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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/artic...%20dead_1084774 I just got an email with this link. It has a question-mark in the headline, so I hope it is wrong but I think that would be wishful thinking. I suspected that the little boy would have been killed because he saw what happened, and too much time has passed. Killing an adult is horrendous enough, but to take the life of an innocent child is beyond the unthinkable. How will they ever recover from this? I feel so sad for them.
  2. I've seen that vid before but it's always worth a 2nd time, 3rd time, 4th time and more! It captures Clay spirit so well, his goodness and kindness. ETA: Since the birth of Parker, Jaymes has said what a good caregiver Clay is, because of the way he nurtures Parker. I think this video shows that it is part of his nature.
  3. OK, this is no doubt a sad revelation of my mind but I thought the B was for "b*tch"
  4. Clay definitely has a lot of influencial contacts in the entertainment industry, there are so many truly talented and powerful people who have a high regard for his talent and integrity.. Simon Cowell referred to David Foster as (verbatim>>) "the most successful (music) producer in this country (USA)", and his connection with Jaymes therefore puts him in a great position. He is so perfect for television - the kind of show that will allow him to utilize so many of his talents - singing, comedy, acting, teaching, dancing (ahem!), and most of all, communication, which is, after all, at the core of all those skills. It would be perfect if not now, then certainly when Parker starts school, so that he can be in one place during the school terms. The kind of show I see him in would be a cross between The Charlotte Church Show and Oprah, so a bit of everything, from singing to comedy skits to serious causes close to his heart. One day... it will happen, I am sure of it.
  5. I am still in shock regarding Jennifer Hudson. After Clay, she and Fantasia are my favourite American Idols. Her liner notes on her first album, after thanking God, she thanks her mum and then her siblings, and nephew, that's how much they meant to her: In her self-titled debut album, released in September, Jennifer included a message of love to her family, including her mother. "Next, of course, is u my mommy DARNELL AKA DOLL...," Hudson wrote in the liner note of the album after thanking God. "Thank u for instilling in me that I could do anything I put my mind to and teaching me to always put God first. Thank you for loving me no matter what." After sending the message of thanks to her mother, Jennifer also including loving words for her siblings and her nephew. "To the original JHUD's, my big bro and sis JASON and JULIA, I love you so much. Thank you both for rooting me on and supporting me like nobody else. Also for believing in me and never letting me settle for just ok but the best. Because of u, I don't believe in limits. LIL' JULIAN KING my lil' nephew, I love u, baby." So just imagine, of the people mentioned in the liner notes, her mother and brother are murdered, and her sister and little nephew are missing. When she received her Golden Globe (I think that was the award) for Dreamgirls, she said "Look what God can do". I wonder how she is feeling about God right now.
  6. As Muski said, I am not sure why Clay was there at all. Doesn't seem like he had an 'active' role in the roast, he was just part of the audience, to be made use of. In any case, I agree Clay's a big boy and by now, I'm sure he's already filled his head with more important things like his injury and commitment to Spamalot and his baby. I must be getting very old, I just don't find vulgarity, for the sake of it, very funny. I'd like to see a roast where no profanity and crude terms were used... now, that would be a challenge only truly talented comic writers could take on.
  7. I didn't find any of that roast funny at all. I'll laugh at a good dirty joke but those weren't even jokes, they were just reels of crude and vulgar mumbo-jumbo thrown together for shock value and attention grabbing. They make Sara Silverman look like a novice and the side swipes at Clay weren't funny at all. I've always respected Matt, he always seemed like that dying breed - a gentleman. Now I'm not so sure. Good thing Clay didn't take Faye along...
