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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Berkely's post makes me even more excited!!

    And a little be JELL-US that I won't make opening and closing nights.

    My DH and I met doing Little Theater.

    There is something so special about Openings and Closings!

    Pee-of-Fear Opening Night :bitefingers: - so filled with aniticipation, excilleration, anxiety and joyous relief at Curtain Call.

    Bittersweet Closing Night :lovesmiley2: - so filled with pride, sadness, gratitude and joyous relief at Curtain Call.

    •I hope for Clay that his cast sees the man's work-ethic, talent and ability to laugh at himself, his willingness to praise others and respect him for it and tell others that he is worthy of being there.

    •I hope that audiences see his talent, his humor, his comic timing and enjoy and love him like "we" do.

    •I hope TPTB see both of the above and jot his name down on their programs as someone to add to the list of those they want to work with.

    •I hope that Clay has a blast, is proud of his accomplishment in this arena, makes new friends to treasure, becomes better friends with his feet *giggle* , and is deliriously happy that he said "YES" to this project!

    •I hope for those who don't get to see SPAMalot will somehow, somewhere, sometime get to see at least snippets of this run preserved in the treasure trove of Clay History!

    •I hope that when this run is over - whatever comes next is something that he feels equally happy and satisfied with. That he gets what he wants. What makes him happy.

    Cuz when he's happy and smiling that dynamic smile from within, I'm happy!

    Ok, Cotton, this actually got me a little misty! I loved the whole thing, but especially the "dynamic smile from within" because that's what it is when it reaches those lovely green eyes! :wub:

    Lots of good posts today!

    I'm still at work waiting for a torrential downpour to let up. I didn't bring an umbrella & I'm parked in the complete opposite corner of the parking lot. <_<

  2. Hee, Starbuck's has quite a few no-sugar-added choices now for specialty coffees, and of course you can order anything with non-fat milk, or soy milk. I don't drink coffee, but I see these choices listed everytime I go in there. My standard order now is a grande non-fat no-water chai tea misto with one Splenda. All that is is a grande steamed non-fat milk with a chai tea bag in it, and Spenda for sweetening. I have one every morning - 160 calories, 16 g protein, no fat. Most days I just make it myself using a box of the Tazo Chai tea bags. Cheaper that way!

    I love all the healthier options at Starbucks. I hadn't heard of your chai tea concoction before, though - YUM! I ended up making myself a variation this morning with the Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spice tea I got for Christmas & it was really good. Thanks for the idea! :)

    I guess I could have qualified that I'm also cutting out the buying lunch & dinner and trips to Starbucks to save money as well as calories - seeing Mr. Aiken in NYC in April don't come cheap!!!

    I wouldn't be much help in the motivation to exercise area, KAndre. I hate it, too, and have got a good bit of weight I need to lose. I have found that riding my stationary bike is better now that I bought a TV & DVD player for my bedroom - I just pop Clay in there & ride away. Now I just need to get myself up earlier (groan) to get to work earlier so I can leave earlier so I can make it to Curves before they close in the evenings. That's next week's goal. Baby steps.

  3. Damn I want to talk about Clay's 2008 and exxtrapolate the hell out of what's coming, thanks Jenna for some topic ideas, but I have to go to the wasteland called work and when I get home ya'll will have moved on heee. At least I can laugh and not cry about it anymore.

    Happy Thursday.

    And tonight I will watch clack and get inundated with the blond hair. I think it will do the trick.

    Couchie, you are me! Or I am you! I wanna chat and smile and eeeeeeeeeee about how excited I am for Clay's new adventure, but I also must get to the wasteland of work..... iPod? Check! Headphones? Check! New Clack loaded? Check!

  4. Wow, YSRN! So glad that tree missed your house. What a close call!

    Clack Unlimited now has the dinner auction up....

    ...and I've got the biggest grin on my face right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wildly, passionately in love with hearing him sing Get Here, but seeing the dinner auction makes me so incredibly happy as well. Why? Because IMO you can see his MIND at work. He's constantly negotiating, thinking, trying to get the best deals for the foundation. He throws in extras; he changes the terms of the auction so that it doesn't have to be on a Monday anymore; and then finally makes the deal to do this twice for two different fans. It's just so fun for me to see him work that crowd.

    I can't wait to get home & download this! I love his mind, too! :wub:

    I remember for quite a while I kept wondering why Clay was having such an effect on me, I had always loved music, but had kind of lost interest in it. I couldn't and still can't understand this force, for lack of a better word that seemed to draw me to him, but it's there and it's strong. I would try to analyze it, I had been a fan of other artists before, but never to the point of spending so much of my time on them. I'd buy a cd and try to catch them on tv, most of them I never even cared if I got to see them live.

