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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. It's www.hannahwaddingham.com. Thanks annabear! LOL I Googled Hannah Waddington, no wonder I didn't find that site. But it brought up a number of sites for Hannah Waddington + Spamalot!!! Have a look http://www.thestage.co.uk/news/newsstory.php/18498
  2. I read in a post that Hannah has some Clay pics on her site. But I can't find a website for Hannah. Anyone? I just see all this shipping as fun and fantasy on our part. I wonder if Clay realizes how much match-making is going on, on his fanboards!!
  3. I've been listening to the radio more (than watching TV) these days because it is interesting to hear what everyone is saying about Palin and the US campaign generally, and the bolded part quoted above is what is being said - amongst other things. One Oz radio host said that the American elections are like a world entertainment marathon. The world does have to pay attention because whoever is in charge of the USA controls much more than just the USA. It certainly did control some major and devasting decisions made by my country. I don't know enough about Palin except that she was chosen by McCain apparently because of her Christian "values"; that his first(original) pick for a running-mate was someome who was pro-choice, and so he decided against that person and decided on Palin in order to reach the Christian (pro-life) vote. They used her down-syndrome baby as proof that she is "pro-life". Oh please... I know lots of pro-choice people who would have also chosen to have their down-syndrome baby, and I would too as I've rarely met a down-syndrome child or adult that didn't enrich my life in some way. What I want to know is how she would have dealt with a baby that would be grossly malformed, would need a team of medical specialists and 24 hour care and not expected to live beyond a few days. What would she do then? And if that were the situation for a single mother on welfare, who pays for the round-the-clock specialist care? Who? WHO? The health care system can't even cope with the needs of those who are living and desperately want to continue living, yet many of them have died from totally preventable situations because they did not have the means for medical procedures, and their government didn't seem to care. Do the people on the pro-life team not see the irony? Nothing is black and white, and any politician who operates with blinkers firmly in place cannot possibly be equipped to deal with vastly complex social issues. As Joni Mitchel says in her song "Both Sides Now"... Nothing is ever black or white. I just couldn't believe my ears when GW Bush said "You're either with us, or against us". Personally, I wasn't at all "with" the USA on the decision to attack Iraq, but I most definitely was NOT "against" the USA either. But my country's leader paid a heavy price for saying "Yess Sir, Yesss Sir, 3 bags full Sir", to GW Bush. He was humiliated at the next elections here, which was earlier this year.
  4. (Grrr, I am on dial-up for another week... in the process of changing ISP. You Tube takes over an hour to download!!! Boy, cannot believe how much I took broadband for granted!) Chacha, that is John Clarke ("interviewee"), he is a well-known political satirist (amongst other things in the humor field, writing, performing etc) on a week-night current events show on ABC TV here in Oz. He is very, very clever. I actually knew him briefly and slightly many years ago, and what I remember best is that his real-life personality was quiet/shy, quite the opposite of the characters he created. His skits with Brian Dawe (the "interviewer") are now "legendary", bringing light-hearted relief to a serious current events show that addresses the harsh realities of life. They take a piece of reality (.e.g politician evading a sticky question) and present it in their exaggerated humor style. I just LOVE their work!! LOL ausdon, Kath and Kim are so funny, they also take real-life personalities and present them in an idiosyncratic exaggeration. But the actors really pull it off because they have such great scripts and clever co-actors. My favourite character in the show is Sharon, played by Magda Szubanski who had a major role in the movie Babe. She is very popular.
  5. merrieeee ...!!l :00003653: 13 years old, huh? I thought you had to admit to having gray hair in order to qualify for being a member of this board.... no? :lmaosmiley-1:
  6. Ansa, At first I was quite taken-aback by Mary and her loudness, to the point that I started to feel sorry for Nigel when I didn't really like him, because he had to sit so close to her. However, the judges are all very different and that makes them interesting and I can understand why she is a fixture as a judge. As the saying goes, the biggest "sin" of all (in showbiz) is to be boring, i.e. the whole idea is for people to absolutely LOVE or HATE you, 'cos then they're talking about you and keeping your name alive. And I guess Clay fits nicely into that concept as well - he is anything but boring!!!
