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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Yeah that! I have no problem with WAMLAW, but have never felt the collective love for it either. This is what's happened to me, too. I've registered online & tried every tip they give, but nothing works. I need to take a shower. I need to do laundry. There's only one leetle problem - I have no water!!!
  2. CRAP!! My account says he did, but my phone contains no texts from Clay to meeeeeeee!! I knew I forgot to tell him something on Saturday! I'm right there, with ya! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  3. Cute Clyra pics! And I'm glad to see them popping up in People & AOL. We met the girl who was the fan for that segment at the stage door Thurs. night, at which we only ended up seeing Tom D. She was cute & sweet and adorably fangirly about the whole experience. Tom was a doll and signed quite a few autographs. He is absolutely mad talented - loved him! This was me last night. I thought that overall the write up was good, but I just couldn't make sense of some of it. Of course, I was also falling asleep at the computer by that time! :PickMe-1: What delicious anticipation, waiting to see what all he has in store for us! All of the extra signed Playbills I picked up are spoken for. If anyone would still like a regular, unsigned one, just let me know. Got the iTunes thing to work last night, now off to do the Wal-Mart pre-order. Are there any other pre-orders with bonuses? I've got my regular Amazon one out there, too.
  4. Yeah. And this? Huh?? ETA: Thanks, atinal! I just mosied on over to iTunes, clicked on the pretty picture & it said I supposedly pre-ordered. Seems too easy.... Well, we were around the area Sat. night, cha cha, but ended up buying another pair of tix for Sun. night instead. Boy am I glad we did since Rick & Hannah were back!
  5. Oh lordy! There's an iTunes pre-order thingy going on NOW??? Can someone pleeeease catch me up on the latest & greatest opportunities to give Clay more of my money? Thanks! :kiss:
  6. I think my entire recap will have to wait until I'm not so tired so that it's coherent. At this point, I think I'd sound like a certain guard we all know & love - iffiffumm, iffiffumm.... *g* Highlights as I mentioned above - meeting Ausdon & her family Thurs. night was wonderful! I wish we'd been able to spend more time with them when we headed over to Junior's, but we'd been going non-stop since about 5:30 am and by 11:30 pm, Mommabear was about to fall over. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet up on Sat., cha cha! But I'm so happy you got your pic taken with Clay - I did too! EEEEEEEEEEE!!! Um, yes, I broke my 'no credit card' rule..... I didn't get the "butt squeeze" upcharge option, though! How's this? Imagine Clay giving you one of his patented Aiken winks, nodding his head a bit and blowing you a little kiss...... :o No, unfortunately this did not happen to me, but that's what he did to Ms. Hannah Waddingham last night when the king announced that the pictures after the show would be with Sir Robin & the Lady of the Lake! Funniest non-Spamalot moment of the trip? My mom & I walking up Broadway into the heart of Times Square. We walk into a Starbucks (they really are on every corner!), get a drink, walk back out into the droves of people walking down the street, standing off to the side. We're quiet for a few moments, just taking it all in. I make a profound statement about seeing how celebrities could could get around NY without being recognized, as there are so many people & they're all going about their own thing. My mom agrees. Just then, I look over to our left and say, "Oh, look! There's Jerome!" I dunno. Maybe you had to be there, maybe it was the travel exhaustion setting in, but at that moment the irony gave us a good case of the giggles! BTW, I picked up extra copies of the cast signed $40 Playbills. I was going to scan one when I dropped my mom off, but forgot. They all signed pretty much in the same spot on each one - Clay signed in the middle, towards the left. I've got 3 left that aren't spoken for yet. I've also got extra copies of the regular Playbills, 5 I think. PM me if you're interested in either.
  7. I'm hooooooome!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: NYC, Ausdon & her adorable family, Spamalot, Junior's Devil's Food cheesecake and Clay Aiken - these are a few of my favorite things!
