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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. I love oatmeal (we call it Rolled Oats here...) I use coconut milk instead of regular milk. But I have it for dessert, NOT breakfast! Also, when I have cooked my dog's food (meat and vegs), I turn off the heat and stir in some oatmeal. It thickens the gravy and my dog loves it. (I don't trust commercial dog food anymore). I know so many people who still hate oatmeal - I did as a child. Bottlecap, your countdown pics are simply brilliant! I've been waiting to see what you'd be using for ONE more day! Was this in response to aikim suggesting everyone has a good idea?
  2. Thanks Lotus, I didn't even know there was a difference between Imperial and US gallon!! So the tomayto/tomahto issue lives on in other areas too... oh and I was watching the Finale of SYTYCD (which was screened here just a couple of hours ago), and Cat, the host, said "eeeether", instead of "iiiither". I thought the English (i.e. Cat) said "iiiither"? No? Where's that Merrieeee when she's needed???
  3. OMG OMG I just finished watching the Finale.... just unbelievable entertainment! LOVED watching Mary and Nigel do their thang on the dance floor. Even though I knew the results in advance, I was still sad that there couldn't be a 3-way-tie!! When the judges were picking their favourite performances, Katee was featured more than anyone else. I just loved her performances with Will, Twitch and Joshua - her prize should have been double what it was... I think she was the only one who NEVER received even the smallest criticism from the judges because her performances were flawless except for that one time with Will, which they got to do again, this time to perfection! Without taking anything away from Courtney, I feel that if they had not done the elimination as one female/one male each week, Will would have been in the Top 4. He really was eliminated too early, and the 'favourite' performance nominated by Mia of Will and Katee's duet was a reminder of just how good he was. Quite honestly, SYTYCD is so much more entertaining than Idol. I recorded it so that I could watch it again. I will be trying to keep track of the careers of Will, Joshua, Katee and Twitch. I don't know how I will be able to watch the Oz version (now auditioning) after such a high standard in the US series. <sigh> don't have anything else to look forward to on TV now... we have Australian Idol Top 11 coming up next but I am not really into it yet. Big Brother here was 'axed' earlier this year and a lot of people are saying they need to to give Idol the chop too. if it weren't for the internet, I wouldn't be able to look forward to the Spam recaps that are coming up.... yippee! ETA: One thing about Katee, I loved all her choreographed duets BUT not her short solo dances. She danced well but I didn't like the arrangements of her solos.
  4. I filled up today because it's Tuesday, and that's when petrol (gas) is cheapest for the week here. So... Today,. I paid 138.9 per litre. Yesterday it was 147.9. And tomorrow it will probably back up to over 145.9 per litre. I can't wait for solar-powered cars to be widely available and partially fueled (as a backup) by another renewable resource that won't impact on our environment and won't have us chopped at the knees in terms of our reliance on oil producing nations.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXvbwiXqQm8 OMG did anyone else think that was Sarah Palin for one very long moment??? I DID!! ETA: If the above link does not work, try this one: (It's about that amazing spoof) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ral-zByaSU4
  6. On the topic of children with parents that travel.... I have to say something about Diana Ross. Oh, I am fascinated with her and I have read everything I have come across about her, and Berry Gordy, Motown etc etc but you know, she was essentially a single mother for most of the time her 5 children were growing up. From what I read, her kids were allowed to call her ANYtime, she would take a call from them in the middle of a business meeting. When she was performing away from home, she would fly home immediately after the show so that she would be there with them for breakfast the next morning, spend time with them and then she would fly back to where she was performing that evening. With the two younger children from her last marriage, she would have their clothes all ready for the next morning, then take them to school. There were a lot of things about Diana Ross that people who worked with her hated, but her children absolutely adore her. I always think of her when I hear of mothers struggling to find a balance between a career and children, especially single mothers. I think when a child has at least one parent that loves them unconditionally, that child will be equipped to deal with most things in life. I've always believed that unconditional love only ever exists between mother and child, but there are exceptions with some fathers, and I'd lay London to a brick that Clay is one of those fathers. I'd like to be reincarnated as Clay Aiken's next child. Oh wait, do you have to be dead before you can be reincarnated? ETA: Does anyone else feel that THAT bear's name is, um... anna?