    I guess in the end it's the combination of the internet and being able to enjoy something/someone you love with others who feel the same as you and the magnetism of a charming, talented, funny and genuine human being, who wanted to make a difference and has.

    Every now and then I still find myself questioning and trying to analyze it, and then I think, why try to figure it out, just sit back and enjoy it and take it all in and be thankful.

    I do this, too. Every now & then I just seem to have to try reasoning it out one.more.time. Your last statement there sums it up quite nicely.

    OMG. I just watched Katy's WAMLAW video clip. You know, something floods through me at the sound of that first note coming out of his mouth. Seems unexpected and he's so EASY in the delivery...yet the SOUND is so...



    rich and full


    ....that it just....floods, fills...it makes me need to....

    crap....it just DOES something to me....

    and then the clip is so maddeningly, cruelly short that I'm left breathless and wanting....

    gah....that VOICE! :Thud:

    I think it's that green-eyed soul. I would LOVE an opportunity for an entire concert done sort of like the GFI performance - sort of a jam session with just Clay, his voice and a piano.... :Thud:

  5. golfguhhlg-1.jpg

    It took several viewing of this picture for me to make my way up to the hair. I got side tracked by the thighs, the crotchal area, the waist, the shoulders, the arms, the face. But on my umpteenth viewing, is anyone else mesmerized by that wind-tossed blonde mane? I wish it was a gif. I'd love to see it softly ruffling in the wind.

    yes, Yes, YES!!! :preachit:


    Yay for Clay's Broadway debut!! Love the new banner, Cindilu! :clap:

  6. Couchie and anyone else worried they won't be able to get the Spamalot links posted earlier. I'm looking into xdrive with AOL right now to see if I can put the files there in an accessible folder. Supposedly you can store up to 5GB at no charge. We will see. In the meantime, I have other links if those run out and I will find a way to get the "movie" or parts of the "movie" to you one way or another. If you experience a problem and are shy, just PM me. I'll try to help.

    Thanks for all your efforts on doing this for us, 00lsee!

    Yes! Thank you, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Like Couchie, I was worried the new downloads would be used up before I could get to them this evening.

    Off to download! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

  7. I just finished Windexing the lick streaks off my monitor. And Lysoling up the drool puddle from my desk. I just got back from lunch after breaking my self-imposed 'stay offline' rule. Some rules are highly overrated. That picture should come with a warning that it will intoxicate you, so you should stay away from things like DRIVING immediately after viewing. Not that I almost had an accident while daydreaming or anything. Nope. Not me....

    Oh how I wish I could take you up on your offer, justclay12! I've checked my calendar, I still have one vacay day 'til April, I even checked flights...... then reality hit by way of my checkbook smacking me upside the head. :cry4:

    Laughn, I don't think there is a more fitting quote. Perfect!

    I can't wait to get home tonight and download! EEEEEEEE!

  8. I totally love the reporter and her blog! But not as much as I frickin' love Clay Aiken. He is so funny and hot and cute and HOT and clever and HOT and witty and HOT and such a guy (complimenting a woman because he forgot her name) and HOT and smooth (because he's clearly had lots of practice pacifying his women) and did I mention HOT?

    Hee! I think I love you, KAndre! :cryingwlaughter:

    That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.

    Thread title? :)

    bye FCA...see you tonight :cry4:

    Bye Couchie! I've got to be offline most of the day, too. :cry4:

    Loving all the rest of the recaps from last night! And the screencaps! And reports that Clack is in the vault - yay for something to look forward to when I get home! And love, love, love the blogger & her interview - he is just too CUTE! :flirtysmile3:

    Hope everyone has a good day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    *This post jointly sponsored by ! and emoticons everywhere*

  9. From Janiepain at the CB:

    I just got back to the hotel from the Clubhouse. What a wonderful wonderful night it was!! First of all, I love my husband, and I love that he loves golf! When we got the foursome together, I found out that Katy and her friend Michele both wanted their husbands to play in the tournament, but the husbands wanted a foursome. My hubby said the same thing, so we had three...I called my former boss who my hubby has played in tournaments with before, and he agreed. He and his girlfriend knew who Clay was, but really not much else about him, other than he had a good voice. Well, after tonight, I think Clay picked up a few more fans.

