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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. That is EXACTLY what I thought when I was watching the Rewind series (thanks to KAndre).... Julia was the only one I could barely recognize; if she hadn't been shown as part of the REWIND series, I would not have known who she was. [i loved Clay's Sugarpie Honeybunch]
  2. I looked up Good Charlotte--their album sales have been declining (as these things naturally do). They have been in the business since 1996, released their first album in 2000. They peaked with their second, and have sold significantly less with each subsequent album. That's a pretty typical pattern actually. They have sold more albums than Clay has. Radio play? Just OK. Some of their singles haven't done as well as Clay's. Every one of his singles has made it at least to #30 in the charts. They've been on Top 40 more often than he. So it would appear that UNICEF has chosen a new ambassador whose career is "in decline" and who isn't hugely well known to begin with, beyond a certain segment of the population. Not only that, Madden got a woman pregnant and didn't marry her, and she's Nicole Richie, not exactly role model material from some points of view. Gee, what were they thinking? Perhaps that he has a history of activism, a good heart, and a connection to a dedicated group of fans; that he is interesting to a certain demographic, and has a desire to make a difference? I don't feel it has mattered for quite a while now whether the parents are married or not, it only matters that they are good parents. I feel that Nicole Ritchie has very different priorities now that she is a mother. For similar reasons, it doesn't make any difference in my mind whether or not Clay's child's parents are married. I know too many dysfunctional people whose parents followed social traditions to the book.
  3. I totally agree. I see Clay doing a TV variety-type show, where he gets to interview people who have a message to share, as well as people in the entertainment industry. I see him singing on his own show and also doing duets with some singers. His show would also include comedy skits, and I'd see him as Executive Producer, so that he can control the content (Clay's too smart not to capitalize on the knowledge he has gained in the last 5 years). It will be entirely different from Kimmel/Letterman/Leno etc, because Clay's show, while primarily an entertainment program, would also bring awareness to issues close to his heart. http://www.google.com/goog411/ Here's something for the USA people.... I can't believe how fast things are changing in our everyday life.
  4. It was easy to narrow it down to 4 of the 12. After that, really, really hard.My pick was quick and easy, and to my surprise, it is the popular vote! I tend to go for what looks natural and comfortable. And I've always loved those glasses on him. ETA: Interesting ... this was on 60 Minutes in Oz a couple of weeks ago:
  5. Gosh, what are you all still up for? At this time, this board is usually empty.... except for me and any other foreign strays.... Muskifest Hey you have a great kid there Muski.... what a thoughtful, symbolic gift for a mother to receive. You must be so proud. That actually makes me think too... I am not usually into gift-giving to artists.... I feel that supporting them and promoting them is the best gift I can ever give to any artist. However, since Clay is extra special and he has a land-mark birthday coming up, how about this board banding together to name a star after him for the occasion? I don't think it is soo soon to start planning.... and if there is be any kind of gesture made, I think a symbolic one is better than a materialistic one. (Thanks for the inspiration, Carrie Muskifest!)
  6. Happy 4th July to the large majority of this board! “Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice.” (Don't know who said this but it rings very true to me) Happy birthday, Muski! My, my, are you really only three? This is the best 3rd birthday quote I have:
  7. "TAKE A SEAT!!!!" (You could turn off the sound,it is irritating but you won't believe your eyes!)"
