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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. Psst. I already posted this in the tour thread, but I think it's now pretty safe to say out here too...

    The third reader tonight is laughn!



    looking forward to the recap...and oops of course I will listen tonight...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Wow...great rants from cindi, couchie and clayzor.

    and huge WORD to Jennaz...I am ok either way...if he is working on the CD during or after Spamalot...its his business.

    but I have learned not to jump to conclusions based on one interview where he isn't even quoted...

  2. I think you can do with cuddleduds and long sleeved t-shirt and fleece pullover and bulky coat.

    The one thing you have to realize ... you won;t be out in the cold all the time. You will be shopping and it will be warm in the stores. You will want to take off your coat and might even get too warm with the fleece pullover. You have to be ready to peel off some layers. Also, you will have to carry those layers around with you while shopping so take that into consideration.

    It was truly cold here yesterday but I ended up sweating in the malls...If you don;t anticipate walking around outside don't put too many stuff on.

  3. Heeeee.......lots of two-stepping and butt covering going on all over the boards - sorry, those who consider themselves prominent posters who should be followed blindly have lost all semblance of believeability. Well, I never believed in the first place.

    And it was the neener-neener shit that rankled, people spouting overblown crap are free to do that, to me, as long as they are up front about their sources.

    Must suck to have your neener-neeners turn out to be cow-pies.

    This is what is truly pissing me off right now...all of a sudden these posters that were pushing the idea that Clay is leaving RCA....the posters that went on an I believe Chant...are now acting like they never believed anything that was told to them by their insider...yeah right!

    To clarify...I don't think everyone that didn't like RCA believed the scam...but there are a lot of people that used this insider knowledge as a way to shut people up and to convince people there is something there.

    I do believe that most people were disillusioned with how ATDW was promoted and were ready to find an easy explanation to everything that happened. To them RCA was a convenient scapegoat...so a bit of info from a prominent fan like HD was all they need to fuel the RCA hate.

  4. Welcome Lotus!!!!

    What a great story...I am glad Clay made a difference in your life.

    I am so happy to see that Clay;s AI2 performance are still bringing in new fans. I bet mire will fall in January once AI rewinds restarts...

  5. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to the FCA

    Guess what? Even in my small frozen corner of the world I heard a rumour that FCA was that board who thought they were better than everyone else and just spent all their time criticizing other larger boards. I laughed and laughed. It's tough trying to just have fun isn't it?

    we are better than everybody else :signs012: well we are..well I think we are...nope yeah we are..but then why didn't fake clay want to give us any scoop..cuz you we're the best. We deserved that insider. I'm pissed about this now. Cuz we're the damn best darnit.


    Too tired to post but just a big ole BWAH to this and so many other posts here tonight. I was out shopping and had a small christmas party with friends so had a lot of catching up to do...and as usual y'all are such funny, classy and smart ladies....so that does make us better...hee :lilredani: :lilredani:

  6. WOW...is this a crazy fandom or what????

    One thing I would like to know...is this the secret source that created such crack in the fandom over ATDW early this year???

    Is this the person who was asking the fans to fight for this album and that he is no longer with RCA???

    ya know...the sad thing about this is that this person would never have gotten anywhere if fans were not soo ready to believe Clay would act this way. I really do believe there are fans that are so eager to get enmeshed with him that they are willing to beleive he is all messed up and would impregnate fans...have cybersex with them and financially abandon his child...just the thought that Clay would ask the fans to help him fight RCA is so hard to believe. What kind of image do these fans have of Clay to be taken in...

    EEEEEEEEEEE so he blogged...hee and asking for UNICEF donations...pretty smart!!!

    for a sec there I thought he was going to mention this incident. Glad he didn't. He really shouldn;t give this person anymore attention.

    wandacleo...no I do not feel sorry for the people that got scammed...specially if they have been going out and acting in behalf of fake Clay...they had their time of feeling superior and special...and I do believe it affected the whole fandom in general.

  7. I love coming here and reading the funny and the smutty. I even love the sniping and the bitching and the pissy because it never seems to last long.

    I made the mistake of checking out another board and they are still bitching and moaning about the evil that is Clive Davis and RCA - and I still don't get why. All that over the fact that Clay just doesn't know if RCA will support a single to radio from an album that is yet to be completed with a sound no one knows yet?

    Then there were the worriers. Something is wrong with Clay, they say. Something must be wrong in his personal life, or his professional life, or even physically. They know this not just because of the M&G stories, but because he just was not himself at the Red Bank concert and even though he seemed a bit better in Easton, he still just wasn't himself.

