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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. claygasm This situation has come about because people just need something to believe in. When people are so down and out and someone new and fresh offers a change that represents HOPE and a light at the end of the tunnel, it is absolutely human behavior. It happened in Australia in 1972 when the most controversial liberal Prime Minister (Gough Whitlam) was elected in 1972 after an incredible 23 year stretch of conservative government. The slogan was "It's Time", and it had an incredible campaign, including a TV ad that featured well-known faces in the entertainment/arts industry. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=vqMCZBjvmD4&...feature=related Obama's "Change" slogan is so very reminiscent of it. IMO, Prime Minister Whitlam changed too much too quickly, and it fell apart. But he still has many fans, he brought about free education, including university, and you have no idea how many stay-at-home moms started their free psychology degree then. (But the free education and a number of other expensive iimplementations brought the government some serious economic problems. ) claygasm Exactly. But only those who believe in miracles and see Obama as their messiah will be disappointed when problems aren't solved overnight. Gibby I haven't seen that discussed but I could have missed it as I am not able to give it my undivided attention. Quite honestly, GW has angered a lot of Australians, but we are angrier that our PM at the time kowtowed to GW over the Iraq situation. Many of us feel that NZ and Canada had the backbone to say NO, and we could have as well. That idiot Bush "you're with us or against us" quip made me so mad. I was dead against the Iraq war, but that does not mean I am against the USA. Unfortunately, the USA has been seen as a bully for a long time, and the Iraq attack simply made it worse. You know, there are so many people alive today who suffered the consequences of our involvement in the Vietnam war. So many lives lost in vain... and yes, it was in vain because it seems nothing was learned from it in terms of how easy it is to start a war, and how difficult it is to end one.
  2. Down Under, we have devoted huge chunks of television time to live coveratage of the US elections, that's how important these elections are to us. We even have our own "commentary team" who noted, like everyone else, how GW Bush has been conspicuously absent during these elections; not even a word from him asking people to vote for the Republicans. That's how much his credibility has sunk. Well, it sure looks like those 'psychics' on The View (Halloween show) who said it was going to be very close... were wrong. Technology is just incredible, the way it has made it so easy to see up-to-the-minute progress and results at the other end of the world.
  3. Well, if Faye is serious about wanting people to NOT vote for Obama, I wonder if Jesse Vargas is on her mailing list.... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=183353472
  4. Well, that could be the reason why he wears odd socks... that way, he has a good reason to NOT throw away "orphaned" socks!! Now, that's pretty smart, and perhaps it will start a new trend. I mean, why throw away a perfectly good sock just because it doesn't have a twin?
  5. Well, that's understandable since both you and Marmite originated from the UK!! I can't really think of a single American I know who likes Vegemite - the irony is that this iconic Australian um...delicacy.... is now owned by an American company!
  6. ... in case all that humming inspires you to come to the Land Down Under, here's letting you know you'll be getting a little more than just Vegemite sandwiches ... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=wy_TB6onHVE
  7. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=QQP8yhH4UQ4 Laura White, one of this year's outstanding talents in UK's X Factor God Bless the Child - Billie Holliday (MUCH better than Diana Ross' version)
  8. Well, we got rid of our own "Republican" leader earlier this year, and one of the big reasons was because he was joined at the hip with GWB. I think that's why the international community prefers to endorse a party that doesn't have those ties with GWB. Our "Democrat" equivalent was voted in but there's been no great miracle fixers. However, I am still glad we have him rather than the other option. I tend to support the party that has an inclusive philosophy and isn't a military bully. I respect the military and am immensely grateful for their role in protecting us but I do not see other countries with different cultures as the enemy. We are truly more and more a melting pot as a world community and people with xenophobic mind-sets have no business being in politics. That's the sad realisation, the USA doesn't appear (to me) to have evolved sufficiently to drop its guard when it comes to people who are "different", even within its own boundaries. That has to happen first. Whoever wins this election will have a heavy burden to carry; OK that's stating the obvious but I've said it anyway.