  8. Clay, Then and Now Tijala Thank you so much! I just love that page, and I'd not seen many of those pics, especially the pre-Idol ones. They are just great, I've bookmarked the page! ETA: This is for the quilters on this board We have a show here called The New Inventors ... one of my favourites. Last night, they screened the following invention: Source: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/newinventors/txt/s2287744.htm (watch the video)
  9. On the matter of Clay's personal life, I do think it is human nature to be interested in the personal lives of others that we hear about in the news. However, this is a side to human nature that is not attractive when it crosses the boundaries. I think the fact that Clay has remained silent about the whole baby situation means that he doesn't consider it anyone's business. Some celebrities, of course, love the spotlight at any price, and let's not forget the price Anna Nicole (for example) paid for the craziness of her tabloid life. It's a flaw of human nature to be so fixated on other people's personal lives; we could serve the universe much better by getting to know our-own-self so that we can fix our own problems. (I am constantly amazed at the things I learn about myself, how could I possibly claim to know anyone else?) OK, on to another topic close to my heart....I came across an old video casette I have of Motown 25, and wondered if the segment of Michael Jackson doing Billie Jean would be on YouTube, and it sure is. My Mowtown 25 - Yesterday, Today and TOmorrow video cassette is one I have watched over a dozen times (being the Motown fanatic that I am). Michael Jackson almost didn't take part in the occasion (Motown 25 year reunion) - everyone involved had to perform a Motown song but MJ agreed to be part of it ONLY if he could perform his new song, Billie Jean. This performance is one of the all-time best performances I have ever seen on television, and it is the first time the world saw Michael Jackson do the moonwalk. I understand Fred Aistaire called Michael afterwards to congratulate him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvHgNpM3wr4&NR=1 ETA:" Michael and the Jacksons - incredible performance. I LOVED those guys! http://youtube.com/watch?v=zhqV-rRsUPc&feature=related
  10. Actually I am not at all surprised. Long before American Idol, Kelly was a huge fan of Reba McIntyre. Winning AI gave her the opportunity to meet Reba and the two of them not only did brilliant duets together but became close friends, spending a lot of leisure time together; Reba's husband/manager is now Kelly's manager too. I actually didn't realise country music had such a massive following, I am really quite stunned at Carrie's success. I just don't think she is as versatile as Kelly and I prefer Kelly's voice. ETA: Happy Canuck day to all Claynadians! (Thanks for the reminder Scarlett!!! )
  11. Rohdy ...Kelly is the only one (out of Carrie, Kelly, Daughtry and Clay) who has toured down-under so she's really the only one whose name is well-known here even though Seasons 1 and 2 were not screened on free TV. Kelly, being the first American Idol simply got a LOT of publicity. Whenever I am near a music shop, I pop in and ask if they have anything by Clay Aiken, and I get a blank look most of the time. Glad you liked Joe Robinson! I will post the Grand Finale performance when it is posted on YouTube. (I love the way he throws in a bit of percussion!)
  12. Smokin' Joe Robinson, the 16 year old winner of Australia's Got Talent 2008. http://youtube.com/watch?v=K-witogjxjI He's an unbelievable acoustic guitarist... whether or not you play a musical instrument, I'd be surprised if you are not amazed at the skill and talent of this young guy. He was my pick as the winner, I just couldn't see anyone else with any hope in beating him.
  13. Smokin' Joe Robinson, the 16 year old winner of Australia's Got Talent 2008. http://youtube.com/watch?v=rdGrzyIxiHA He's an unbelievable acoustic guitarist... whether or not you play a musical instrument, I'd be surprised if you are not amazed at the skill and talent of this young guy. He was my pick as the winner, I just couldn't see anyone else with any hope in beating him. (His performance at the Grand Finale was even better, but that hasn't been uploaded on YouTube yet as it was only screened in the last half hour.) ETA In case the judges faces look vaguely familiar, they are: Tom Burlinson - who played the lead in the movie The Man From Snowy River. Dannii Minogue - Kylie's little sister... who as a regular on a children's talent show, was more famous than Kylie at that time*, more than 25 years ago. Red Symons - member of a successful 70s Australian band called Skyhooks. EATA: * I mentioned this for a reason ... the power of television. I am waiting for the day we hear that Clay has his own TV show, it's the ultimate classroom, and still more powerful than the internet in terms of reaching the scores of people who watch shows together and then discuss what they saw/heard at the watercooler etc Here is the Grant Finale performance: http://youtube.com/watch?v=K-witogjxjI
  14. I got this in an email today and it brought back memories of how I almost burnt down the kitchen when I was 15. I was cooking fries when the oil caught on fire. In MY 15 year old mind ..water puts out fire ... so I instinctively poured water over the pan and you can see the result I had from the video below. Maybe I was a dumb kid but that's what happened. I don't know what they teach in school these days but one of the things they SHOULD teach as a proper subject is something I call "Living Skills", which would include everything from CPR to sex. (I know these would/should be considered the parents' responsibility but how many of us were properly educated by our parents on matters that fall under the category of living skills, beyond dialling 911 and 'stranger-danger?) Twenty-years ago, I did a First Aid course at work and was amazed at how much I didn't know about the basics in techniques that could save a life.
