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Posts posted by annabear

  1. My buttons are certainly being continually pushed, and I alternatively either giggle manically like the Pillsbury Doughboy getting poked in the stomach or let loose with a stream of EEEEEE's. It's exhausting, y'all!


    I hope your headache disappears *soon*, ladyj. :friends:

    I woke up feeling so happy & schmoopie & excited for Clay today. :flirtysmile3: I keep trying to find a way to get to NYC tomorrow. Not going to happen, but a girl can dream, can't she? :twinklewhore:

  2. From stripedshirts at CV:

    Check this out.....B'way's got a little something cute & special going on next month:

    The Broadway "Teddy" Bears Auction 11 is February 17

    Sunday, February 17, 2008 at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill (237 W. 42nd St) those ursine thespians of The Great White Way will come out of hibernation for the eleventh annual BROADWAY BEARS auction, in support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

    The fur will fly as lot by lot is presented by a parade of Broadway celebrities introducing 40 one-of-a-kind BROADWAY BEARS each dressed in original, handmade costumes representing some of the theater’s most legendary performers and/or performances will be put up for auction.

    This year’s cast of bears will include autographed bears representing current shows like The Little Mermaid, Xanadu, Spring Awakening, Young Frankenstein and Curtains as well classic shows like West Side Story, The Music Man, Gypsy, Cats, and Dreamgirls.

    "Missing out on this event will be something that you won’t want to bear! "

    Check out their 2008 poster:


    How cute is that bear??? I had been thinking about making a Sir Robin bear myself!

    Fresh ET Clack & I can't watch it until tonight! :cry4: I don't think it's always better to wait, no matter what Clay once said.....

  3. I wish he would have just TEXTED it, ya know?


    *sniff*...I can't wait until it's my turn to see him in this show!!!!

    Me either! Exactly 3 months from Friday. And I wasn't checking last minute airfares on my lunch hour. Really. *sniff*

    It's real, isn't it? Clay's gonna be on BROADWAY!!!!


    OMG - are these pics real???

  4. Ah, {{{Couchie}}}. :thbighug-1:

    Then, there's some like me -- who aren't so interested in knowing his musical direction beforehand, but will totally celebrate whatever it might be when the album arrives. Another thing is that we all have different wants and needs for Clay as far as musical stylings. (Yeah, I used the Royal "we"...) I think a few fans get fixated on a particular musical type, and just can't imagine any other way. Me? I'm pretty much open to anything. (I'm still waiting for the Mongolian Polka CD....)


    Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.

    :word: Thread title?

  5. <snip> Clay says that this album contains music that is definitely desired by him. It is also the first time he is having one producer help him to put out the entire album. The result, he says, will be an album of original material that is consistent in its sound and its message to his fans-look for it to hopefully be released this May.

    EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! From Spamalot to summer tour?!?! :club0:

    I think I need another job.....

  6. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hello all!!

    I've been a missing person for most of the last month while I wrestled with my haywire heart.

    After having pretty much written off my Spamalot trip, things are now looking pretty good. My new meds are working very well, and I feel so much better. The majority doctor opinion is favorable. If I make it to tomorrow morning with no further problems, I'm going to feel home free!!

    I'll be at the Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening shows. We're looking at other stuff Sat & Sun during the day. If assemblages are happening, please, please let me know!!

    Loved the Spam-a-blog!! I think Clay is still in teacher/school mode. If they give him an actual topic, he can write something fun about it. Maybe someone from Clique could do that for his OFC blog.

    :cryingwlaughter: Naaaaaah. Guess not.

    Clay was very happy to hear I was going to make it to Spamalot when I texted him about it. *g*

    He sent me a kiss.....


    Just thought I'd share, cause I'm generous like that.

    Sending healing thoughts your way, Permaswooned. :F_05BL17blowkiss: What a beautiful pic!

  7. Way to go, Gibby & luckiest! :clap:


    Slow and steady wins the race.


    It's not as easy to lose when you get close to your goal

    Both very true statements.

    There was a lady at my WW meeting Sat. who's been there since Oct. and just hit her goal of losing 8 pounds and became a lifetime member. She got up to say a few words to the group and started out saying that she realized most people were probably thinking, "Your goal was to lose only 8 freaking pounds???" She then went on to tell us that for most of her life she weighed over 300 pounds - you NEVER would have guessed it to look at her. She looked great! Proves both of those statments I quoted and also that you really can't judge a book by its cover.

  8. I think this Monday is the longest Monday in recent history. I hate being at work and not having, you know, actual WORK to do. Of course next week when our project supposedly re-starts (I'll believe it when I see it....) I'll probably end up with 20 assignments due at once. :glare: For now, I will just be happy to just surf around Clayland....

    Love his blog! So casual and friendly and comfy...complete with spelling and syntax errors 'coss he just wrote it and didn't worry about all that stuff. Love it. Love him.