  7. aikim, I know some people who share your philosophy, and some who have gone completely platinum white, it suits them. However, I saw an interview where the woman (who is in the 'beauty business') said that nothing quite gives you a lift the way hair color can. And I know that's true in my case. I don't like putting chemicals on my scalp but my skin seems to look so much better when I've just had a color put in. I have been looking for non toxic hair coloring that doesn't cost the earth.
  8. Well, I have just finished watching SYTYCD - the top 3. I can't get over how GOOD they are, ALL of them. It just seemed so unfair that 2 had to leave even though I just love Katee and Joshua. Oh and what about that little 6 year old boy doing his hip hop thang... just amazing! Cat is also an exceptional host. Seacrest could learn a thing or two from her. Not that I think he isn't good at his job but Cat has a certain warmth about her and seems such a natural. ha nice to see Pawler in the audience... I have been wondering when we'd see her on the show since her name is synonymous with dance, and particularly choreography. ETA: by Top 3, I meant Top 3 couples, so that's Top 6.
  9. I could be wrong here... but my experience with some verrrry English folk is that when they say "quite" in certain instances, it an affirmative term. For example, if you say "that was a great movie" and they reply "yes....quite!"... the body language and tone indicates "absolutely, it was fantastic". The Brits aren't known for showing extreme enthusiasm! ETA: muski, if you have an old brown mascara (or black if your hair is very dark), use that on the roots. Of course you can use a new mascara but an old one is better because it doesn't put globs of mascara on your skin. Your eyelashes are hair, after all! It also reduces the frequency of using hair dye on your scalp.
  10. So...... if Twinkies are creatively turned into sooo-sheee, does that make them a Main Course, rather than Dessert?
  11. I'd heard of them being mentioned OFTEN but never knew what they were... the same way I'd heard about Oreos for years (from watching American TV) but didn't know what they were until a few years ago when they hit the market here. ausdon, did YOU know what Twinkies were? We do have similar miniature cake products here but I don't like them much because sugar seems to be the main ingredient! If I am going to eat sugar, I'd rather eat it in something else that I am already addicted to! I avoid Coke but IF I have a treat, I will only drink the Real Thing with 12 (?) teaspoons of sugar rather than that awful tasting artificial sweeter.
  12. LOL this suddenly reminds me of a story I heard some years ago ... that thieves broke into a music shop in London and stole ALL the CDs, except for Kylie Minogue's! (Kylie is hugely successful in the UK) I was told this story by more than one person but I don't know how true it is. Could have been started by someone who doesn't like Kylie but heck the story always makes people laugh as it isn't really "cool" to like Kylie!!
  13. OK, I am going to admit it... I have heard "Twinkies" mentioned before but I had no idea what they were, so I Googled them and found a Wikipedia entry. so now I know... They must be something special to be so famous.
  14. luckiest I used to love having dinner parties with an Indian theme. Curries can be cooked in advance and frozen (I'd have at least two completely different types), and then the side dishes made on the day itself. Really fantastic for busy people because there is no stress. I used to make a sliced cucumber and yogurt side dish which was so perfect for hot dishes, and another was sliced tomahto with chopped mint and onions and lemon juice. <Makes a note to buy some roti to keep in the freezer alongside the curry....>
  15. The majority of Indian food is spicy, but some restaurants will let you determine how spicy you want things. I love Indian food with a passion, but unfortunately none of my kids or friends will eat it (neither would my ex) so I am pretty limited to waiting for FromClaygary to come and visit and dine with me, or once in a while I get some take out or make it myself. There are some good frozen dinner options at the grocery store, as well. HEE as far as I am concerned, Indian food means HOT HOT curries! It's no fun unless you need a box of Kleenex close by and look like you are a tragic mess! I used to like the Malaysian curries with coconut milk but I now much prefer the spicier Indian curries, and all their yummy side dishes. ausdon , Indian food IS full of spice, but the restaurants always cater for people who don't tolerate anything too hot. Also, here's a tip... if anyone accidentally eats something that is burning their mouth (chilly hot), have a sweet, milky drink (Indian restaurants have the yogurt drink "lassi"). Another thing that absolutely works is to suck on a piece of sugar candy or a lollipop. The sweetness will drastically reduce the burning, and this is an exceptional tip if a young child accidentally pops a red-hot chilly in their mouth. Even spoonfuls of sugar held in the mouth will work. luckiest, who cares about anyone else... I make my curries to suit myself and freeze them. When I feel like a curry craving happening, I know where to go to get my fix... I have to admit I too now use those jars of curry paste you can buy. Such convenience!
