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Posts posted by annabear

  1. I can't get one single constructive thing done, I'm so nervous.

    This is worse than losing my viriginity!!!

    I've gone shopping, petted the cat for an hour (she's in purr heaven) and now, I'm going to go to a movie to kill a couple of hours.

    God, if Clay's ever in a movie, I'll probably drop dead outright.


    Sorry--very giddy--on pins and needles--can think of nothing but Clay and wish I didn't have to wait until April to see him.

    All my good wishes are with him for tonight.

    I know what you mean. Another day where it's completely pointless for me to be at work. At least the business doesn't kick in until next week for me. I will should might have recovered by then. Maybe. bitefingers.gif

  2. I'm truly sad for those who can't go to Spamalot.

    I am too. :hugs-1: to all. I think it's especially hard in this fandom to be left out of the festivities because a lot of us feel such a strong attachment to this man - it's almost like missing a big day in the life of a friend or family member. Not quite, but hopefully y'all understand what I mean! For those who are thinking/hoping to go, I do hope that something works out for you.

    ETA: I just saw your post, rohdy - my neighbor to the north! If anything changes, my mom & I are going April 18th.... we've got a room reserved with space to spare.... just sayin'..... :)

  3. Funny dream, muski! :lmaosmiley-1:

    This is beyond exciting! Just imagine how it must be for Clay's family and REAL friends if we're so wired! I'm so danged proud of him I could scream....

    Yes! Me too! I keep finding myself stopping and thinking about tonight and smiling and tearing up. GAH!!! :wub:

    It's taking every bit of self control I have not to head straight to the airport on my lunch hour - I even put my credit card in my bag last night. It wouldn't be a complete lie if I called the office & told them I wouldn't be back because I was stuck in traffic - they don't necessarily need to know where......

    *Gets out the sprial bound notebook and writes "It's more special to wait - Clay said so." 500 times.*

    Break a leg tonight, Clay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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