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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Yes and yes. I was told one day a few months back that I had been "chosen" for this new project and given a spiel about how prestigious it is to be "chosen", yadda, yadda, yadda. I really wasn't happy in my job anyway so I thought, OK, I'll give this a shot. Of course, which is probably the way with most big corporate projects, it's been sidelined several times already which leads to that "wth am I doing?" feeling.

    Man, that sucks, Couchie. I had one like that last summer, making it through 2 interviews. Yep, it sucks when you don't hear anything back. :console:

  2. Thank you ALL for the feedback (and nice compliments!!!!) on the pin design process. You definitely helped make a better pin!!!! bighug.gif

    It seems like A and D were by far the most popular choices, and so we now have proofs back for them. 'A' - will be in the Smooth Enamel process, as they weren't able to replicate it in the Cloisonne process. (You don't even want to see the proof for that!yow.gif) I am pleased with how they turned out! Couchie will be putting up an order form in the next day or two. Hopefully there will be enough demand that we can order both!

    A (click)


    B (click)


    Thank you Couchie, for letting me run with this! MUAHHHH.

    Very nice! Thanks Cindilu & Couchie! :lilredani:

  3. Laughn, this is interesting. I've never thought of it this way before. I remember when I was in college and I finally got around to writing for the school paper and really getting into the "art" of journalism and how upset I was to feel that it was all just formula IMO. And the kind of writing I enjoyed wasn't THIS. It was not a happy moment for me. And I think you're right. Part of it was that I wanted to really put my stamp on things and show my creativity and it was more "just the facts ma'am." Heee even when I was writing the little anniversary write ups and stuff for a local paper I'd want to really capture the love story and then it would get all edited to this formula. That's why I'm an accountant. hee.

    Curious to what other artists think, whether it's writing, making montages or banners or drawing. KAndre I thing you are a master at telling a story.

    Yep. I think any artist, writer, sculptor, dancer, etc., creates for themselves first. If people love and compliment, and better yet, buy their work, whoo-hoo, they are pleased. But the work, for the most part...unless you're a month behind in your rent at the moment, wasn't created solely with profit in mind. Negative remarks are just the other side of the coin. In the end, I think an artist creates for himself. (selfish little twits are we)

    I have to agree with you Couchie & laughn. I always - ALWAYS - wanted to grow up and have a career in art. I love creating! But I couldn't stand it when I got to later art courses where we had to do certain projects and they had to be done a certain way and we could only use certain techniques. Where's the creativity in that? Yeah, I didn't do so well in those classes. Especially the one where we had to pair off as an artist and a client wanting an ad campaign. Hee! I finally decided I could never really be an artist because I didn't want to be a "starving artist". [small voice]Although, since I need to lose weight, maybe I should reconsider.....[/small voice] :unsure:

    No doubt that Clay is an artist. I love that he puts together these themes for his tours and has his ideas for how he wants things done. Not everyone is going to like everything, no, but having the guts to put it out there like that - I love him for it! I think it gives us real insight to him and I think it's a great way to see him grow as an artist - there's so much to look forward to!

  4. So OK, from looking at the dates of most posts in this thread, I'm about 2 years behind. Story of my life.

    I'm in a very strange position with my curent job. In April I will have been with this company for 6 years. I've progressed through positions and promotions nicely. The past 2 years have been.... interesting.... with an acquisition and team move to a different business model. While I still have a certain title, my duties haven't had anything to do with that title in quite some time. Seeing as how I was plucked up & moved into an entirely new job this past fall, my new duties have even less to do with my title now. I work well with minimal supervision and have no problem asking questions in order to get what I need to get the job done. BUT I do need clear direction which is sorely lacking at the moment. I feel like I'm in limbo. I'm not sure if this is what I want to be doing. Since I wasn't asked if I wanted to do this, my old position has been back filled and since I'm not sure if the usual timing guidelines apply to special projects, I don't even know if I can technically look for another position within the company. Oh, and I'm not even entirely sure who I'm actually reporting to - there's some debate going on about that.


  5. I feel a little out of step this evening. While it would be highly amusing if the woman really was accumulating a ClayFund, I keep wondering if she was trying to pay medical bills or keep from losing her house or something...

    I really do understand what you're saying. It's just the way this came about. We never see anyone wearing a Clay Aiken shirt - the one time we do, it happens to be a former librarian plastered across the news for robbing banks in the wake of a heck of a lot of snark about doing just that in order to have a "meet & eat" (TM Jemock) with Clay.... that's some kinda irony there.

