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Posts posted by canfly172

  1. HAPPY 27TH FCA!!! The last Saturday of 2008!


    A-DOR-A-BUBBLE...that's all.

    TOO CUTE!!!!!

    Okay, so that wasn't all, so sue me. I want one! :)

    Some random things I remember from the performance:

    1) Clay had a ring on! His middle finger, left hand. (I think it was his left hand..)

    Big :hello: and Happy Trails to all going to NYC this weekend. I'll be there next weekend, and hope to see a few more who will be there. I'm looking forward to the dinner at Carmine's.


    a) The Sir Robin Bear's outfit is TOO CUTE and I want one too! (but I'd rather have the real thing... ;) )

    B) Ring huh? Let the speculatin' begin! :lol:

    c) I just heard about this gathering at Carmines yesterday. Justclay12 mentioned it on my new board but I haven't heard back from her. I'm sure that it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too late to be asking but who was in charge of organizing the dinner at Carmines and is it totally booked? Is there any sort of thread here about it?

    Sorry I haven't been around. There are lots of people here and at CV that I know and like :thbighug-1: but I have such a hard time handling the one linear thread format :unsure: , so when I'm busy, I don't get here so often.





    I need a place to stay near the Shubert on October 11th and 12th...yes...that's tomorrow!!!

    (last minute decision due to the ticket gods)

    Getting desperate here.

    Does anybody know anybody going to see Spamalot this weekend who would have room in their room?

    I'm hoping the Carter releases some rooms tomorrow morning cuz everything's booked for the 11th.

    I can sleep on the floor of SLC's room but I wouldn't "sleep".


  3. OMFG - so I'm looking in my old Clack files for that POYB video - and I see this file called 'Mystery Song'. I have no idea where it came from or when I downloaded it - but I clicked on it just to see what the heck it was. LOLOL - I think it should be Clay's new theme song, really.

    Sendspace - not for the shy.

    OH HELL! I started listening to this in my office...no problem, just bopping along with it and smiling...THEN the chorus started up right as my colleague walked by my open door---just happened to be the gay man I have the hots for, my real -life Clay clone! He actually walked by, then grabbed my doorframe and dipped back to look at me with his mouth open!

    :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical: :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

    Cheez whiz. I decide to check in and the first thing I find is THAT, lmao.

    :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :lmaosmiley-1:

    (I have the mystery song on my old laptop somewhere, lol)


    Muski has inspired me to post my first smutty picture since "the news".

    Are we still supposed to be looking at his enormous penis? We're not supposed to be doing that are we?


    Aw who cares. Seereeusly. What the hell...






    OK. I feel better now. I had a few rough days dealing with "the news". I'm over it.

  4. I am in love with FIEKY. Seriously in love. Can't get enough of it. :wub:

    It didn't "grab" me and felt "unsettled" or something for the first part, so I didn't even burn it to my CD for the car. I loved IIEOOU though. I had to burn it for the Survivor Game at the Shed, so it grew on me. I can't sing along with it in the car though. It's sad that Clay can sing higher than I can, lol.

    I'm all about ALAWH! I wub that song! :wub:

    That Time Mag thing is goofy IMO, lol.

  5. WOW, this was the best weekend birthday I've had in many years! Thanks to luckiest1, cindilu2, claymatron, heinz, alspaz....preden from Montreal....me myb by webcam all the way from Red Deer, AB...and especially goldarngirl and Clay's friend goldarnMr, the hosts with the mostest!

    I'm not sure how I got so lucky as to be adopted by these special people, but I sure am thankful!!

    You know, I've looked at that list several times and I have a feeling I'm missing someone....please forgive me if so, y'know I'm old!

    AHEM. :3:

    canfly goes to pout in the corner cuz claygary forgot her... :crying1:

    JK, lol. :hug:


    It seemed very strange that you weren't there. You are like a fixture at the cluncheons. :unsure:

    Saturday's cluncheon was lots of fun~this time we had TWO special guests~preden from Montreal, who sat beside goldarngirl and I at Spamalot in March, and has never been the same. :lol: and me myb from Red Deer, who was with us via webcam. How totally cool!!
    Zat wuz kewl...cept when I almost sat on her...ahem...the laptop. I've never seen a webcam in action, so totally kewl and nice that it was somebody I've actually MET, so it wasn't like a stranger sitting there watchin' us, lol.

    Those of us staying with goldarngirl of course did the Clayfan thing~ie, stayed up until 3 AM both nights talking about.....guess who??.....and got up the next morning and started out all over again. Lots of good philosophical discussion though!
    I missed the juicy stuff didn't I? :sigh:

    ...and of course to top it all off...we agreed (mostly) on a Spamalot date, and booked our hotel. Anyone been at the Wellington? It looks fine.
    I've booked the Marriott Courtyard cuz we needed 2 double beds and $329 plus tax was the best we could find. Crap. I need a new car.