  7. Lotus, thanks for that blog! OMG, that list of the books Palin wanted banned from the City Library is somethin' else! It is just inconceivable that she could "a heartbeat" away from the most powerful position in the world! Her extreme beliefs are scary and dangerous.
  8. Got this in an email today. I've seen it before. It's not a joke but it is interesting in a fun kinda way.
  9. Regarding basements, a house I stayed at in the South of France was situated on an old farm. It had a large basement which kept a lot of food fresh, including perishables, for a long time. I thought it was a brilliant idea. It was a kind of large cellar and very cool. Well it was snowing outside... so.... ETA: I guess not everyone is as excited about Charice as I am - well, I've been a fan of hers ever since I stumbled across her YT vid when I was viewing YouTube videos of Bianca Ryan immediately after she won America's Got Talent. While I thought Bianca was incredible, I thought Charice was better and I just KNEW it was just a matter of time before she was discovered by someone in the music business. I just never imagined it would get this big, this quickly. This vid made me cry, and you'll see why. Oh, and Parker Aiken's uncle is featured too..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx4sRlP-rI0 EATA: The first results show for the Australian Idol Top 12 was on tonight, and Jordin Sparks was a guest performer. I think she will be returning to tour with Alicia Keys. She is only 18 .. looks like she is doing well. Strange, the females in American Idol seem to do better than the males, yet in Australia, the males do so much better. The female winners of Australian Idol have not done well AT ALL. The format here is also changed for 2008... the bottom 3 are announced and they each sing the song they did the previous night, and the audience can vote to save their favourite in the bottom 3. I think this is a good idea as it means we don't have to listen to the Seacrest equivalent repeat the judges comment for each and every contestant. Oh, and don't tell Seacrest this but this year, we have 3 people doing the equivalent of what he does.... Woohoo... next week Cyndi Lauper is here to mentor the Top 11 finalists and she will be singing!!
  10. YAY two more 'sleeps' before the Grand Finale! Mind you, while one TV Channel advertises this Finale, a competing TV Channel has the winner (Joshua) dancing on the Ellen Show, so anyone who watched that Ellen show would know the winner even if they tried to avoid a spoiler!
  11. Take care Scarlett and everyone who could be at risk from the hurricane. You guys are so brave... honestly, I haven't even "recovered" from Hurricane Katrina. I can't get over how many people went back and rebuilt their homes and lives even though they knew it could happen again. I am such a coward, I would have moved - heck I don't even live in the States, but the impact was felt everywhere in these times of instant images around the world. Stay safe.
  12. I have just spent the last two hours watching the final of the Top 4, and WHAT a show that was! The duet performance of the two guys, Joshua and Twich, was unbelievable, just could not believe my eyes. It was like watching the gymnastics at the Olympics, holding my breath that there are no errors and no one gets hurt or injured! Of course, I had no reason to be nervous for them since they have been unbelievable since the first show of the Top 20. I loved the personal stories for each one, and although the finale is screened a week from today, I do know who won. After watching the story on Joshua, I was so thrilled to know (in advance) that he has won all that money.. to think he did not get the training he wanted because his family could not afford the fees! I always love it when someone who has had to struggle in life.... gets a break, especially when they so deserve it. I couldn't help wondering how different it would be if Joshua DID get the training. The mind boggles. Anyway, can't wait until next Wednesday! Right now, they are doing auditions for the Oz version of SYTYCD and I don't know how I will be able to watch it when I know there is no way they will come anywhere close to the standard of the US Season 4.
  13. I am surprised I haven't included this one before now.... it remains my favorite "LOL", despite the fact that I first received it years ago. It won't be new to some of you, but for those who haven't seen it before, you're in for a treat! It's a true story, that's what makes it especially funny.
