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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Well, I was awake at midnight, but not because I stayed awake. DH awoke me by gagging and choking in the bathroom. He is starting to feel the radiation treatments burning his mouth and tongue. Causing him a lot of trouble swallowing and mucus problems. Poor guy. He thought he would take some Vicks Cherry Flavored Nyquil for his mucus problem and it didn't go down well at all. So, I got him squared away and then the fireworks in the neighborhood started. I said Happy New Year and rolled over and went back to sleep.

    So. I guess I will go pick up some black eyed peas, make black eyed pea dip, and watch some football.

    Here is a recipe for it if anyone is interested in a new use of the peas:

    Black-Eyed Pea Dip

    1 can (16 ozs.) black-eyed peas drained and divided

    3 green onions chopped, with tops included

    1/2 cup sour cream

    1 teaspoon garlic salt

    1/2 cup chunky style salsa

    4 slices bacon cooked and crumbled

    Reserving 1/3 cup, place peas in a blender or food processor, fitted with a steel blade. Process untill smooth.

    Blend in onions, sour cream, and garlic salt.

    Transfer mixture to a bowl and stir in reserved peas and salsa. Garnish with bacon crumbles.

    Serve with favorite chips.

    Yield about 2 1/2 cups of dip.

    {{{{Hugs}}}} to your hubby & to you, {{{{Clayzor}}}}.

    I've never been much for the food traditions of New Year's. I'm definitely going to have to try this dip, though - YUM! I agree that the Eden Oganics (sorry - I can't find who posted that link) canned beans are the best!

    My own personal New Year's Resolution is to cut down on the gnat population. I know I have certain gnats in my life -- both in the real world and in this fandom. These are people that "push my buttons", for whatever reason. My resolution is to ignore them! It may seem wimpy to some to do this, but I think in the long run (and that's key here), it makes life so much better. I think Clay has done a fantastic job of this, and if I can follow half of his example....

    I don't think it's wimpy at all! I did some "cleaning" and got rid of some gnats myself this past fall and life has definitely been a bit better.

    Anyone else watching the Rose Parade? The University of Illinois is in the Rose Bowl this year and my nephew is in the U of I Marching Band, so he will be in the parade and on the field at half-time.

    I am! Since I grew up in southern CA, it's been a tradition to watch the parade for as long as I can remember. One advantage to being on eastern time, though? It starts at 11:00 instead of 8:00! Congrats to your nephew - that's cool!

    I'm concerned that my first opportunity to go to NY for Spamalot will be in March during Spring Break. Anyone going in March? Or should I wait until April for the second wave of eHP? Decisions, decisions.

    I'll be heading to Spamalot in April. I would like to have gone earlier, but I'm planning to use my bonus to pay for the trip rather than racking up anymore credit card debt. Plus, I used up all but a few hours of my time off when I got sick in Sept. My vacation time doesn't renew until April 15th, so I've already put in for my time off that week & bought tickets for April 18th. I can't wait - I'm taking my mom. I've never been to NYC and neither has she, really - I don't think driving into the city with her CT cousins back in the 1950's counts!

  2. A shot gun? Snow tires? As gifts from hubby? :huh: Sometimes I think it's not so bad being single, afterall! :P

    Glad you had someone look at your thumb, keepingfaith. :F_05BL17blowkiss: And yes, I did see that interview with Michael Buble. It was interesting.

    Thanks for mentioning Wicked, spikesmom. It's going to be in Cinci soon and I completely forgot about it. I need to see if I can still get tickets as I missed it last time it was here because I was going out of town to see - who else - Clay.


    Support Clay Aiken and the United States Fund for UNICEF!


    Progress: 92%

    Raised: $ 92105 Goal: $ 100000


  3. ohhkay...D is it! Yep, I really like it.

    Although doing Clay is a double entendre...let's face it...how many people reading that pin are going to think of doing lunch and much as I would love to do Clay I just cannot wear a pin announcing that desire.

    I'm in for 2 each of Aa and D! And since Clay himself came up with the "doing" part (way back when, before the summer tour, in Quiana's blog), I don't mind it at all. Besides, unless someone REALLY looks hard at that pin, they'll probably just see it as a pin. *g* OTOH, I didn't wear my "Doing" pin when I was with my husband at Merrillville, so I can understand where Lotus is coming from too!

    I interpreted the "doing" part as ldyjocelyn did - coming from Clay's comment on Quiana's blog about the summer tour, but I can also understand what Lotus is saying, as I wouldn't wear a "doing" pin either.

    That being said, I really like the new choice D and if the decision is made to have two designs, I still like Aa also.

  4. Support Clay Aiken and the United States Fund for UNICEF!


    Progress: 90%

    Raised: $ 89575 Goal: $ 100000


    For NY Eve this year, I'm going to enjoy the last of the goodies I have left from the holidays - all sugar is going in the trash come midnight! - and watching movies & Clack. I'm loving the heck out of having this 4 day weekend and not having to be anywhere or do anything on anybody's schedule but my own!