    New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot...

    canfly crosses fingers that nothing else breaks on the 18yr old T-bird or the 13yr old gas guzzling Yukon. Took collision off the car. That saved me $120. That pays for one Spam ticket, lol.

    Still gonna keep my eyes out for hotel deals cuz I can always cancel the Marriott. Would rather be a bit closer too.

    Re: the discussion. It never even occurred to me that Jaymes and the baby wouldn't be joining Clay in NYC. I saw one of the reasons for him choosing to do Spamalot vs doing a tour being because he didn't wanna be draggin the baby across the country. I can't see him wanting to be away from the baby. He's said he wanted so desperately to be a daddy. He'll want to be there IMO.

    Cuz I'm in the same doghouse that the blogger is with some cuz it never occurred to me that Jaymes and the baby would be anywhere else but in NYC during the run.


    Ah well...

    EEEEEEEEEEEEE for spam!!! :laola0:

  6. I see that I've been missing song commentary. I guess I'll be doing them all in one fell swoop cuz I'm sooooooooooooo behind!

    NYmag actually compliments Clay!!!

    • First, ladies, we ask you - is David Cook really ready to support a family? Sure, he's riding high on a record contract and endorsement deals now, but long-term success doesn't come easy for most male Idol stars. We'll spare you our multivolume thesis on why he's no Clay Aiken, but, suffice to say, he is no Clay Aiken.

    Click here for the entire article:


  7. Last page that I was here was page 27! :yow:

    I come bearing good news!!!

    Clayphoria posted this at the Shed:


    E-mail I got from a local fan I met at ATDW cd release

    It is so thrilling to hear Clay on the radio again today in Ottawa! I first heard him was May 21, 2008. Some of you have already heard this, but I screamed because I was so surprised. Everything I Don't Need by Clay Aiken - It sounds so great to hear from the radio announcer. I have always heard this song on Brock Tozer's morning show and today I heard him on the afternoon show at 3:30 pm too! You won't hear him in the evening because it is more heavy metal geared to teens. I hope Clay knows that he is on the radio in Canada. Way to go, Clay!


    not OMWH





    The nation's capital is a great place to start!

    Now if we can get it played in Toronto!!!


  8. Anyway, what's that thing about life happening when you're busy making plans...I planned to work all weekend. Ended up cooking at the bbq so was gone about 5 hours..ok fine..I'll come home and still get in a good 5 hours of work. But right after I wrote my bbq post

    - CRASH - my mom fell in the kitchen. It was the freakiest of freak accidents...and I had to keep from giggling as I took her to ER.... she was ok from the fall..and really that would have been that but somehow...and don't ask me how...a steak knife ended up in her butt. I don't know if she tried to stop her fall by grabbing stuff on the counter or what...fortunately in didn't go in that deep but deep enough to puncture and require a few stitches. It was just so surreal. And I watch too much court tv cuz all I could think of was thank god for CSI cuz they'll know this blood on my pants is not spatter and that it wasn't me LOL. Anyway, 5 hours later I'm' home again and got in only 2 hours of work today and now it's 10 pm and people are talking to me about tomorrow being father's day and are we coming to your house or are you coming to mine. sigh.

    Well that's a freak accident.

    My laptop ethernet port got fried by lightning last night. Laptop seems to be working OK now after a few reboot and shut down issues. It was on my lap. When the CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK hit I jumped...the internet went down and then I realized that the laptop was hotter than HELL..literally melted a spot near the port on the surface of the laptop...that's how hot! Kind of a little melted indentation to the left of my keyboard. I got a USB to ethernet attachment from the computer tech. Will have to get broadband address so I can access highspeed on it (cuz not wireless), sooooooo...all in all lucky the laptop is working and that I didn't get fried.

    Note to self, when there is a storm listen to what your mommy told you about staying off of the phone...especially if you're sitting 2 feet from an open window.


  9. ***Slinking out of lurkdom again because this piece of "evidence" CMSU!***

    Hee, couchie, go back and watch that Star Search footage from the DF gala. Just sayin'. ;)

    IMO, its called people seeing what they WANT to see. If I remember correctly, those very same pictures and clips at the time were used as evidence - PROOF - that Clay was madly in love with Kristy! She was singing and people kept saying look how Clay can't keep her eyes off Kristy - look at the way Clay is looking is looking at Kristy - etc., etc.

    Funny how time and a baby rumor changes how people see things.