  14. Oh, I thought that no one but a mod got to decide when something is no longer under discussion....anyway, logically and in the interests of being fair, those who work or travel should be just as entitled to respond about stuff they have just read as those who read it right when it was posted. IMO, etc. (Scurries away to see if there are expiration date guidelines somewhere). ...and please don't forget the international members who live in the opposite time zone! When I first found FCA, I had planned to be mainly a lurker. But when I found the members to be so generous in sharing what they had with someone in my situation, I wanted to be a part of this board and to contribute to it. However, even being the night-owl that I am, it is still really difficult to always be a part of discussions in "real" time when I really have to be sleeping or working or simply doing all the hum-drum stuff that goes hand-in-hand with life. I know sometimes I am guilty of dredging up an old (like... VERY old) discussion but please understand that there's lots of stuff that may be old to the majority here, but not to someone who is new to this board or new to the fandom. There's still so much that is common-knowledge to most of you that is new to me. I find lots of surprises when I read this board, and I am so grateful to those of you who PM or email me with stories that I knew nothing about. It's a slow process but I intend to catch up ....
  15. Hey I have just noticed TODAY that we now have The View and The Ellen Show (in direct competition with Dr Phil and Oprah - in that order) in Oz. I'm a big fan of both those shows but have only ever seen snippets of them on YouTube. (So much to record now ... although I can probably do without Dr Feelgud) The View had Elizabeth at the Republican rally... hm interesting to note that Jon Voight supports McCain. I believe Angelina is a huge Obama supporter. Ellen had Michelle Obama and the Jonas Bros. Have never seen them before although I keep hearing about the Jonas Bros a lot these days. Those guys are very cute, no wonder they are so popular and they are fab performers too! OK, didn't mean to bring up political personalities in this thread, mainly wanted to say that we in Oz now get to watch all those high rating shows and maybe I will understand a little more of some of the things you guys talk about! Oprah is and always will be my #1 hero. That's until Clay AIken has his own TV show....
  16. Aloha BJ!! I loved Kauai - that's where the movie South Pacific was filmed, right? I am sure we were told that pretty much upon arrival. It is an unbelievably beautiful place. We had a great time at the Club Med resort, but were also taken around the island. Welcome to everyone!
  17. Luckiest Don't know if you believe in hypnosis but this was on TV a couple of hours ago here and it looked very interesting, i.e. self-hypnosis for losing weight. Some of it makes a lot of sense, like self-talk.... like "Drink and Shrink" repeatedly. Of course it has to be water .... There's other things as well ... http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=627576
  18. I'd like to think that everyone cares about the environment, and so here's a tip about an effortless choice you can make when you next put sugar on your shopping list. http://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/i...pic=508&hl=
  19. Wasn't sure where to post this, but since it is an environmental issue, I thought it would best be in this thread. Almost everyone buys sugar. Unless you have a special preference, why not buy the one that has the least impact on the environment in terms of the production process.?
  20. YWT ? s/n ?? LOL what do they mean? I guess they need to be added to the glossary since i don't know...
  21. I read somewhere that Faye referred to Jaymes as family. I also read that Jaymes is the only one (post-Idol) who is allowed to call him Clayton. I think they have spent a lot of time together, they certainly must have to have made such a huge decision regarding having Parker. I don't believe Clay would have taken that decision on a whim. You know, I've watched that Tyra show interview many times and have never seen anything that suggested he liked her in any special way. All I saw was that he had some great fun on that show while he was doing the promo for ATDW and that Tyra couldn't keep her hands off him! I think their friendship is more professional than personal. LOL Goes to show people do see what they believe! I've never met Clay, never even seen him in person at a distance, but I have some fairly definite views about the kind of person he is based on what I've read or been told or watched on video, and based on how I've processed that information. But again, I simply support Clay in whatever he chooses to do with his life. So far, he's never done anything either personally or professionally that offends or disappoints me as a fan. His heart is as beautiful as his voice.
