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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. There is a way to avoid this for VERY special occasions! Your daughter might know about it? Otherwise ask your doctor or PM me!
  2. DITTO. That's the long and short of it for me, and that's for everyone I know and care about, not just Clay.
  3. Please don't take this as my trying to tell you what to do, but since you happened to bring up buying baby clothes..... I saw rohdy mention on another board that where she lives, they have some sort of community baby shower to collect all kinds of items for babies in need. For those who want to buy things, or even those who like to make things, it might be nice to check around where you live to see if there's something similar. Don't forget Freecycle if you are collecting for babies in need. A friend of mine had a garage/yard sale before moving house and the amount of baby clothes leftover (for age 0 -3), some NEVER worn, still with tag,was staggering. This was an "only child" household. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLtL3xstQsU Here is 16 year old Charice performing The Prayer with Bocelli in Tuscany... this came about via David Foster. When David Foster introduced her on stage in Vegas, he said that his sister emailed him about Charice after seeing her on YouTube. Maybe one day we could be seeing a Clay/Charice duet? I hope so! ETA: The video quality is very poor, but you will hear how good they sound together. The banner is brilliant. Cindilu, wish I had a fraction of your talent!
  4. Well the South Koreans have good taste! Park Tae-hwan's win was Korea's first swimming medal. Oh and he's been training in Australia during the lead up to the Olympic Games (thought I'd just throw that in.... ) Here's the sendspace link, in case you have trouble with the flvs one like I did: http://www.sendspace.com/file/83k2x0
  5. Well ain't THAT the truth!!! I remember being told years ago that the true meaning of "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is not that you should give someone something you'd like them to give to you but that you should try to understand them the way you want to be understood. So what I have highlighted above is so true because heck, I am still trying to understand some of the things I say and do, but having said that, most of all I accept myself, am proud of what I do well, am proud of my heart and values but I also accept what I just don't understand about myself and so I try to accept what I don't understand in others, It is, after all, a flaw on MY part that I am not able to understand them. It is really hard sometimes when I cannot, just cannot, understand mindless cruelty to animals and don't even want to understand it. It's one of those life lessons I cannot make sense of. <sigh> But that is different from judging what someone chooses to do with their life when it brings them happiness and does not affect anyone else in a negative way. If I can't enhance their happiness, then I had better step away and find something else to do.
  6. aikim , my apologies, I just realized that you are excitedly preparing for your daughter's wedding. I didn't mean to sound rude about weddings, because there is a flip side as well where people do get married and live happily and love each other. However, it doesn't work for everyone and for those who are not comfortable with it (and Clay understandably isn't, given his parents' marriage), no one should judge their personal decisions if they want to have children without the usual traditions.
  7. I trully, TRULY don't understand why anyone would feel anything other than happiness for Clay and Jaymes, and their precious son. When Clay created BAF, he created something that can be summed up in one word. Inclusion. Inclusion for all children, typical or otherwise because everyone is different. Even a 'typical' child may not be so typical when all is said and done because everyone is unique. I have so much respect for Clay and Jaymes because they had the COURAGE to follow their dream and be unique, rather than follow stupid traditions. OMG, so many couples who start out with a nice white wedding end up hating each other and creating sheer hell for their kids, some of whom are totally screwed up because their father and mother have screamed the most hateful things about each other. People usually get married because they are in lust, not love. Lust, in almost all cases, has a used-by date. Love doesn't. Parker Foster Aiken was created out of love, not lust. What a lucky, lucky little boy. ETA: Further to this, there are many fathers with jobs that take them away from home for weeks at a time, and they are still wonderful fathers. It's about quality time, not quantity. And now... with technology the way it is, staying connected across the miles is so much easier.
  8. Thread titles? ... unless Jaymes has a close female friend or relative. Some Christian denominations allow 2 godfathers for a boy ... I guess David Foster and Brett Parker will be front runners.