    ***Slinks back into lurkdom...***

    I said that I wasn't gonna say anything more about IIT or IINT (my version of IIU) but... ITA :word:

    Just skimmed cuz I've been busy...

    :wave: :hello:

    We need a wave or hello emote here...

    :beg: :pray: :prayer:

  10. Catching up here...


    So...when you put ice cold drinks in these, do the clothes disappear?

    I have GOT to get me a set of these!

    But doesn't the cold cause, you know, shrinkage? :unsure:

    Geez...I post nice drinks and y'all turn it into smut. I'm just shocked.


    Canfly172, I sure am thirsty...can I please have that first drink on the left?
    Yeah sure. AI5 is not my fav. Can somebody make me up a new set with NAJNT Clay and Sir Robin and OMWH Clay? K. Thanks.


    I'm gonna stay out of the IIT IINT , why did he disappear so fast after rushing the CD discussion. I'm personally in the INT (It's Not True) AKA, the :fssign: camp but I'll just sit over here and watch OMWH climb slowly and wait patiently...OK...impatiently to hear something from the man himself and am hoping that he has something wonnaful in the works.

    Crap...never got back. After 3am. So much for catching up. :sigh:

  11. Unless they are those delusional ones who thinks he's Jesus or something and then get ticked off with him when they find out he's actually not.
    He's not???


    Damage report - well, unlike other people in this town, I do have electricity, phone and cable. Many streets were still closed and I had to drive around a little. The parks are piles of trees and have yellow police tape all around tiltiing trees.

    My house survived entact, others down the block not so much. i didn't lose my garbage can or anything that was in the indent in my yard where the house Us a little everything else was blown all over. I found on thing in my enughbors yard, others were stuck in bushes. I have a lot of work to do today, there are large branches embedded a foot into the ground. I think something clipped the tops of the trees, because I can't find the point of origin. Everyplant not planted was either out of it's container or the container was flipped, so I have a lot of replanting and watering.

    All in all, I lucked out. Holly and I are going to walk over to the tornado area and check it out. And here it is on the news still, half the town still does not have power. There is an advantage to havinghe emergency squad 3 houses down the block. Hee, Holy is collapsed and sleeping now, she sat infront of the fan I have to circulate the air and she ain't moving!


    Loved the "peep show". :clap:

    Does anyone else have to go through their email every few months and try to get rid of all the Clay related SPAM ha ha. I'm getting mail every day from ticket places, and venues all over the country, and broadway cares, and broadway.com, and my latest annoyance..QVC.
    lmao. I got a call on my cellphone (which I've since lost and am gonna have to get everybody's numbers back again... :cry4: )...where was I? Oh yeah...I got a call from Ruth Eckert Hall cuz my membership was gonna expire or something, lol.

    We don't get stinking tornados in NJ, at least rarely. And they almost never touch down. I saw two tornados in 30 years and that fact amazed some people.
    What amazed some people? That you've seen 2 tornados or that you've only seen 2 tornados? I've never seen a tornado or a hurricane.


    Thanks for the smut! :hubbahubba:


  12. Just a heads up for those interested in montages........our latest series has been vaulted. Here is a link to Clack Unlimited:

    Best of Kalamazoo CITH

    I should have them up at our own website by this evening as well.


    I have read the reports about OMWH being restocked or whatever, so I looked for it in the endcap at Walmart yesterday - and since I know that Clay and his people are prolly hanging on to every word I type, I have the following advice:

    Re-issue the CD with a lighter, brighter background. It does not really stand out to the casual buyer. I think the fans, and all the people who care deeply about the studio musicians, have already deliberately sought the CD out. It is kinda blending in with all the other dark-background CD covers. Maybe go back to the light blue, and put another bonus song on it or something.

    You're welcome.

    Oh nooooooooooooooooo ya don't. I.do.not.need.another.OMWH CD.

    I.do.not. :lalala

    After story after story about how poor Paul Newman is dying from cancer, there was a little article in my paper this morning saying that he's fine and that the person--to whom the original story was attributed--was "misquoted."

    Go figure.

    There ya go. I'm glad Paul N is OK.

    I am almost packed for home, I just have to vacuum and wash the floors and pack the food, which may be all I have to eat. They said there will be no power until Friday when I will be emptying my fridge into the garbage - yuck. I have to find the food receipts which I don't think I kept. Anyway, I won't be on-line unless there is power and phone. I will have Fear let you know.
    Good luck Playbiller! I guess, I'd check on things, chuck the food and go back to the beach, lol.

