaps the most recent one that comes to mind is Austria's monster, Josepf Fritzl. His wife didn't even know what was going on in her basement. Here's Australia's 60 Minutes coverage of this horrific story: http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=571469 For those of us who feel we're going through some difficult times, it pales in comparison to the suffering of others. What is it that makes people tick.... ? One of the most disturbing books I have read is Helter Skelter, by Vincent Bugliosi who was the attorney who nailed Charles Manson. Absolutely chilling.
  10. Is the Pope Catholic? *jokey rhetorical question* I don't know - has this been verified via TMZ and/or People.com? Gooooood point, annabear!!!! Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Yay go Angelina! Wasn't a fan (I've still never seen one of her movies) until she hooked up with Brad (wasn't a fan either until now) and created a family of international children. I wouldn't be surprised if Clay did the same one day. Children are children, and I admire Angelina for her ability to love children who aren't of her womb.
  11. Manogram ____________________________________________ THE MIRACLE OF TOILET PAPER Fresh from my shower, I stand in front of the mirror complaining to my Husband that my breasts are too small. Instead of characteristically telling me it's not so, he uncharacteristically comes up with a suggestion. 'If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of Toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds. Willing to try anything, I fetch a piece of toilet paper and stand in Front of the mirror, rubbing it between my breasts. 'How long will this take?' I asked. 'They will grow larger over a period of years,' my husband replies. I stopped. 'Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breasts every day will make my breasts larger over the years?' Without missing a beat he says, 'Worked for your butt, didn't it?' He's still alive, and with a great deal of therapy, he may even walk again, although it's likely he will probably continue to take his meals through a straw.
  12. Couchie, following 9-11, GW Bush couldn't find Afghanistan on the world map when the attack on Afghanistan was a major topic of discussion. I still can't get over that! I have laughed at a lot of GW jokes, but sometimes the implications are too scary to be funny.
  13. Break-a-leg annabear!!!! I know someone who used to apply for jobs (even though she wasn't unhappy with the one she was in) just to sharpen her skills at job interviews in case something came up that she was interested in!!
  14. OMG look what First Class Air travel looks like these days!! (The song is a David Foster/Katherine McPhee production!!! Boy, Baby Aiken is gonna have some awesome genes!!!) p.s. lol I DON"T spend my life on YouTube - at least not ALL of it - I have others equally addicted, helping me find the gems!!)
  15. What kind of dumb-ass question is that? If I remember correctly, there was a silly VH1 show that asked that very question -- I think this was in 2004 or 2005? I don't even remember the entire context of the show itself, but I seem to remember that. And I think the point being made by this article (which I read in entirety) is that "why should we care?" As a society, we mostly seem much more interested and focused on celebrities than everything else that's going on in the world. Sad state of affairs, really, but oh so true IMO. It"s true but it is also as a result of in-your-face conditioning, so that we are literally forced into brainwashed into knowing about someone that is not only a perfect stranger, but whose lifestyle we have ZERO interest in. Best example >>>. Paris Hilton. Initially, because of her OTT antics and her family name, the media zoomed-in on her. Then, they became relentless in their Paris pursuits because they turned her into a celebrity and created a "fan" following.. It wasn't her reality TV show that kicked off her fame, we all know that! So it becomes a subliminal thing and before you know it, you can actually write a short biography about someone you have never taken a pro-active interest in. That is how powerful the media is, and how someone with no talent and who has done nothing extraordinary can become a celebrity or star. William Hung comes to mind. And I concede, YouTube now plays a massive part in fuelling the celebrity obsession. I send and receive all kinds of YouTube vids, and each time, it is helping to promote either Clay, Charice, Clay and now.... Ken Lee!
  16. OH LOOK ....Bulgaria's answer to Mariah Carey went and did a crash course in English and was invited back to sing on the show in front of a TV audience!! WOW WOW A Much Improved version of Ken Lee !!. (well, you heard the audition, right??) And if that wasn't enough and you yet another ENCORE....here's a DANCE REMIX of the new hit Ken Lee!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usvoaw1gAKA&NR=1
  17. Well, I thought Clay boards are where wannabe journalists frequent, to practice their "work".
  18. OH LOOK ....Bulgaria's answer to Mariah Carey went and did a crash course in English and was invited back to sing on the show in front of a TV audience!! WOW WOW A Much Improved version of Ken Lee !!. (well, you heard the audition, right??) And if that wasn't enough and you yet another ENCORE....here's a DANCE REMIX of the new hit Ken Lee!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usvoaw1gAKA&NR=1
  19. BACK from being AFK and well DUH!!! I posted that Ken Lee YouTube vid at the TY thread yesterday http://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/i...amp;#entry77715 and I figured .. surely, surely SOMEONE found it as hysterical as I did???? Everyone else I sent it to wet themselves silly... ETA <creeps back sheepishly> I guess no one found it funny because the link didn't work! Good thing KAndre doesn't lack initiative....
  20. haha you can say that again!!! But speaking of YouTube, did anyone actually see this YouTube (I posted in the YT thead)? I still can't get over it.
  21. WOW I will have to save that and use it next time i hear someone state "I'd love... even if..... "
  22. For me, there are two truths (that I am sure about): 1) See my sig. Those who decided that Clay was gay were just waiting for confirmation... and for some, it's the AI baby news. YOU see what YOU believe. 2) The bolded part of Kandre's post (below), especially what's underlined. Most people are so busy trying to get to know others and figure them out yet they don't even know themselves. I firmly feel everyone should periodically spend a chunk of time in retreat, by themselves. Far away from their daily lives. Just with their own thoughts. It would drive some people crazy; and I know quite a few people who can't stand their own company. I also know you can be at your loneliest when surrounded by a lot of people.
  23. Here is a short clip of an interview with Heath Ledger in Australia, regarding how he feels about Bush and Iraq. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3nooALFxJI
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