    It's a good thing that we all do hear music subjectively, isn't it? Otherwise, there'd only BE one kind of music to enjoy. It's like appreciating colors. I've always wondered if the shade of red I see is exactly the same shade of red that you see when we look at the same thing. And then I realize that I'll never know. How the hell would we ever know that? I think music is the same way. We're hearing the same note from that person, but how will we ever know that our ears hear the exact same thing?

    I think all the people named in the last pages are very, very talented singers. I'm not a FAN of the kind of singing some of them do, but I acknowledge the skill and talent needed to sing it! I have preferences, just as we all do. I'm not a fan of the kind of singing Fantasia does. I think J. Hudson is amazing, but sometimes her vibrato annoys me. Billie Holiday's voice is unique and I wonder if I hadn't known her life story when I heard it, if I would have warmed to it as much as I did.

    As for Q&A, it's the tone of Q's voice that---to my tastes---makes me favor her voice over Angela's. I hear harsh, screechy tones from A more than I do Q and the richer, fuller tones are more pleasing to my ears. I don't think that screechy means emotive or 'feelin' it'...I think screechy means screechy! :cryingwlaughter: Quiana is a very emotive singer and seems to be able to do more with her voice than Angela. That being said, I really loved Angela's "Listen" during DCAT. It was great hearing her singing with a more subtle approach. The end was amazing, of course, but I liked the softer, beginning part of the song better!

    Yippee! So happy Clay was in Raleigh and could enjoy himself. And I hope that whoever got a picture of him without being noticed didn't use a flash and gets it uploaded really fast! :whistling-1:

    Yeah that ^^^ Muski!

    I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week

    ...as long as he doesn't have a "Clique" moment...because apparently they suck.


    Oh lordy, no! I would only wish a "Clique" moment on a few select induhviduals...... :evillaugh:

    (Yes, I do know how to spell. *g*)

    Surprisingly, it didn't bother me to watch AI2 Rewind last night, but I did think the whole pulling out of the top 3 only to ship one home was cruel - especially since Clay was the one shipped home! I did wanna give him a big hug & tell him it would all be OK. :flirtysmile3:

  9. Monday. Again? Why is it always Monday? :glare:


    CV is also scheduled to have pre and post-show cellcerts on Friday night. I don't know if they try for an intermission phone call or not.

    Do you know if you have to resubscribe? TIA for any info.

    I don't believe you do. If I find out otherwise, I'll bring the info over.

    Hee, ET online has Clay as one of their most eligible bachelors!



    Birth Place: Raleigh, NC

    Birth Date: November 30, 1978

    Upcoming projects: Has signed on to join the Broadway cast of Monty Python's Spamalot on January 18, 2008.

    I'll take it. Thanks.

    That's exactly what I was going to say!

    I loved his blog! :wub: This man has had me more schmoopie over the past few weeks. I'm with those who think he must be doing OK if they allowed him the weekend off, otherwise they'd be working him every possible minute. I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week. I'm so excited for him and for everyone who gets to see him Friday! :clap:

    :welcome:claytonic! What fun to be discovering all things Clay!

  10. I loved Jennifer in Dreamgirls but Quiana's performance outdid hers, IMO. I'd love to see some of her acting skills besides this amazing musical number. Clay must be so proud to have this woman as a friend and tourmate. She is NO backup singer which is why he gives her and Angela their own songs. I totally believe him when he says Quiana is one of the best singers out there. Hope she finds more success from this. This performance made me cry.

    You said it, skybar! :clap: Go Quiana! :clap:

    Thanks, play! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  11. My first reaction last night was, "Wow! He's tired and cranky and not sure what he's gotten himself into", which sounds about rigth for someone stepping into a big, new creative endeavor. I also thought, "Wow - he didn't read Jemock's blog about how to properly put on your tights and his were in a wad!" :cryingwlaughter:

    I don't see anything bad about what Clay did or said. I think the reporter was a horse's ass for asking such inane, dated questions. And as for labeling those questions "about his personal life"? WTH??? They had NOTHING to do with his personal life! Why not ask him how he's adjusting to life in NY? How's he doing getting around town? Oh wait, that might be sort of logical. Never mind!

    There are no reports of Clay cussing the guy out or decking him, which has sadly become "the usual" for some stars nowadays. I'm sure his tone went right along with what he said and I don't think he was rude. Doesn't mean I didn't cringe at first, or that I wouldn't have kicked him under the table if I were his publicist, but this certainly sounds like it was Clay being Clay - and isn't that what everyone cires about so often? Let Clay be Clay? And he so is! :wub::clap:

    Yet again, he manages to be "the king of contorversy" over much ado about nothing - just another day in the Clay Nation!

    BWAH bottlecap!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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