  9. The email forwarded by Faye is no different to all the other circulating emails where the author takes a slant, and then provides the some sensational, out of context text, to support that slant. I have read some truly ugly political propaganda in emails, mostly from people who proclaim to be "God-fearing". And that author is definitely NOT a thinker, certainly not one that is able to extend himself laterally. Personally, I am not sure whether to be more afraid that Obama will win, or more afraid that he won't. That's my status quo after watching a documentary last night on the mood of the people and why they will or won't for him.
  10. Here is a fun BIRTHDAY CALCULATOR to email to someone who is having a birthday. I inserted Clay's birthdate, then I inserted Parker's, and according to this calculator, this time last year, he hadn't quite been conceived! I was amazed that it said that Clay's Life Path Number was #3, rather than #2!!!!
  11. OK, for some time now I have been subscribing to Google Alerts for Clay but I don't always read them because I found so much rubbish is posted by people who are clueless. This one takes the cake though... http://vizu.typepad.com/vizuble/2008/11/clay-aiken---ja.html The heading is "Clay Aiken - Jaymes Foster Custody Battle Over Son Parker" I really had a laugh because it really shows how facts have so little to do with a good story!! I am sure Clay and Jaymes are laughing too because I can't imagine a more secure pair of parents.
  12. DL? I thought maybe David Letterman but I can't see how Letterman fits into the context of this thread.
  13. So how did GW get elected? LOL For what it's worth, here's a fascinating segment on The View for Oct 31. (They are in costume for Halloween) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvTzyuVcPvQ This segment has a numerologist and a metaphysical intuitive giving their take on the election. They say it is going to be a very close election. The metaphysical/intuitive says that in 2012, 3 women (including Palin and Clinton) will run for president. Even if you don't believe in this stuff, it is entertaining. (I am open-minded about anything ... ) Oh and the numerologist says some very nice things about the #2 ....so you know who I thought of, right?
  14. Could the admin who posted the above to me in http://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/i...pic=562&hl= ... please test the link I have replaced. Very odd, must be the Halloween gremlins at work/play...
  15. Oh good grief, are you sure you weren't voting for American Idol? Kidding aside, that is unbelievable!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNRgK4YiKiI&sdig=1 Interesting... the heading has Charice's name but it is NOT about Charice, it is about David Foster and his talent discoveries (where he finds them) and which huge hit song he hates the most!
  17. Happy Halloween! Call me ignorant... but I've only just discovered two things: 1) ...that the Halloween tradition did NOT originate in the USA; and 2) ...that Halloween activities have been in certain parts of Australia for decades. I had no idea since I never saw any evidence of it until recent years. Before that, the only Halloween I knew about I saw on television and magazines with stories from the USA, etc. I lived for many years in Sydney, just 10 minutes from the city, and I never saw anything or knew anyone involved in Halloween activities.
  18. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/Story?...0152&page=1 Substantial story: Hudson Deaths Latest Chapter in South Side Chicago Violence Really, those who have always tried to justify the Iraq situation (when no WMD were found) have to be kidding themselves when they say that it was nevertheless necessary to capture Sadam Hussein to spare the Iraq citizens from his reign of terror. The Iraq war is now costing the USA 10 billion a month. (That's a conservative figure I have rounded from various articles). 10 billion per month could do a great deal for the communities such as the one the Hudsons live in, who don't even think of dialling 911 when they hear gun shots, because it's become part of their comfort-zone. That is such a scary environment to be raising children in, where children do not know of any other way of life. According to the link posted above Looking at (suspected Hudson killer) William Balfour's background, his father and brother were in prison and he was affiliated with the Gangster Disciples. How difficult is it for someone who grows up in the neighborhood to avoid a life of crime? William Balfour should have been removed from mainstream community when he breached his parole conditions some months ago. Had this happened, perhaps Jennifer Hudson wouldn't be in the situation she is in today. Yet, he was let him off - I mean, there are so many crimes committed daily that they'd need to create housing facilities simply to lock-up those who are a threat to society. So these high-risk criminals are walking time-bombs because their country's leader wouldn't spend the funds needed to clean up his own backyard...yet was able to try and justity spending a fortune meddling in the domestic affairs of other nations. Oh, and I hate guns. And Sarah Palin (so I've been told) is a proud life-time member of a the NRA. ETA - that is very strange. I have replaced the link the way it really is so you can see what it is, i.e. from abc news.. I have tested it and it looks fine. In future I will test the link after posting. Claytonic