    Can someone clue me in on the new cover? What does it look like? Is it posted somewhere that I missed?

    cha cha, this CMSU :cryingwlaughter: And people wonder why rumors start? BWAH! By the way, I read at CH that in some blog somewhere they said that Clay is expecting his first son, August, with friend Jaymes Foster.


    BWAH! :lmaosmiley-1:

    August Aiken?

    BWAH! :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter:



    Maybe they are coming for Hannah's last show? I know she said she would like to stay on Broadway longer, but her visa is only for so long. She was looking for another show though.
    Ooooooooooooh...let the Clay watch in NYC this weekend begin....

    Let's ALL Play Hobart camp

    Through the generosity of popular entertainer Clay Aiken, 20 Hobart children, ages 3 to 5, will enjoy a fun-filled day camp through the Let's ALL Play initiative.

    This "inclusive recreational model" has camps set up nationwide each year to serve children with special needs. This year, there will be 20 camps, including Hobart.

    For the second year, 10 children with disabilities will join 10 children without at the Hobart YMCA for swimming, arts and crafts, story time and to learn that they are not that different.

    The Center for Possibilities (Cerebral Palsy Center) and Hobart YMCA took advantage of a grant set up by the Bubel/Aiken Foundation to make this possible.

    In a recent booklet, the Hobart camp was said to be a "model worth copying."

    Yay! Real news!



    When I first read through the wonderful story above, I thought, "Clay isn't 20!" Then I reread and saw that "20" refers to "Hobart children". Just practicing to be a tabloid "journalist", I guess!

    lol...me too!

    I see Birthday wishes!

    Happy Birthday JustClay!

    Guess that I'm a day late but...





  13. Just catching up on the last thread. (not used to this "locking mechanism" and had the post sitting quoted but missed copied the top part, so hadda improvise.

    Crossing fingers that this works...

    by muski (who else?)

    merrieeee @ Jun 10 2008, 04:36 PM)

    Topic: Clay probably dances the hokey pokey in his pj's. Isn't that a nice thought?

    That's what it's all about!

    I think we've got it! The perfect dance for Clay Aiken!

    The Hokey Pokey in PJ's!

    Hokey? You betcha! Could there BE a 'hokey-er" guy than Mr. Aiken?




    I rest my case.



  14. Wheeee!! First page!!!!


    It's all good...wine and cheeze doodles with less fat...

    I hesitate to expose my lack, but I have never even seen cheese doodles, much less tasted them. We don't have them there stuff out here on the left coast, at least the southern part.

    Me either. No cheeze doodles in my part of Ontario. :shrug:

    By the look of the picture, they look just like cheezies though.

    I prefer Cheetos myself...but seeing you guys seem to be all about the cheese doodles (AKA cheezies), I broughtcha a whole bathtub full!!!!


  15. canfly - sorry the embedding doesn't work here on the board, but I watched that, and it was a lotta fun!!

    BTW - if what you'd like would be a page of embedded youtubes, we should talk!

    Here's another link to it!!

    You should be able to set it up to work. I know that you can do it at RHT and it's Invision and we can do it on our small Invision Free board. It's one of the things admins can change/set up on the admin control panel.

    It ocurred to me earlier, that I would love to see Clay do that Classics routine again. Now. The way he looks now.

    I think I would be dead!! Also after all that dance training, we'd all be dead!!

    Me too. We should suggest that he start a suggestion box.


    I'm shallow. I just come for the pictures. :hubbahubba:

    That's a better reason than most. :thumbup:

    FWIW...following in canfly's footsteps I posted some emotes too.
    Emotes good. Acronyms I've never heard of...not so much.


    Thanks to Cha cha trusty for our very classy banner...

    Verra, verra nice! :thumbup:

    Right now, over at AOL Top 11 Videos --

    Ashes is #3

    Everything I Don't Need is #7


    #1 is seriously close ...... even if it's not OMWH.

    Dat's kewl. :nana:

    ....Ken Lee...Ken Lee anymoreeeeeeeee
    Ib libbinib widow yu

    (no idea what the vid had fur wurds cuz them u toobs r outlawed at school, so I just keeps da song goin' as best I kin)


  16. Scarlett.. LadyJ will be adding new poll by morning..if you want to nominate anything better do it quick peeps!!

    Er...um...how we do dat?


    playing with your new buttons? Bwah.


    Hey! Couchie smutted! :naughtywag:

    I was gonna say something for page 69 but y'all are a bunch of drunk post ho's and I was living my life and by the time I got back here y'all had already put 69 to bed.


    So, I have a rather useless post on page 69, where I was trying to figure out how to embed a youtube, so if ya want for me to post something smutworthy on your behalf...



    NM...I found the thread titles thread, lol...

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