  9. Probably because they couldn't think of something/someone else to tear down at that precise moment. I find it very amusing to see posts in various places, condemning certain reality shows as a waste of time and that viewers of those programs need to get a brain or get a life. Yet they themseves needed to watch those shows and read the online blogs and posts in order to have the "knowledge" they profess. Then they have the time to thrash the blog posters etc. LOL I laugh about it on YouTube, the people making comments about how terrible the performer is.... yet they took 3 minutes out of their life to watch the vid and then another 3 minutes to type a comment. WHATTA life they have!
  10. Hee, Ansa. Can't figure out what holiday that was....hee it was Jose Rizal's birthday. It used to be a national holiday until the year I was born. I do think this would be more vital for Chinese people that put a lot of significance to the number 8. But who knows...maybe Jaymes is into numerology. No kidding! I was with a Chinese friend of mine when we were being driven around by a real estate agent as he was looking to buy a house. When we pulled up in front of a house with the number FOUR, I looked at him and said "look at the number". He wouldn't even get out of the car to look at the front door. He told the agent to forget that house. (Number 4 is symbolic of death, and he was a doctor!) ETA: The Chinese are highly supersticious. Amongst other things: - Never tell new parents their baby is beautiful. It would jinx the child's life - Always include the colours red and gold when giving a gift to a traditional Chinese. - Never point your pinky finger when using chopsticks, this is considered bad manners. - If you burp after eating a meal, this indicates you are well satisfied with the cooking. - If you see a bunch of shoes at their front door, REMOVE yours before you enter their house. (Unless they tell you that it is okay to leave your shoes on) - When visiting your Chinese friends, always greet the oldest members of the house first. Same with leaving their house, seek out the oldest family members and say goodbye to them first. ... Just a few things that quickly come to mind!
  11. Hm, that's a good point! Princess Beatrice (the first child of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson) was born on 8.8.88 at 8.28am, via C-Section. I am speculating here when I say that I'll bet it was planned for 8am but missed that mark, so went for the closest time with an 8 in it.
  12. claytonic


    I love the Olympics - stayed up to watch the opening ceremony... very VERY impressive, the mind boggles at what they did! The lighting of the cauldron is always a major anticipation... and while I found what Beijing did as fantastic, I still feel that Sydney 2000* was the most amazing to me..... it is hard to forget the image of Cathy Freeman igniting the cauldron, standing in the centre of fire and water. The lighting was delayed due to a technical hitch but it simply added to the drama of it all. *Did you guys know that 2000 is Sydney's postcode? I am looking forward to the swimming, gymnastics and blue ribbon track events. Plus some diving because I am a fan of little Michelle Wu. Oh and I try not to miss the last stages of the marathon!
  13. Interesting that you guys all like Joshua and Katee as I have only watched the first show of the top 10 couples and they were easily my favourite pair BY FAR... but then I loved their routine so much I figured maybe that the choreographer probably should have been given a vote as well! I guess from what you say, it wasn't just the oregraphy, that they are reallylconsistently outstanding and I am looking forward so much to the rest of their performancdes. Funny about how Katee almost got herself eliminated because of her 'attitude'; that would have been so cruel. I bet the judges are glad they stuck with her after all. That Mary Murphy sure has a VOICE on her!
  14. Tonight we had the top 10 couples on Oz, and wow they are just incredible. I am so impressed with the high standard of dancing talent but I am even MORE impressed with the unbelievable talent of the choreographers. It is such a shame, like most songwriters, they are behind the scenes. But at least the show is giving them the credit they deserve. I didn't know Nigel had a background in dance, from his comments I figured he must have... so I looked him up on Wikipedia which said, amongst other things, " On August 4th, 2008, Lythgoe confirmed that he was leaving "American Idol" and decided to move on with "So You Think You Can Dance."