  8. I'm trying to catch up while trying to re-pack my suitcase for the umpteenth time! I love the X-Files! The Cigarette Smoking Man has one of my all-time favorite quotes: EEEEEEEE for another bonus! I think at the time Clay may have just randomly tossed out the 7 CD's comment, but ever since then I think he's been devising a plan to actually get us all to buy 7 CD's! I showed my mom the picture & told her about what they did last night. She was very quiet for a minute, then she said - "So, are we both going to have a picture taken with them?" Hee! As for the whole Clay texting/calling thing.... well, he's ignoring me! It says on the Mozes site that he called me and sent me the ringtone, but I never got it.... I'll have to ask him about it Friday night! Be back next week! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  9. Love the recaps ducky & Scarlett! If the signed Playbills really are only $40, I'll definitely pick up a couple extra. Off to clean litterboxes (what FUN!), pack and then take the car in for service. I'm off to NYC at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Thanks for all the good wishes! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope to meet up with a few of you while Spamming!
  10. The backdrop for the pics should be the dark and very EXPENSIVE forest!
  11. Yep! Yep, yep! Safe travles, muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. Have I mentioned yet that I'm on VACATION??? :nana: Wonder if they'll auction off Clay's coconuts?
  13. I am officially on vacation - FINALLY - in 41 minutes!!! :bier: cha cha, we're going to be Spamming on Saturday, too! We'll just be getting into NYC on Thurs. afternoon, so we're heading to the Theatre District for dinner & to wonder around until ausdon is finished being Spammed. Then we're Spamming Fri. night & Sat. matinee. No tickets for Sat. evening..... yet...... Wowza! I'd love to be able to bid on some of those auction items - so cool! - but this Spam-investment I'm about to make is cleaning out my wallet for a little while.
  14. Hee! It's almost impossible not to dance in your chair while listening to the JBT on your iPod. It's absolutely impossible not to smile while picturing that CUTE Clay Aiken guy up there on the stage doing his thing! ETA: Lovely banner, 00lsee!
  15. BINGO on both your sentences. I don't watch entertainment shows or read entertainment mags but still a fair share of celebrity news gets through. Angelina is pregnant right? But when people don't really care it's sorta like chatter or background noise. One or two things may get through but not everything. Priscilla..sigh. She was so pretty on Dallas. There oughta be a law. I totally agree on both points. Celebrity "news" is more gossip than anything actually news-worthy and after 2006, I've heard more than enough CRAP (TM Clay) to last me A Thousand Different Ways (*pets the pretty*) thankyouverymuch! DWTS - last season it was Wayne Newton who was so botoxed he looked like he was wearing mask, this season it's Priscilla Presley. Maybe they're starting a new trend other than ballroom dancing.....
  16. Me too! to footloose & Iseeme! Great recap, laughn! So glad you had such a good time. Welcome back to you, bottle, jamar, ducky, YSRN & anyone else I may have missed - I'm still working on my morning coffee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: LAST DAY of work for me until next Wednesday and Thursday morning I leave for NYC!!! :00000441: :7: If any other FCA'ers are going to be in the vicinity of the Shubert Thurs. night, Ausdon and I will be meeting after the show for coffee - the more the merrier!
  17. If only the guy that lives next door looked ANYTHING like that..... or had a job.... or did anything besides drink, smoke & play LOUD music - NOT Clay Aiken, btw - all hours of the day and NIGHT..... Your mother will get over it - mine is! So you're going to be Spamming this next weekend, too, Kareneh?
  18. Oops..... Definitely verra verra interesting about the TV Guide listing.
  19. Thread title? YAY for Scarlett! We know they take a polaroid, so in a sense, there really is Sclack! Love those blog entries, Play! Ugh. We had a birthday celebration this morning at work. Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream sounded like a good breakfast at the time. Now I feel like a giant slug. :glare: The fact that it's Monday, I woke up to the radio playing Fergie (hate with the heat of 1,000,000 blazing suns!) and now have some lyric about a child missing their blanket, which for some odd reason always makes me think of Michael Jackson calling one of his children "blanket", stuck in my head isn't helping matters any. Aren't you glad you asked? Oh wait, you didn't?
  20. And that's just what it is - Clay will always be Clayton, too.
  21. I guess I'm gonna have to step up my game. I called Clay last night, but he still hasn't sent me a text yet....
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