  8. Julia (Jennifer's sister - who was featured quite a bit during Idol#3) is also reportedly missing, and the wanted suspect is someone called William Balfour. Julia's MySpace lists someone called William are her #2 best friend, after her mom #1... Jennifer being #3, brother Jason being #4. The little boy reportedly missing is Julia's son, Julian. So it appears William could be Julia's BF or husband. OK, I don't have the facts, the above is what I have gleaned from the net. I cannot even begin to fathom how Jennifer must be feeling when so many of the most important people in her life are either dead or missing. I had hoped this was not true but it now appears what's horribly true is that her mother and brother are murdered.
  9. OMG OMG someone just sent me an email telling me Jennifer Hudson's mom has been shot dead. I can't believe it. http://www.rickey.org/?p=9539 Does anyone know if this is true?
  10. Hm good article. The comment about McCain... Yes, and that act of opportunism backfired on him. I am still astonished, when I stop to think about it, that someone like Palin was even given consideration as a running-mate, never mind actually being given a shot at potentially stepping into the shoes of the most powerful person in the world. We have seen the mess GW did ... pretty much everyone I know has been making jokes about GW since before he was even in the hot seat, because it just was such a JOKE that he was running for it. And look what happened.... and 8 years later, he's effectively brought the USA down to its knees on so many counts. You know, in many ways, his father is culpable. I doubt GW really wanted the job, I think he wanted to please his daddy. Can you tell that I am still fuming about Iraq?
  11. Actually, one thing about Clay that I often think about.... is his devotion to his little brother. When Brett was born, it would have been very understanding if Clay had resented Brett, especially since he was used to being an only child for all that time... and then with Brett being the golden boy in Ray's eyes, it couldn't have been easy for him to suddenly no longer be the centre of his mother's world. It really touched me that Clay spoke so lovingly of his brother throughout LTS. I mean, many of us grew up with siblings but ... you know....you know what I mean?
  12. I only have one other thought about the evening, and that is how very much he and Jaymes mean to each other. To hear him speak about her, their son, their family - if we didn't 'know' the situation, there is nothing to indicate that they are anything but a couple who love each other. Watching his face as he spoke of them, and looked at her - it just made my heart swell. <snip> I see we are of one mind about his relationship with Jaymes (not that I ever doubted); to me, there is absolutely nothing "unusual" about this family, other than perhaps in this day and age, the depth of their love for one another. Clay makes it abundantly clear that he loves and admires Jaymes. Jaymes looks at him and there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that she loves him as well. They're thrilled to be able to share their child with one another and the world~isn't that the way it's SUPPOSED to work? The only unusual thing I see is that, sadly, for so many others it's NOT that way. It made me so happy to see, and relieved my (few) fears for him beyond measure. ITA - in fact - before Clay came out, I NEVER shipped him with anyone .... but privately I felt there was something between him and Jaymes. It's amazing but just in a few photographs and mainly from a couple of YouTube vids, I detected a special relationship, and as I've said before, I actually suspected at one time that there was no evidence of Clay's relationship with ANYONE because of his relationship with Jaymes. So I am not at all surprised that gay or not, they love each other dearly and deeply (TM Jaymes). Remember when Clay said at one time "a friendship is better than a dating relationship" (or words to that effect, and how true it has been for him with Jaymes). And now, one thing we can all be sure about is that little Parker will NEVER have to suffer the pain of seeing his parents divorce and/or hate each other and/or become totally alienated. I watched something this week on TV about the whole ugly mess regarding Alec Baldwin and his daughter and I thought of Parker and sighed with relief.
  13. Thanks for those stunning pics, claylove. I've been looking at them over and over! Hope someone with the necessary talent and skills puts them on a slow montage to RHW.!!
