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Everything posted by annabear

  1. I'm watching it right now.... You're right! At the end of All Is Well, we have a rear-view and when he moves to clap for Todd, the flap separates a bit! ITA with this. Well, he's back on my TV with Sasha now - gotta go!
  2. {{{{Merrieeee}}}} I'm so sorry. You are not the only one. I didn't realize how much I didn't like the bangs until he started wearing it off his forehead with his glasses. He looks very natural to me now both with his light hair and his glasses. I was happy to see the cheekbones back but the extra weight looked just fine on him...to me. I agree - while it was nice to see the reappearance of the cheekbones and a little more definition back in the jawline, the extra weight looked just fine on him this summer. Mighty fine..... The man was so far from FAT, it's not even funny.... As for the hair, I'm easy. Although I think I did go into shock for a bit when we didn't see him for so long and then he surprised everyone on the AI finale! Wow!!! Must admit that I really, really liked the hair when he came back out after intermission in Merrillville with it brushed back off his face a bit. Yum! Ack! New Kids on the Block! Oh my..... Technically, no, Mark wasn't a NKOTB - his older brother Donnie was. But Mark did end up traveling with them for a while as an opening act - Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch.... hehehehe.... Donnie eventually went into acting, too - he played the guy in the beginning of the Sixth Sense. I think he works in production now.
  3. HA! Is that one where he was flirting with Angie 'cause her family was in the audience?
  4. Looooovely pics, PermaSwooned! They look like paintings. :12:
  5. Aaaaand we're off! :thRoadRunner: I think you're right! And welcome to my fellow newbies!
  6. ha ha make that from the couch to the couchie and we're going to fresh choice so that's good right? Sounds good to me! Wanna swing by Ohio & pick me up??? I'm debating about whether to go out for lunch or not.... it's cold & rainy, my head feels like it's going to explode at any moment and I'm bored! Yes, I'd like some cheese with my whine, thankyouverymuch! Ya got that right, cha cha trusty! I think someone else sorta said that in his blog not to long ago - and I *loved* it!
  7. From the couch to Starbucks - that's my kinda day, Muski!
  8. Hope you feel better *soon*, Kareneh. I'm just trying to get rid of a dang cold I caught in Merrillville and it's kicking my butt.
  9. That sounds like my form of prioritizing, Couch Tomato! Hee! How about 31 year old red heads, muski? There was one of those in Merrillville......
  10. It was cute! My only complaint is that it should have been longer - it was about all I could do to sit there for the 10 minutes leading up to his segment. I could care less who got divorced in 2007, how many millions Paris Hilton isn't going to get from grandpa, or who got arrested for what overnight in Hollyweird.
  11. Oh mah goodness! I just watched the Sasha/clay video mumbledymumble times. He's so freaking CUTE! ETA: From TweetyGal at the OFC:
  12. Why yes, I would like to play a game 'cause I'm bored here at work. 1. What is your favorite Clay recorded song? From each album? Hee! I think I'm going to have to go with Lonely No More. I fell in love with the snippet with that little growl before ATDW was released. I was soooooooo hoping he'd add that one to the SRHP tour. I still hit repeat when it pops up on my iPod. But then, I Know How The River Feels still gets me everytime, too... 2. What is your favorite Clay live performance? I think right now it's Good News from the JNT '04. We were listening to Clack of that on the way to Merrillville last weekend. 3. What is your favorite Clay tour? The JBT. My first Clay-friend & I took a week off and road tripped all over OH, IN & MI. We had a blast! Close second would be the SRHP tour because I absolutely adored bantering Clay this summer. Dang - these were harder to answer than I thought they would be! I keep changing my answers. :8:
  13. I love random mentions about The Voice. Thanks for posting that blog entry, Play. Your previous post was good too - yes, 2007 was a great year. I still need to download some Clack from my summer concerts. Good times, good times...
  14. I really don't get all the angst over the skating special. I smiled - a whole lot & involuntarily - so it must have been good for me! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I giggled about the rear-views with the mic pack giving his rump a little more ump! I can't wait until I can get home from work (isn't it 5:30 somewhere???) and see the Sasha & Clay footage. I woulda told him he was "so cute", too..... Sending positive thoughts your way, JJ. Muski, I thought your story about your mom yesterday was very sweet. You weren't mean and you didn't just tell her and drop her off - you were kind and you helped her out. :thbighug-1: ITA. And glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital, Couchie.
  15. Aww, I'm at work today (in body if not in spirit) and it's quiet - too quiet, as in 3/4 of the building is not here - and I'm nursing a cold I caught this weekend and now I've read through this thread and I'm all schmoopie again about this concert. I was also surprised by the change up on MGCL. At first I wasn't sure what I thought of it, but it was beautiful. And I'm so glad we got chatty Clay thanking his tour family - that was so sweet! I'm fairly easy when it comes to his hair, but I really did like it better when he came back out after intermission, having run his hands through it. Very niiiiiice! And now we're on to 2008 and Spamalot - go Sir Robin!
  16. Newbie jumping in here.... Singing, like art, is so subjective. I'm in the camp that can most definitely admit that Josh Groban has talent and he sings pretty, but to my ears his technial perfection is boring. Clay on the other hand to me, even when having a bad day, sounds better than a heck of a lot of other artists. Still in the subjective car, it's interesting to me to read reviews of the same concerts by different people on different boards and compare the songs, or spots, they thought were "rough". Some people don't like/get the growls.... I know - who are these people?! *g* For the most part I also get tired of seeing repeated negativity towards Clay Aiken. Not poopooing people being free to express their opinions, just that I sometimes wish people would use their filter when they're posting. Or what muskifest said above. I'm in this fandom to enjoy him, and therefore, myself. Life is too short & there is far too much true drama going on in the real world. As far as go, I happen to work in the optical industry so if anyone needs a new pair, I might be able to get you a discount! I did wonder in the beginning, before my first Clay concert, what the attraction was to muliples.... :clay: As soon as I did see him in person, I was trying to figure out how I could get off work and making plans to drive 4 hours to get to another show the next week. Yeah, he's still got me hook, line & sinker. I'll be seeing Spamalot in April only because it's the first time I'll be able to take off work, otherwise I'd be there sooner. I hope to see some other shows while I'm in NYC, but am only planning to see Clay once. If I had the time and the $$$ I'd defintitely try to see a couple more shows throughout his run. Hopefully there'll be other opportunities to see him later next year.... Oy, this has become quite a tome! Don't worry - I'm not always this wordy! :yapyapyapf:
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