    Amazing what people can see when a guy is standing there singing. I bet those wonderful smiling pictures were just of Clay smiling through his pain.

    "Let Clay be Human" has long been a mantra of mine. I never thought he was perfect and I loved him for it. There is a part of me that always like it when Clay lost his temper or beat up a Coke machine or stuck his great big foot in his mouth. I loved it because it showed he was human and real. Personally, I prefer human and real - warts and all.

    I have never understood why people get upset when Clay screws up - or make excuses for him to make it seem like he didn't screw up. "Let Clay be Human" would also mean to accept that he can screw up - and does from time to time.

    Just like the rest of us peons.

    So, I love coming here - despite our warts and human foibles. Most of the time we keep it real here and most of the time its fun.

    And almost always its a welcome respite in this crazy fandom.

    yup...I have to give y'all a big thank you for keeping it sane in here. No...we don;t always agree, but there is still this willingness to listen and accept.

    Yeah CG...I also like the Let Clay be Human thing. I know he wasn't the most gracious in this m&g and I like that cos I think he should be upfront with his feelings with us. I also like the fact that he is setting boundaries with the fandom....and I think that is what is upsetting to some of the fans. They are mad that Clay is not giving us free reign with the clack and with info on him.

    YSRN...I can understand what you are saying about bunny ear girl. I do thank you for pointing out my inappropriate labeling of her recap. I believe I would be upset to see people bashing her too and I reiterate that what is upsetting to me is the fans reaction to this not anything the people involved actually did.

    Safe travels to all that went or going to the concert!!!

    Ummm Kandre...its currently -14 C or 7 F where I am right now...BRRRRRR

  8. Well according to the recap Clay found the note taker rude...and I agree...if someone asks you not to do something and you are sort of a guest and you did it anyway...that is being rude. Clay being pissy...well the description given by both recapper suggested that Clay was a bit upset so I call that pissy and I am making an observation about the girl with the bad experience based on the two accounts.

    I haven't been reading around the boards about this. Just here and I did get the disappointed account from someone else. I assume that these recaps are somewhat accurate because they are first hand accounts. So I am basing my opinions on what these two women said. I listed the "faults" that these people are supposed to have done...to illustrate that in the scheme of things they really were not that huge...just normal things all of us have done and gone through.


    I am sensing a lot of high tension coming in here now. I am wondering if this is from things we read here or from the mood thats coming out there. I am just asking because I feel that people are now snapping at each other instead of having a conversation and giving each other the benefit of the doubt.

    I know I am probably guilty of that too...I am reacting to things on other boards...so I am just asking people to take a deep breath and try and not take whatever frustrations we have at each other....

  9. Did you even read the recap from that young disappointed fan? It was not an ugly recap. She was simply disappointed. Unless you actually read that recap, I think you're being unfair. If you read it, well then, that's your opinion and that's fine. And other people have taken notes in a M&G and didn't get the same reaction from Clay. I think it's unfair to point to her.

    Yes I read it and you are right I shouldn't call it ugly...I should say the bad experience. I don't really have a problem with her recap...its her experience and its her right to vent. I just find it so frustrating that fans are focusing on that one experience which was highly subjective and may be brought on by high expectations rather than being fair to Clay.

    I don;t know if other people took notes in the M&G...I haven't read anybody else saying they did. But at this instance Clay said not to take notes. I also don;t blame the note taker for making the mistake of thinking he was joking. She had a good attitude about it and understood why he would be upset. BUT I also totally understand why Clay would be pissy because it would seem like she didn't take his feelings into consideration.

    To me the problem is the fans that are reading these accounts and instead of just feeling bad the girl had a bad experience and having an understanding for all the participants...they go off and get angry at Clay!!! They go off and say the whole set up be trashed and create such high drama when really...it shouldn't be a big deal. Everyone is human in this situation...yes Clay got pissy, yes the note taker was rude and yes the other girl is being very sensitive...so what...it happens.

    IMO...its up to Clay to set the parameters of the M&G. He does not have to justify why he didn't want the notes taken. He does not have to justify not wanting bunny ears on his head. He does not have to kowtow to the fans and if he chooses to share things with these people and ask them to keep it to themselves...that is up to him too.

  10. The comments about the CD and the single came from the M & G last night so that is why everyone is assuming he was in a pissy mood.

    I listened to the radio interview; it was very good!


    Its so funny but why is it that people want to hold on to the ugly recap instead of the one where he was fine except didn't want her to take notes....

    They only need to look to the person taking notes to find out why he was pissy...

    this fandom is crazy...one section wants to blame Clay for everything...one section wants to blame RCA for everything...can;t they just chill??? What's to get stressed about anyway???

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