    Big get well wishes to Kareneh. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  5. I am addicted to HGTV's "House Hunters" and see these cool loft type condos in Chicago and think I would like to live like that. If I loved the city and had the money to live nicely, I think I could be a city girl.

    I'm addicted to that show, too.

    I lived in southern CA (Orange County) until I was 13, then we moved to Ohio. I don't think it would have mattered where in Ohio we moved at that time - any of it was the sticks to me when compared to California!

    ETA: I keep forgetting to say Thanks! to cindilu for the calendar wallpapers!

  6. Topic? Well, I've never seen "The Wizard of Oz" all the way through, I found the flying monkeys way too scary and will never watch that movie again. I'm guessing that Clay probably has watched it, though.

    What??? :o ;) Another one of my favorite movies evah!

    The flying monkeys never bothered me, oddly enough. But I do remember my grandmother having a pair of red patent leather dress shoes that were for some odd reason in the car and sticking out from under the seat, a la the wicked witch when the house falls on her. I was probably 3-4 and completely convinced that the wicked witch was under the seat! :unsure:

  7. I do like musicals a lot though and old movies. ..or should I call them classics.


    Hey you're never more out of step than me when a new Harry Potter book or movie comes out...oh wait...KAndre's with me on that one right?

    I'm a "classic" movie/musical fan myself. The King and I with Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr (RIP this year) anyone? One of my absolute favorites!

    I've tried to get into Harry Potter, but just can't.


    I connect to both musicals, old movies, Harry Potter and Cartman, Kyle & Kenny of South Park so maybe none of us are aliens.

    I think Scarlett's got it!

    keepingfaith, please do be careful! :friends:

  8. 20071225-002-UnicefMexico.jpg

    Thanks, anna! That first pic is really cute. The second one is somehow distorted, because the two women's faces aren't looking the best. Clay looks fine, but poor Faye! She probably looked great that day, but the pic somehow distorts her eyes. Oh, well, Mr. Ambassador sure is cute!

    I know - poor Faye's not looking the best in that pic, but I'm loving Clay's big hand holding that little girl's. :wub:

    :Ahh: There's already the beginnings of a fight happening as to whether or not Clay will follow the script....including the word shitty.

    Shoot me now.

    I saw that, too.... Hasn't that argument already happened? Oh well, only 19 days to go until it's settled.

    Speaking of Spamalot, is there a tour thread about this yet, naming who will be attending on certain dates? It doesn't seem likely that I'll be going, at this point, but it would be MORE likely if I timed my trip to coincide with those of people I know.

    There sure is: Spam Me Clay :)

  9. Aaaack! After being down & out sick after the summer tour, I finally seriously started back to Weight Watchers in Nov. The scale was slowly, but surely moving in the right direction until I skipped my last 3 meetings and all of the vendors starting sending the Godiva & See's candies to work and the "treat desk" turned out to be right next to mine....... :scream:

    My plan is to get whatever goodies are left into the trash by midnight tomorrow night. Come Jan. 1st, I'm back to cutting out the sugar & refined carbs, back to Curves & onto my stationary bike.

    In the mean time, wouldn't it be nice if we could really lose weight like this - > :lmaosmiley-1:

    Good luck to everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  10. Thanks everybody. I am really happy that you're liking them, and I appreciate the suggestions! I edited these into the first post, but I'll post them here too.





    Oh! Great job, Cindilu! I'm really liking Aa & Cc.

  11. Just a reminder, Holiday on Ice is going to be repeated this morning on the Style Network at 9:00 a.m. CST, 10:00 a.m. EST

    Unfortunately, I do not get this network; darn Direct TV!


    I'm watching it right now.... :wub:

    I'm baaack! And I am finally watching some more of the HOI special.....

    (and just for the record, I didn't call Shae-Lyn a skank, only the move she made. It's still highly unattractive in my book!)

    Anyhow - we are probably waaaay past the flap-flap, but I have made a startling discovery!!

    Clay is reaching back to adjust his .... ummm... mic-pack, and the flap of his jacket flips up! So... how could it be still sewn, if it's flipping up?? This occurs about 30 mins into the show - I am not sure because I missed the first 10 minutes or so!!


    'Splain, Lucy!!!

    You're right! At the end of All Is Well, we have a rear-view and when he moves to clap for Todd, the flap separates a bit!

    I simply do not understand the need to bad mouth Faye. Walk a mile in her shoes before you want to take issue with the way she raised Clay. I'm glad I don't see that happening on this board. Clay obviously loves his mother and family very much, and I find talking bad about her more disturbing than blasting his career choices.

    ITA with this.

    Well, he's back on my TV with Sasha now - gotta go!

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