  15. HAHA I am the one who needs this Glossary the most since I am utterly hopeless at remembering anagrams! I actually created my own which I was secretly referring to until someone here thankfully showed signs of having my anagram-challenged brain! That was all I needed to bring out and expose my stash of anagram definitions!
  16. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=_0eINGyJHz8 Not sure which is funnier - the newsreel of the model falling over several times on the catwalk, or the newsreader who can't stop laughing at the unfortunate incident!
  17. In case anyone is not aware, if you want to quickly find the list of OMWH YouTube videos, click on the FCA Glossary link (top right of your screen) and scroll down to OMWH (alphabetically listed). Click on the more link. If you find better YouTube videos than the ones listed for each track, please let me know.
  18. Car that runs on air! Can you believe they couldn't find investors for the project, hence the delays....
  19. eOCA? Without a distinguishing "mark", there will be confusion. With the "e", I can list it next to eHP in the glossary.
  20. More about Ruben's wedding.... <SNIP> …Studdard is going back to his “Idol’ roots by doing an album of covers. (Clay did it!). In his case, he’ll do R&B classics by the likes of Donny Hathaway, Marvin Gaye and Smokey Robinson. Working with Minneapolis producers Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam, Studdard is nearly done and Evans said he’s aiming for an August release date. (Lewis and Jam helped produce his farewell song for “Idol” this season “Celebrate Me Home”).
  21. Whoa. This sounds like a major shindig! Thanks! He's one heck of a nice guy, he deserves all the happiness in the world. (I wonder if Clay will be there... maybe even one of those 20???)
  22. Sorry to read about the health issues of some of you. I, too, have had my fair share in the last few months, and it ain't fun. Right now I have to deal with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and the pain wakes me up at night so much that I rarely have a full hour of unbroken sleep unless I take sleeping meds, which I avoid until I can no longer function without some solid continuous hours of sleep. The problem is that I can type and do anything during the day, but at night, that's when the pain sets in. If anyone has any tips for this kind of pain management, please don't keep it to yourself! I don't think I can avoid surgery for much longer but I'd like to if possible. ETA Jennifer Hudson's Spotlight Video: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wjtp_je...spotlight_music
  23. OK, the reason I change the font (as shown above) for the quoted text is because I saw it done in another forum and thought how much easier it was to differentiate what was what when multiple quotes were being used in one post. I'll abandon it if it is causing a problem. As for the visually impaired, trust me, I am one of them and solved my frustration when I discovered this best kept secret: HOLD DOWN the Crtl button and at the same time... scroll the wheel back and forth on your MOUSE until you see the size of font most comfortable to you. This feature also works in numerous other programs including MSN, Word, Gmail, etc etc. I use it all the time and now rarely need to ask someone to increase the size of their font.
  24. OMG that is so ridiculous! Would Clay have been able to do Spamalot 5 years ago? He has grown enormously, and not just as an artist; blind Freddie can see that. As for being rude and a diva, my goodness, he’s been exemplary in the control he has exercised in the face of numerous situations where he was subject to some of the most appalling gossip and innuendo. There is only so much a human being can be expected to endure when his character is being chipped away by low-lifers who obviously thrive on bringing down others to further their own agenda. From all accounts, Clay is enormously liked and respected by his peers. That speaks volumes in terms of refuting any accusations of diva behavior. Kim, I agree with you. Frankly, I’ve long learned that it is not up to me to decide or make judgment on who should and shouldn’t be in a relationship when the individuals concerned are two adults who are secure enough to make choices for themselves.. It’s just not worth my thinking time to be dwelling on it when my waking hours can be spent on thoughts about solving my own issues or even enjoying the next YouTube find….. (Seriously I understand it is human behavior to have an opinion on the coupling of people “in our lives”, but it is just not worth more than a fleeting thought. At best, it’s a waste of time and disrespectful of someone else’s right to run their own lives. Canadian Idol: Is this screened in the USA at the same time as Canada? A friend has sent me a link to download the top 24.
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