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Everything posted by claytonic

  1. I'd love to see Clay do songs that tell a story. Some of the greatest love songs ever aren't about romantic love, which isn't always lasting. One of my favourite songs is Because You Loved Me, written by Diane Warren for her father. I think there was so much focus on love songs for Clay because it was perceived that it was what would work because of his fan base.
  2. Thank you so much! This means I don't have to set the alarm for 3.30am my time..... Wow he looks so good. Fatherhood truly suits him. And how wonderful that he has someone like Jaymes. I am already dreaming about Parker Aiken, with his genes, I can't imagine music not being a massive part of his life. ETA: KAndre This is hysterical because honestly it crossed my mind quite a while ago.... I figured, no way this guy's gay because he has no dress sense!!!
  3. Ironically, the runner-up of Australian Idol Season#2 (2004) was also a sizzling hawt young guy who had screaming female fans running after him. At first, he denied that he was gay; but admitted it later. Here's the Wikipedia entry for it Ironically, he also went on to much greater success than the actual winner of that season. His single (The Prayer) still holds the record as the fastest and highest selling single here. While it wasn't the best kept secret within the industry, the general public and his fans didn't know until he made the announcement, as mentioned above. It hasn't hurt his career, he's had some amazing 'gigs', including performing for visiting European royalty, touring with Diana Ross as her support act and will be supporting Celine Dion as a special guest when she tours this year. Anthony was also appointed the official ambassador for Vision Australia. We live in progressive times. Clay will be moving onwards and upwards.
  4. Well, you already know my taste in music .. kinda? LOL I am interested in a radio station that is newsy, talk-back stuff. I know that I can't access some things because of my IP address, but I thought perhaps a radio station could be okay. I've been meaning to ask about this since the nominations for Presidency were announced. But nothing to heavy otherwise it will go over my permanently aiken-fog head. Thank luckiest for bringing over those scans. They are simply gorgeous... how is it a baby can go from blob to beautiful in just a few short weeks? He looks so alert and he's only 6 weeks old!!!
  5. DITTO on my request for a link to a suitable American radio station that I can listen to on my PC.
  6. Yes, I noticed that too, that she was named second only to Parker. Then his mom and Brett, and we all know how important they are to him. I am not surprised that Jaymes is in the background... because she's not the celebrity. The GP (general public) don't really know her. When I first heard her being mentioned in terms of Clay, I did a search on Wikipedia and only found her name in relation to Clay, she doesn't have her own Wikipedia entry. With rare exceptions, most music producers are not known outside the industry. However, with her maturity, life and industry experience, I daresay she is the best person Clay can have in his corner in all of this. If he ever finds a truer friend, it will be a miracle. (That's IMO of course, based on what I believe with a given set of facts) ETA: Cotton, the media sux. Always did, always will. In fact, it is probably worse because during Rock Hudson's day, those actors were protected by the studios, and the media was limited and largely controlled by a handful of very powerful people. These days and with the internet where ANYONE can blog and create their own piece of media-like cr*p, it takes a split-second for anyone in the 'news' business to jump on the bandwagon for their slice of the meat.
  7. Thursday's GMA will be screened here for me at 3.30am Friday my time! But I'll be awake for it. You know, here's what I honestly thought until the news broke.... I thought that Clay was in a relationship with Jaymes, and because of the age difference, they didn't want any publicity because they are private people. The IVF thing .... I absolutely thought it was because of Jaymes' age, 50 year old women don't conceive that easily, plus the risks involved. I didn't express this opinion before because I felt it would incite anger from some members. The other thing I did consider was that he was asexual... I watched a documentary on loving couples who were soul mates. They got married but didn't consumate the union. But most people just don't believe this is possible because we all tend to judge from what we think we know and understand. Anyway, I hope no one minds me saying this now. Whatever the case, it never really bothered me as long as Clay was happy. He has brought so much happiness and love to the lives of many, it's his turn now to feel the love and happiness he deserves. ETA: Does anyone have a radio station link, so that I can listen to American radio from here? I've actually been meaning to ask this question for quite a while... DUH ... as I listen to the radio via my PC.
  8. Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Clay's happy, then so am I.
  9. Hi Desertrose While I agree with you on principle, I also feel that everyone needs to be educated so that they can make an informed decision when voting. I have had a lot of anti-Obama emails, mainly from ONE person who is so right-winged I don't think he'd miss his left eye if something happened to it. Unless I research the contents of his emails about Obama, there is no way of knowing how much of it is pure B.S. This same individual has sent me emails about Australia (he doesn't know where I live) and I am often taken aback by the numerous inaccuracies about things I know a lot about because it is common knowledge here. While I don't forward emails on mass, I do share them with people who I know are intelligent enough to read between the lines and research the information before bringing it up in a social conversation IRL. WHere Palin is concerned, I feel very nervous about idea that the Republicans can actually win, and the possibility of Palin having so much power (when her philosophy on a number of important issues) scares me. Hence, I wouldn't feel like I've compromised my integrity if I pass on information to people I can have an open discussion with, because the more people who can see Palin for what she represents, the better the chances are for Obama.