    Those are some mighty fine pics from South Bend that Scarlett so nicely brought forward from Kareneh. I'd almost forgotten that he didn't wear his glasses the entire tour. Mighty fine!

  6. **pouts**

    I wish the blog had had more information. Such as address where he's staying, room or apt. #, phone #, address where rehearsals are taking place, whether the tights look hawt....

    Oh, and don't forget the cd he's working on and is never going to be able to finish now that he's veering away from his musical direction and singing career to take a chance on something that most likely is not going to do anything to help him sell records and that's all because, of course, Clive has been urging him to take the Spamalot role in order to derail his success as a musical artist so that RCA can drop him, which will be a good thing, of course, so maybe it will all work out for the best after all.


    Sounds about right. :rolleyes:

    I wanna know if Tyra's close by.... B) Oh, and if the doggies are with him! :puppykiss:

    Aww, I like his little blog. :wub: Poor guy - he did say this was going to be the closest thing to a '9-5' type of job he's had. Hee! I can't wait until April!!!

    $120+ later, I'm back at work, where I'll probably be until 8:00 tonight since I had to take a 2 hour lunch. Kitty1 is back home, napping I'm sure. Luckily just a mild eye infection, she'll be fine and shouldn't be contagious to kitty2. Thank goodness 'cause I'm not looking forward to administering eyedrops for one cat, let alone two!

  7. Good morning FCA. So has anyone figured out how to mortgage any and all futures for yourself and your family to bid on the dinner with Clay? Not yet? LOL

    Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to figure out how to do this in order to pay a vet bill. Gotta take a sick kitty to the vet on my lunch hour today. Hopefully it's nothing too serious. :idk:

    A small Birthday books update has been placed in the book list thread, here...


    Thank You... :F_05BL17blowkiss:


    Awww, that made me very schmoopie. :wub: The book drive was so much fun & so much good is coming from it. Thanks, rohdy!

    Back to work. Everyone have a great day!

  8. I could care less about golf, but Florida sounds good right now. It's a toasty 12° with a windchill of 2° this evening. 10.gif

    Dinner with "Clay Aiken and guest(s)". I'm betting "guest(s)" are Jerome and the team of NYPD usually reserved for New Year's Eve in Times Square.

    I have nothing against fans participating in these events if they're able to meet the requirements and fees, but I'm thrilled to see TBAF moving towards big corporate sponsors with this event. Bravo! :clap:

  9. Welcome, ashleysgram, Penny, Lotus, tinkerbell2, claylaughs (smitten), annabear, clay4shore, skybar22, RIFAN, underthespell and kilo! :F_05BL17blowkiss: . I hope you enjoy this board as much as I do! It's a nice place with lots of good convo, debate, snark and smut. I don't think anyone here takes themselves too seriously, we just love to love Clay.

    I'll just quote Ms. Bookwhore, cross my name off the list & add kilo! :welcome: Fellow newbies!

  10. Also...I sure hope our thread doesn't start galloping at the speed of light cuz one thing I MUST resolve to change this new year is my time on the boards during the workday...so I'm checking in before I get started with my 'to do' list and maybe will pop in one other time before going home. I need to really up my game here in the office---don't wanna jeopardize this gig.

    I think the thread galloping will come to fast halt due to the first part of your post:

    Happy 2008 to all of you! And yeah, it sucks to go back to work. Whatever.

    At least I know all the post whoring done by moi in the few days I've been a member here are over now that I'm back to the daily grind. Thanks for New Year's presents! :imgtongue:

    Whoa, KAndre...... I hope the rest of your day gets better!

  11. I had a funny, crazy dream last night. I dreamed I was at The Pyramids (want to see them someday before I die) and they were all lit up with blue light with the words "HE BLOGGED". :cryingwlaughter: I must be going nuts.

    Nuts? No... but I wanna know what you been drinkin'!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Hee! :cryingwlaughter:

    Clay is CUTE y'all!!

    He certainly is! And FUNNY! :flirtysmile3:

    I had to run out this afternoon (it's frickin' freezing, snowy & windy out) and ended up stopping by Wild Oats to pick up the fixings for Clayzor's black-eyed pea dip - YUMMY!

    {{{{{rcknrllmom & family}}}}

  12. FYI: I just got this e-mail from Playbill and they are now selling, through a pre-sale, the Playbill with Clay's credits. It also looks like they might have other merchandise available at some point.

    As for other Clay/Spamalot merchandise that might become available, nothing

    yet. I do know that the company that handles merchandising for Spamalot has

    proposed creating several products, but they are awaiting approval from the

    show's producers and Clay's management.

    Thanks, skybar! Can't wait to see the other possible merchandise.

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