  22. That's very true but, as a rule, when someone LOOKS like they've been drinking, it usually means they over-did-it. At least that is my experience. I know people who can drink quite a bit at a business lunch and return to work without any sign of having consumed a lot of liquid; except for trips to the bathroom. I am not against alcohol except for what it does to people who are not able to control it. But that's a whole other issue. For me, the pic could be a parting Kodak moment between two close friends; that's all I see in it. I do believe Clay has very close friendships with females because females adore him for all kinds of reasons, and he feels very comfortable with them because, after all, several key females provided him with love and security when he was a child. Clay needs a lot of love around him, particularly from people who have bonded with him, whether they are his friends, family or dogs. Whatever the relationship between them (Clay/Hannah), I don't believe it is even in the ball-park of the relationship he has with Jaymes. With hindsight, I can see now that Clay has dropped many hints about how special Jaymes has been to him for quite a long time yet he has fiercely protected her from the media all this time. I am just so happy for him that he has this special relationship on the terms that he wants. ETA: Stay safe, everyone in the Gulf area.
  23. So Clay has taken up drinking, and to excess? I hope not!!!
  24. Can't see them winning ...If anything, Google will make gmail more secure if they get enough complaints. That is what they did with something else. They spent years creating and fine-tuning gmail, I don't see anything happening to gmail except improvements. In the several years I have used gmail, I have never had a problem that wasn't MY own fault. However, as I said, never store anything online that is private. However, since my really private information represents a tiny percentage of my non-private info or data, gmail has been a simply brilliant convenience. For example, my claytonic2007@gmail.com email address I use exclusively for ANYTHING relating to Clay. This means I can organize Clay stuff into folders and find things easily. Yet, if you send me an email to that email address, I receive it at another email account that is NOT gmail, and that I never send email from. I know so many people who are overwhelmed with the amount of email they get, and I no longer have that problem because I have the system set up to do it all for me. ETA: by coincidence, I was listening to the radio and they were talking about Google and how it is such a fixture on the net that it is hard to believe it has only been around for 10 years, especially now that it is so much part of our vocab as a Proper Noun, a Verb etc. Then someone mentioned the privacy/security issue with Google Maps, where you could apparently even see the faces of people. When they got a lot of complaints from people alarmed about their privacy (lol two people who shouldn't be together, caught together) Google changed it to blur the faces. I heard this on the radio so I am only repeating what I heard, I am not stating facts since I haven't checked it for reliable information.
  25. aikim This isn't what you want to hear but those floppy disks are not at all reliable. (I actually had to stop and think... FLOPPY disk? Oh yes, I remember LOL) Hopefully yours isn't too bad and you can retrieve your work. However, don't use them for storing anything worth saving or anything you took the trouble to type and save, important or not. Just a suggestion... open a gmail account (www.gmail.com). It gives you a massive amount of free storage. Then use it to store your data - non-sensitive information... I wouldn't ever recommend using anything on the net to store personal and sensitive information. Back that up offline. Because gmail is owned by Google, it has some terrific search features to make it easy for you to store and find anything in your email account. You can even color code your folders so that the important ones stand out. They also have a fantastic spam filter. They have some unique features. I stopped using ISP email accounts when the 3rd ISP company - in a row - went bust and I lost my email address. So now i use gmail exclusively. I have a different account for different things. They also have a fantastic forwarding feature (which Yahoo charges for) so that you can have all your gmail forwarded to a primary email address that you keep to yourself. I don't give ANYONE my primary email address to protect it from junk mail. I don't use it to send email from either, I simply have it to receive forwarded emails from other email accounts. This means no matter how many gmail accounts I have, I only need to check ONE email address. WARNING: The only thing about gmail that is unique and confuses people new to it is that when you put something in a folder, you will still see it in your INbox. To remove it from the inbox, select Archive, NOT Delete. If you delete it, it will be gone from the folder as well. However, if you accidentally delete something, you can get it back by clicking on UNDO. I am one of the first people to get a gmail account.... back when it was in beta and limited to a few invitations per person, and I have loved it from day one. No, I don't have shares in Google but I sure as heck wish I did! I will admit that I am a technical dunce for most things relating to the computer but when it comes to webmail, I have tried numerous different ones and gmail is so far in front of the rest it isn't funny!
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