  10. Heeee......I think the general public knows he is in Spamalot right now, at least the ones who care about that stuff, and I am pretty sure Spamalot is part of his career. Maybe not the career some others have decided he should have, to suit themselves - but IMO, he sings, he dances, he gets good reviews, he gets paid, he has a contract, he has evidently willingly and happily gone back for more - so yeah, Spam is part of his career. IMO, yada yada. And the publicity lasts a lot longer than a couple of weeks of CD PR. Then, too, the general public doesn't spend a lot of time thinking about entertainers' careers, I have found. Anyway, I dislike career talk in the same way that others don't want to hear about Parker - because then there is the litany of how bad his choices are, how his friends/family/management are holding him back, how he needs better guidance, etc. ad infinitum. Then, of course, every word is also set in stone and any deviance years from now makes him a liar or subverted by evil record producers. Blargh. I don't even have any expectations, I just love to watch him talk and think and laugh. Jemock wrote a lovely post about Parker and Clay over at the CH. I do hope Clay keeps Parker close and private - not because of fans who seem to find Parker almost distasteful, but because of the nosy fans. Or the fans who will pronounce Clay and Jaymes bad parents because they don't feed/dress/whatever Parker the way they have decided is the onliest correct way. I am still puzzled by fans all over the boards who demanded an explanation from Clay when this whole thing first broke, and worried what the wee as-yet-unborn babe would think when his dad didn't open his most private life to the public - but now don't want to hear a word about the baby or Jaymes now that things are pretty much confirmed. Hoping it wasn't true, I suppose! Heeeee.....I remember impassioned posts about how horrible it was for Clay to have a dog! The things I am learning s-l-o-w-l-y but surely about some so-called fans truly floor me. I will NEVER understand how anyone can find a baby 'distateful', ANY baby... but more so a baby that was so very wanted and so very loved by his parents and extended family. I personally can't wait for a pic, just as I always love receiving pics of children of the people I care about. Best of all, Clay is happy. Yes, I love knowing that Clay is happy in his personal life, and I am sorta interested in who he is being happy with LOL but other than that, I have my own life to live. Perhaps one day I will see him perform live, but it doesn't matter if I don't, because I have his music no matter where I live. In the very beginning, it was his music that drew me in, and at the end of the day, it is still his music.
  11. Oh goodie!! That means that episode could be screened here tonight..... I love Bill Clinton, he is charismatic beyond description. By rights, I shouldn't even like politicians but also love Jimmy Carter because I salute anyone who stands up for human rights.
  12. aikim !!! :bday2: Disclaimer: These birthday quotes are not intended to offend anyone. Rather, they are an interesting observation of life in much earlier times. How times have changed in attitudes and life expectancy.
  13. Great pics aikim... wow 7 attendants plus flower-girl! Now you can relax a bit with all that stress (leading up to the big day) is over! Your dress looks great too! Emily looks beautiful, and serious, as Couchie said! ETA: At last, the thread title I voted for wins the overall vote!
  14. OMG this is one heck of a Cinderella story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7jzPzpKI9Q
  15. This is my favourite.... there's a certain joy about it. ETA wow some incredible pics at the CB thread. Never even thought to go there. Thanks cindilu...
  16. Huh? oh? Bottle, what bottle? Who's happy, you or the bottle? :all_coholic: Who's that girl in the video that looks like she's his caretaker...
  17. WOW thanks so much for all these wonderful pics, and videos! I can't believe we have so much clack so quickly! Clay looks absolutely fantastic! I agree,Couchie, he looks years younger than he did 8 months ago. I think it's the hair and a slimmer body that takes years off him. And yes the wig does look like it's had a trim - it looks just great, just reminds me so much of Idol Clay when he looked so wonderful. Thanks also for the early recaps! Can't wait for MORE!
  18. Hm, he looks like he has lost a lot of weight!!! Hope those Spam costumes still fit! But he looks like a very contented man! I can't wait to hear the recaps. :party038:
  19. annabear, I guess you're in the wrong job. Look at what I received in an email today... Disclaimer: If you are running for Pres, please don't come after me. I got the above in an email and was told to pass it on. I am just being obedient.
  20. Yes we had them. They only work with outdoor grills so at least we could cook and heat water when it wasn't raining. The propane was hard to find after the storm and those grills are too expensive for some. A lot of folks were using charcoal. Some people had generators but ran out of petrol to run them. I have a portable stainless-steel "burner"( can't think of the word for it) which you attach to a gas bottle and you simply use like a regular stove. They are totally portable and (I think) were designed for caravans. You need to be sure there is plenty of ventilation (i.e. don't keep the gas bottle in a closed cupboard). They cost around $100.00 for the ones that can be used indoors. Then there is the outdoor type that is popular for camping and other outdoor activities. I used to get a lot of power-blackouts, and one time went without power for a couple of days due to a massive storm. I don't know how you guys cope with going for weeks without power. At least with the gas stove, you can have hot water for tea/coffee, hot baths and also immediately start cooking and eating the food in the freezer before you lose it all. It's the best $100 I have ever spent on a 'kitchen appliance'.
  21. Regarding those of you who have lost power, do you not have gas bottles? They are usually used for outdoor barbeques but being portable, they are very useful during loss of electric power and can at least provide you with hot water and cooking. Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs aikim! Aikim, that was really mean of Mr aikim to leave a whole cake out for you to deal with on your own. LOL
  22. Charice dreamt of singing with Bocelli and Celine, so she drew a picture of herself with each of them in her dream journal. Well, in recent weeks she sang The Prayer with Bocelli in Tustany, and this last week, she and Celine dedicated Because You Loved Me to her mother. I would LOVE to see Charice and Clay do OMWH together. Both of them were estranged from their fathers.... and they both experienced poverty as kids, although Clay's 'poverty' experience would be considered a walk in the park compared to Charice's - her own grandmother couldn't be bothered with her. Very unusual in an Asian culture. Charice's father tried to kill her mother and Charice witnessed the violence. I think that is why they (Clay and Charice) both sing with so much emotion. (With David Foster now a major feature in Charice's career, my fingers are crossed for a Clay and Charice duet). Celine and Charice, duet at Madison Square Garden. NEW YORK TIMES: The Charice segment was the night's brightest moment. The teen was able to blast notes with Celine-like power, but she was also able to get in touch with the song's emotion... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4ts0uhyWpc
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