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Everything posted by annabear

  1. {{{{muski}}}} Ditto to what ldyj said about jmh's advice. While in NY last week, we spent a day with a friend & her mother, who has Alzheimers. She has two sisters & one brother, but she happens to be the one who lives near their mom. The others are living in denial, so she's become the caregiver. Definitely contact the Alzheimer's Society in your area. Our friend has gotten very involved this past year and was actually just asked to become a speaker for the chapter in her area. Now, realizing that your life situation is different since you've got children and a career going on, but hopefully they can help you find some peace of mind.
  2. Oh my. His voice in that snippet of the beginning of TRM. Such vulnerability. I'm toast.
  3. Ahhh, John's & the Popover Cafe - 2 more places we missed while in NY! More reasons to go back! Another reason to go back? Even with eating good food & drinking good wine, I managed to lose 8 lbs. thanks to all the walking! Who woulda thunk - The Spam Diet!!
  4. Eeeep! More stuff to catch up on even though I went to bed late. Will have to wait until after lunch - I'm off to the doctor, as my annoying cold has turned into a raging sinus infection. Like it needs to said but I will anyway - HAVE FUN everyone heading for NYC and lots of Spam! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. Yes, muski, let the man sing to you - you won't be sorry!
  6. I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
  7. Ok, what was that bit just about on 30 Rock??? I heard Alec Baldwin talking about going to see Clay Aiken in Spamalot - something about every night until it closes or he leaves the show!
  8. Very pretty, cha cha! Sorry, I don't know the answer to your mp4/mp3 question - I'd be lost, too! A friend just sent me this from RHT:
  9. I left work early today as my cold seems to blooming, along with the trees & flowers. *sniffle achoo cough cough sniffle* Taking some Benedryl, kicking (not literally!) the kitties off the bed & taking a nap!
  10. I would think they've already surpassed $100,000 and they still have the rest of this week left to go. I'd love to see them hit $200,000. I'd love to see them win! To quote our dear Sir Robin, Oh YESSS! There were at least 20 people lined up for the pics after each of our 3 shows last weekend. There was a rather large group of students, probably 30-40, that came up on stage after I had my pic taken on Sat. afternoon. Jerome had come over & talked with Clay and they went backstage for a minute. When he came back out, he looked at the group, put his hands on his hips and said, "This is gonna be more than $250 people! You do realize that don't you? How about $10 each? Remember - it's for charity!" Then he asked a loaded question, "Where do you want me?" To quote the LOTL, "Let me think about that......"
  11. Me thinks Spamalot will be be crusing right past that $100,000 raised mark this year!
  12. I feel like I should be singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas"! But then.........lately....it's felt a lot like Christmas! There's just been so much happy, happy, joy, joy related to Clay. *sigh* It feels good. Yes, it does! And big thanks to aikim for wearing her fingers out keeping the countdowns updated! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've got my usual post-travel cold going full force now. *sniff sniff cough cough* But I still feel happy!
  13. This is very true. My mom & I had the time of our lives on our trip. I'm glad you got to share it with your son, txflwrgrl. Thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETA: I'm not Playbiller, but here's the link, Iseeme: Playbill Collector's Display Frame
  14. Well, crap! Of course I chose not to watch AI tonight. Verra verra verra verra nice banner! I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately, I didn't see that particular sight while I was at Battery Park!
  15. It's so exciting to see Clay popping up all over the place! Said in best Knight of Nii voice: "Oh, it is a good publiciteeeee!"
  16. But you can get in a butt squeeze for an extra $50, right cha cha?
  17. *sits on hands so as not to go looking for airfare and a hotel room*
  18. All of the continuing Spam recaps, the album promotion, upcoming appearances - I'm loving it!
  19. oh god me too..and what's doubly sad to me is that they are the go to people for the so called legit press. It really muddies the waters. It's hard for me to watch CNN anymore since they started spotlighting TMZ on all their shows. Yes the news is all about entertainment these days, but do they have to go to people that sensationlize things so much the little kernel of truth (some of times) can not even be found? Well said, underthespell & couchie! Hi Claytonic! Ausdon has a little something for you from me. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. You are me, Couchie. I'm back at work today. There wasn't any fresh fruit or complimentary coffee in my kitchen this morning. I'm sure the kitties won't be cleaning the apartment while I'm gone today. What's this about having to drive myself to work? And I won't be able to take a 15 minute stroll up the street to see Clay and his Spamily tonight. Just 4 days in NY & I'm spoiled. Oh well, I'll just put on my iPod, listen to OMWH & look on the bright side of life. Hope everyone has a good day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  21. Yes! *sniff* Great interpretation of the song, 00lsee. And nice banner, too, with the big LOTL smooch in the middle!
  22. That's great, cha cha! I went shopping at Whole Foods today & made sure to take my reusable bags with me - one of them purchased last fall from the Striped Sock Sirens fundraiser.
  23. Oooooooh, CG ~ you're gonna have FUN! We were on the left end of the the center orchestra on Fri. and got a lot of Sir Robin time on the stage. I think I was fairly well behaved until the the very end when Patsy, Robin & Bedevere were over on that side doing their little dance.... One Mr. Clay Aiken went into a full-out hip thrust & a sound something like a high pitched "AHAHHH!" involuntarily came out of my gaping mouth.... GAH!! Ok, muski, now that's funny sh...stuff! What is she, like 17?!
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