  14. Wasn't it "teeth" that was on fire? I remember this so clearly because I had never heard it said this way before.
  15. I agree, I hope that those who are struggling will think about aspects of their own selves that perhaps may surprise and disappoint others. No one is perfect, and no one is exactly what others perceive them to be. If anyone in this world deserves compassion, it is Clay. It isn't even about forgiveness because I honestly don't see that there is anything to forgive Clay for. I've learnt so much from his strengths but have learnt even more from his good humor, kindness and most of all from his vulnerabilities. We should just ask ourselves... if we knew 5 years ago what we know today about Clay, would we be here? I say yes. I was watching something on TV about Al Gore ... when he said "I used to be the next president of the Unites States of America"... and I immediately thought... hey, Clay could one day say "I used to be the next American Idol..." (No offence to Ruben, after all... how could a Motown freak like me NOT like Ruben... ESPECIALLY after he sang "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" !!!)
  16. Sadly, she still says she is stepping back or away. She seemed to enjoy most of the evening, but closed herself off completely when he started singing. She never stood up, not sure if she applauded, had a sour look on her face. She went to the room immediately after the Gala and went to bed. Did not speak about it the next day. Her heart was not open to the love he offered, but yet he told all of us that he is right here waiting...even those who can no longer include him in their hearts. That is truly inclusive. Cotton, Luckiest1, Claymatron, Sassafras (and anybody else I missed), it was nice to see you. I'm CravingClay on most other boards so I know that gets a little confusing when trying to introduce myself. I wish I could have joined you all for brunch, but my traveling buddies had other plans. I am puzzled, why was she there AT ALL if her heart wasn't in it? What was the point... surely the fact she had already paid didn't have anything to do with it.
  17. It shocked me too, but it has given me a new respect for him. I was very upset with everyone in a significant position in Bush's government over the Iraq war, which I opposed so strongly that I ended up alienating some people who were friendly "associates" at that time. I can never understand why an intelligent person cannot see the futility of pro-actively going to war...as if they had learnt nothing from history. Hillary also muddied my massive respect for her over the Iraq war, as strange as it may sound, I felt betrayed by her endorsement of the attack at that time. Anyhow, I am so thrilled that Colin Powell has given Obama the thumbs up. The idea of someone like Palin in office strikes fear in me.
  18. Sarah Palin on The Oprah Winfrey Show I guess you might as well in the midst of all the :cry4: that so many people are doing.
  19. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/ton...06_filtered.jpg oooo I LURVE those sox!!!!!
  20. Thanks, Couchie, for the reminder of how lucky we are to have so many who are so generous in sharing their joy and experience with those of us who couldn't be there, and that includes those who also couldn't be there but assisted in every way to include everyone. I love the word "inclusive".... Clay has given extra special meaning to it. I actually emailed a friend to tell her how incredible it was that thousands of miles away at the other end of the world, we were able to share the occasion almost in "real time".
  21. Gala vids now on YouTube Thanks to the people who were instrumental in making these videos possible on YouTube. Unfortunately, my PC seems to hate ClackUnlimited so I am thrilled that I didn't have to wait long. ETA: Luckiest1, please hurry back with part two....
  22. What is amazing about Apsiegirl is that she is a young woman who has Apergers disease which is a cousin of autism, I believe. This is one of the most beautiful and artful montages I have ever seen!!! Imagine watching that on a large screen, with an amazing sound system!! It would make a wonderful intro to an occasion like the Gala, or even at a concert immediately before Clay takes the stage.
  23. August's Rhapsody by aspiegirl When y'all have calmed down, kick back and watch that. Well done, aspiegirl (not that I know who she is!)
  24. Found The Temptations movie at Amazon~ Thanks Jamar1700!! You know, it's the 2nd DVD I will have bought. I don't usually buy them because I have so many lent to me or put on my HD that I haven't even watched. But anything to do with Motown I have to keep. I bought Dreamgirls, and although I loved it, mainly because of Jennifer Hudson, I feel it was too short to cover such a huge story. It really should be an extended mini-series. And it needs to be done while Berry Gordy is alive because he really is Mr Motown and should have some input. Hey have you read Gordy's biog? What about Dreamgirls by Mary Wilson and Diana's biog which really left out a lot of stuff. Of course Smokey's was brilliant, and the rest!!
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