    My husband was SO impressed with Clay.... he has seen 2 shows with me, and he's very tolerant of my "hobby", but he still thought I was crazy. I think after today he totally understands. I may even have a Claydawg in the family! Clay went around the course while they were playing and talked to each of the players and took pictures with them,..my husband said hey Clay, do you know Jane____ and Clay said, "No I don't think so, should I?"and my hubby said, well would you sign my golf card for her because I'm spending alot of money sending her around the country following you! Anyway, Clay signed it "Jane ____, use your voice, Clay Aiken".

    Well, the guys finished playing golf, and Katy, Michele, my boss' girlfriend and I got to the clubhouse....and our guys have picked out the table directly in front of the podium. DIRECTLY in front. My back was to the podium, so when we turned our chairs around it was like being dead center front row at a concert with a low low stage. Clay looked amazing, Katy got lots of pics and video, but unfortunately none of us are smart enough to know how to put anything up yet! I know you all heard the concert, and I know you know Katy and Michele are having dinner with Clay. They are beyond excited!!

    After everything was over, Clay came to our table and took pics...our table definitely had the most bids, and also we were right by the podium .I thought at first just the auction winners were able to get pics but my husband said go over and get your pic taken. Katy's husband was taking pics, and Clay looked at me and opened his arms and said "come here", so of course, I went! I said "I'm Jane'" and he said "Oh I know you, I see you all over the place"! My boss thought that was hysterical! Anyway, he stood there talking with everyone and taking pics for about 15 minutes, and then I said "Clay, can Art and I get a pic with you?"and he said "sure, come on....well, then a few minutes later my boss' girlfriend made me so happy when she said "Clay, I want a pic with you, too, so he held out both arms, and we got a pic of the three of us! Three pictures....plus the pic of Clay with the guys on the course.....my kids will never ever let us live this down. My husband kept saying what a great guy he was...so friendly, laughing, talking like he knew all of us.

    My boss and his wife are very very impressed as well. My boss spent some big $$ on a couple trips, one to the Master's golf tournament, and another autographed Masters picture....I'm so glad I have rich friends!! LOL Just wish I had a little richer husband!!!LOL Dinner with Clay would be amazing....but tonight was amazing anyway.

    I've been to lots of events, but his is by far the best yet. Jerry Aiken said this will be an annual event, so I'm willing to bet the golf pros will be getting lots of calls for lessons soon! I'm sure it will never be as smalll and intimate as this was, but girls, get golf clubs on your birthdaty lists for next year! At least buy your husbands some clubs!!

    Of course it goes without saying how gorgeous he was, and how great he sounded. I've never seen his hair so light. When Katy asked him to sing When a Man Loves A Woman he said he wasn't sure he knew all the words. I said "It never stopped you before" and I got a little "look"...and then a smile. I have no idea what made that come out of my mouth, but it did. When he was singing "Unchained Melody" my husband leaned over to me and said "he really does have a great voice, doesn't he?? DUH

    Sorry this is so chopped, just wanted to get a quick post up and I'm trying to remember little tidbits. He was adorable in the aution....there were only a few people bidding, and for alot of the auction, I would say it was alot of negotiating....he threw in tickets and backstage passes for the dinner winners....so cute!

    Other than the projector not working, it was a perfectly planned event! The guys were so impressed at how well everything was run, and the Country Club was beautiful. The food was great, the weather picture perfect, and all in all a wonderful, wonderful day.

    Happy Birthday Katy!!!

  10. :couple: Happy 30th anniversary, gbmifan!!! :couple:

    The weather is strange here in OH, too - almost 70 today, with wind advisory & storms tonight. Crazy!

    Kept forgetting, in all the excitement today, to :welcome:tinkerbell2!

    It's been such a fun day! I saw some of the other CRAP TM Clay posted around today and just rolled my eyes - one of these days I'm afraid they may get stuck! But seriously, I don't think some people would know how to be happy if you handed them an illustrated instruction manual. Oh wait, that's what all of the pics from today would be, so yeah, that proves my point. :whatever:

    I'm glad I finally decided to check out this board! :lilredani:

  11. I interrupt this slobbery eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! fest to bring some bad news. From what I can gather in my quick perusal elsewhere, there was NO recorded audio of Clay's singing and auction. He sang mucho songs and a couple I'd LOVE to hear his voice on---"You can get her by air-o-plane..." and then to hear him sing At This Moment again (one of my favorite AI2 songs)....I should have thrown caution to the wind and tuned into the CV cellstream while at work, I guess...


    Guess I'll just have to stare at that full frontal pic while imagining the voice....

    yeah. I'll do that.

    I'm pretty sure Katy4Clay said they had everything, but she wasn't sure when they'd be able to get it to someone as they're travelling with several other couples.

    Or jamar said! :P

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