  16. duh I am not having a good night here.... messing up everything Ido
  17. I have just watched the news here and I am finding it so hard to believe that there's a chance Gustav will be worse than Katrina, even if everyone is prepared this time. Worse than Katrina? I don't know how many times people have to lose their home and loved-ones, on top of the terror and trauma. All those people who returned to New Orleans after Katrina, to start again - how much they must have loved New Orleans and the Gulf areas to take that risk. With a heavy heart, my thoughts are with everyone at risk from Gustav. Also thoughts with Scarlett and KAndre for a safe trip home. No matter how wonderful an overseas trip is, nothing feels as good as the plane descending on your homeland.
  18. http://cantonrep.com/index.php?ID=428308&a...D=428307&r= Michael Johns interview... in case there are any fans here. I liked him but was not heartbroken when he left earlier than expected. Frankly, I thought Carly leaving before Top 3 was a bigger travesty. My favourite was the little guy who was runner-up.
  19. aikim, don't know if this really works but if this is the problem you mean, try this when you are trying on your dress: 14. REDUCING STATIC CLING Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and... At DA!... Static is gone. From: http://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/i...st=0#entry86498 Oh absolutely. While we have made comments about his hair, it is just a passing discussion. The rest is a given... i.e. the way he relates to the kids and even more importantly, the way the kids relate to him because kids can pick a phoney by a mile. And Clay is the real deal, and they KNOW it.
  20. There are 3 distinct occasions where I didn't like Clay's hair, even though on all three occassions his hair was dark (the right color for me!!) 1. Fifth Grader 2. Season2 Rewind 3. Neil Sedaka Tribute I loved his hair on Tyra and during the ATDW promotion. I am not crazy about the Spam blond hair earlier this year but I still preferred it to the above three occasions. I don't like "clumped" bangs, that DOES make the hair look greasy. I totally agree with Mr Muski's description. In fact, it crossed my mind for those three occasions that Clay must have been running late and just did not have time for proper hair and makeup session. On Tyra and so many other occasions, his hair and make-up for TV looked perfect, whether I loved the style or not, he looked as if he had been professionally "done". E.g. his hair during the early days of Season 2, that very dark flat-ironed hair, I didn't like it BUT it looked as if it had been done by hair and makeup, not rushed. When all is said and done, most people on TV/movies without professional hair/makeup look very ordinary, or worse.
  21. I remember thinking that when I watched it. He really looked unwell at that time. It shows mostly in his eyes, I thought.
  22. The contrasts in parts of Asia are staggering... as you say, no middle-class. Just opulence and poverty side-by-side.
  23. Aimi Kobayashi - 4 years old http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7v9zLKE2NQ&...feature=related Aimi Kobayashi - 7 years old http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=MI89oIkEXTg This totally blew me away... she is beyond description, beyond explanation. beyond comprehension.
  24. Just watched the episode where Will is voted off. Will, along with Twitch and Joshua were easily the top 3 guys, such a shame that Will left!!! Of course Katee is by far the top female. We get the results show following the performance show, so it is like a 2.15 continuous hours of SYTYCD. Toni Basil was the guest judge - ha it is funny to see her. When she had that big hit (Mickey) and the video was on TV a great deal, people used to call me and tell me I looked like her! I didn't realize she was such an accomplished choreographer. And I can't get over the fact she is 64 years old!!
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