  15. Kandre, I agree with you to a point about the private lives of entertainers. Frankly, I am appalled at the extent that the paparazzi and tabloids will go to .. in order to get a story, or fabricate a story. I just cannot believe people like Parez Hilton actually exist. However, having said that, I do support human interest stories, and I am always interested in what celebrities do to direct more focus on important world issues, be it the work of UNICEF or simply the Brangelina rainbow family, where every child is loved equally. I just love how Brad Pitt looks when he's got a kid on his shoulders! If, however, I were to find out that an entertainer I liked was an abuser of women or children, there is no way I could ever watch that actor/artist again, no matter how talented they are.
  16. This is dedicated to annabear who achieved the mature age of 32 several days ago... This is for all you girls 30 years and over.... and for those who are turning 30, and for those who are scared of moving into their 30's...and for guys who are scared of girls over 30!!!!... This was written by Andy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes. Andy Rooney says: As I grow in age, I value women who are over 30 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why... A woman over 30 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask,'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 30 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting. A woman over 30 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is,what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 30 give a hoot what you might think about her or what she's doing. Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated. A woman over 30 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women. Women over 30 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her. Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 30. They Always Know. A woman over 30 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 30 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a Jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her. Yes, we praise women over 30 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately,it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 30+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free'. Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage! Amen
  17. He must have had an agreement with the record company. Usually, because of the enormous expense behind producing an album, the record company expects a level of commitment with the promotional campaign. Clay did tell us that his publicity people bent over backwards to get him on certain TV shows but as Clay said, they just couldn't get him on all the ones they wanted, including American Idol. (I think I remember that correctly?)
  18. Hi Kim I understand your point and agree with you, many artists do take time out. In fact, Olivia Newton-John told the Australian Idols of 2004 how important it was to take time out, recharge batteries; also that you needed to not be 'over-exposed', so that fans don't get sick of you. However, it is extremely unusual for an artist to release a new album and NOT be part of a promotional campaign. Usually, it is a pre-requisite and where possible, included a tour as part of the promo. And this was the general expectation/rule long before this new era of diminishing physical sales across the board due to technology. LIVE gigs is now the way many artists will make their serious income from their music career because album sales will never see the likes of what it was 5 - 10 years ago, and beyond that. I don't know what Clay's reasons were for not doing more promo for OMWH. Initially, I thought (assumed, really) that he would go home and rest, recharge his batteries, touch base with family and then do a tour. Then the baby news hit us and it's all a mystery. I am just going with the flow now since all my expectations were all wrong! Ah our BF is a mystery man for sure!!
  19. SHUCKS I missed some birthdays! Happy belated to annabear and everyone who had a birthday in the last few days. Hope it was a wonderful day for you.
  20. This "diet" was featured today on TV here. I was amazed... THIS is exactly what I believe in and have followed this common-sense method for many years. I NEVER diet and never have a weight problem. I simply make sure I eat enough healthy food and never deprive myself of anything I like, including a periodical binge on a LARGE block of dark chocolate and other numerous goodies that I consider treats. Eating is an essential part of daily life and it should be enjoyed. I also totally agree with the doctor that the best exercise is to keep moving. I don't have any exercise equipment and haven't been to a gym for years. I simply move around a lot, I do my own housework, gardening, walk the dog, take the stairs (within reason) instead of the lift and I am never overweight. I honestly think that the stress involved in the discipline of a rigid diet and exercise regime is the reason why they don't work for most people because no one can stand being miserable day-in, day-out. Most of us aren't training for the Olympics.
  21. The story in 10 parts has only been added this month. The reunion video has been around for a while, and is moving towards 8 million views. I know the music makes it all the more emotional but the first time I saw the reunion video, it wasn't with IWALU in the background and I still found it incredibly powerful. ETA: ldyjocelyn, thanks for that gorgeous pic of the guy with the gorgeous smile!!
  22. Don't miss this >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adYbFQFXG0U OK, if that didn't grab you, then never mind. But if you were gob-smacked and/or your jaw hit the ground, then go here and download the full TRUE STORY in 10 parts. CLICK HERE ENJOY!
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