  19. Fantasia's MY Space Clay Aiken has her #1 position at her MySpace list of friends. I wonder how come....
  20. So he has freckles? I know they are part-and-parcel for natural red-heads but I hadn't noticed them on him before - except in his childhood pics - and I know people who 'lost' their childhood freckles once they stopped spending a lot of time in the sun. Perhaps someone who has seen his face sans make-up can confirm? (I was going to say "seen his face naked" but I didn't want to risk causing Muski to hyperventilate.... ) ETA: Here's Charice, introduced by DF, doing Billie Jean. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=r9GLWYbwRJA&...feature=related OK, she's no Michael Jackson but don't forget, she's a 16 year old asian girl. Strange how DF is saying that she didn't speak English when he met her a few months ago. That's not true at all and whilst it's her 2nd language, she is nevertheless fluent. I've never met a Filipino who did not speak English, and some speak it better than people who have no other language than English! I wonder why no one has corrected DF as he has said on a number of occasions that she did not speak English when he met her. I hate it when they fabricate stories to try to make a new artist more interesting. I remember how the story was that Diana Ross "discovered" the Jackson Five. That was absolute nonsense!!
  21. I'd like to help but have to warn that my time and talent are somewhat limited! However, if an idiot-proof task can be identified and delegated my way, perhaps I can be of some use.
  22. I feel exactly the same way. Jennifer and Fantasia were my favourites for season #3 and although I wanted Fantasia to win, since Dreamgirls, I have become more of a JHud fan, and I have a friend here who shares JHud info as it happens. One thing I noticed about Jennifer is that her immediate family simply adored each other and she never missed an opportunity to express how much they meant to her. I mean, she could have taken her BF or anyone else as her date to the Oscars but she took her mama. I was so touched by that and now am so glad that she did. It is rare to see that kind of extent of such devotion to family, no matter how close. I am still in a state of disbelief so I cannot begin to imagine how she must be feeling, and I daresay the reality of this monumental tragedy has yet to hit her. Right now she has the "facts" of the matter. Later, reality of the matter will be overwhelming, I feel. I think it is obvious who's the monster behind it all ... and I blame the authorities who knew he had some serious issues and let him out without stringent monitoring. I read that his own father was imprisoned for 30 years for murder. I don't usually understand overly religious people but for once, I am glad that she and her family may find comfort in their religious beliefs since there is surely nothing on earth that can possibly relieve such excrutiating torture.
  23. As much as I want Obama to win, I fear he will need an army of Jeromes to keep him safe. Progressive leaders are so often targets by those who want to remain in the dark ages.
  24. Geesh, you guys in here are so talented it's depressing me!! lol Seriously, some of the creations, artwork, writings etc in here make me feel iinadequate. Shucks I have no talent!
  25. Well, the brother-in-law (estranged from Jennifer's sister, Julia) had sold Julia's car without her knowledge. When she gave him hell over it, he threatened to take the boy, Julian, from her if she didn't stop "playing" him (I don't know that term but I guess it means if she didn't stop hassling him about it). Apparently she didn't think he would do it because she knew he didn't want to go back to jail. The guy has a criminal record and had spent 7 years in jail for crimes that included atttempted murder. No wonder the cops held on to him. I hope their faith in God gets them through this somehow. I keep thinking about what Jennifer said when she picked up her Oscar (or Golden Globe)... she said "Look what God can do". That's why I'm such a cynic.. ETA: Update
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