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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. I don't really care about what kind of background experience contestants on AI have, but I just like them to have--you know--TALENT! I think that they have been picking people for other reasons than talent--and it's pretty glaring. I think the producers got confused and thought they were producing a sitcom.

    I think that is precisely what it has evolved to...simply a variety show with some comedy, drama, suspense and singing.


    There you go Bookwhore.

    Carrie was portrayed as someone who had barely left the farm. But I think she was in a touring band before Idol. She also had a professional web site that quickly disappeared after Idol began.

    That's what I can't stand, the blatant manipulation and misleading the viewer.


    Thats what I have accepted about this show...that it will be manipulative...the question is, will the producers win or will the public pick their own winner. I wasn't so sure if they got what they wanted last season, but Taylor was definitely not their pick...while carrie and fantasia were the producers darlings. I think Kelly became their pick once Tamyra was eliminated and we know what happened in season 2...

  3. ooh, oooh oooh can't we talk about this in a spoiler thread becasue there are 4 others with similar stories and one with a major issue. I want to squeal on them. Please please.

    I haven't made a point to search much out yet, but I'd be happy to read any spoilers and general "I can't believe how stupid they think we are" type of posts. I'm at the point where I'm almost more interested in what the Man Behind the Curtain is doing than what is actually going on on-stage.

    Yup...I have been in this mindset ever since I saw AI3. I stopped caring about who actually won but how the competition evolved and what happened after. That is why I do check out the CD sales of the winners and runner ups. I like to see how my predictions go. I think I was most off with Kat McPhee. I thought she would be able to do better than she did.

    To me AI is a pop culture phenomena that certainly has made an impact in the way the entertainment industry works. However...I find that they are becoming more irrelevant to the recording industry. It is now becoming more of a TV phenomena specially with the relatively bad CD sales of last seasons winner and runner up. IMO AI problem is ...it over exposes the contestants with this semi-finals. By the end of the show...people get tired of most of these singers and so much of their inadequacies have been exposed. I remember loving Melinda in the beginning of the season...by the last half of the finals...I got tired of her.

    I really don't think they can have a true star every year. As far as I can see they only discovered three legitimate recording stars...Clay, Kelly and Carrie. With Daughtry, since they are so similar to Nickelback...I really don;t know if his appeal is real. With Jennifer, I still wonder if she can extend her Dreamgirls success to a recording career. Fantasia is very talented...but she does not seem to have very popular appeal. I wonder if they can find another one. I think its stupid to have these perfromers with a lot of professional experience. I always think there was a reason they are still at this level after years of working on a career.

  4. Last year, Randy and all did not declare itthe best year ever. that made me quite suspicious.

    I have been reading the spoiler thread on IDF and can't get anyone to talk about it with and I am so itching to make fun of TPTB already. Sniff, the IDF people are forming fan clubs and don't want to discuss it or they are very busy still determining the last 3 of the top 40. They have not picked the top 24 yeat, they will do that 1/23. There is sooooo much snark out there waiting to be spread.

    oh thats the only appeal AI has for me now, the snark. If it were not for our AI thread here...I would have stopped watching last season.

    BTW...we have an AI thread where people post commentaries as the show happens. It is mostly snarky and highly critical...so hope more people join us this season. the more the merrier as they say...

  5. i loved the maxine bit. i can relate. i can't wait until ai rewind next week even though i remember worrying at the time that he wouldn't make it to the top 2 because there were several contestants in group 2 that i thought were pretty good. and i saw even then how they were building up ruben. i also thought kim would make it, partly because of the song she chose, and partly due to standing up to simon. now, when he sang on the wildcard show, even though i was still worried because i was completely hooked after that performance, i knew that none of the singers even came close to him. i also remember thinking then that that was a star performance among a bunch of amateurs.

    I am glad that I didn;t see Take. Group 2 was the first time I saw him and wasn;t really impressed. I was impressed with Ruben and Kim so was pretty satisfied with the results. I think if I saw Take first...I would also be all stress out during this show. Wildcard was a different story...it was like he was a different person to me...that was the start of my Clay obsession.

    I was very interested in GR1 because I really got caught up in the little drama with Kim and Julia...but I was really pissed that Kim didn't make it cos I thought she was definitely better than Charles. At the time I thought it was totally ridiculous that the audience punished her for being bitchy to poor little Julia. But now I understand the psychology of AI better and see how important a person's personality and image is in this popularity contest.

  6. It seems to me that he's become paradoxically more his 'own man'---taking his life back, as he said---and even more open and honest with the fans lately. It's hard to describe....but it's harder to be totally free of who he really is when I try to write...

    This resonated with me as well Muski. I do like to makes stories in my head. I developed this as a child ...whenever I was bored I just get into this story in my head that is like a soap opera cos it is ever evolving. I started something that was all about Clay right from AI and I never put it down to paper but it used to be so easy for me to get into this story in my head whenever I was trying to sleep or waiting for someone and the story would evolve as Clay's own story unfolded. Now I find it is much harder to get into this Clay in my head and I guess its because real Clay seem to be getting in the way...

    I do have to say the only fanfic I ever read was the Clyra and I my favorite parts were their interaction, their conversations and the little complication with Kelly. That was great...actually came close to my own little story with Clay and Kelly. So I truly appreciate the character and plot development. Hope we see more of that story...but no pressure.

    eta: oh the hambone...what I usually do with it is a boiled dinner. I usually get beef shanks and boil it for a long time with a ham bone, then add potatoes, carrots, cabbage and turnips. Another thing my MIL likes to do is pea soup. So good with ham.

  7. lots of great posts once again...

    Welcome to main justclay12...hope you post more often.

    Aspiegirl...glad you dropped by. loved that survivor Clay story...hee. coconut Raleigh...hee

    Laughn...your story is an inspiration...can never tell you had trouble with the written word by how you post...thanks for sharing.

    Karen eh...GAH...gorgeous pictures...inspires me to work on my webpages...

    EEEEEEEEEE...for those going to opening night. We will rely on your reports since I doubt we will have clack...

    EEEEEEEEEE...the possiblility of me going to see Spamalot on April just opened up...not saying I will get to go...now its just MORE possible...hee Will work on it.

    UGH FOrtran...I had to take my grad school level statistics with this old scottish professor that insisted we right our own program in fortran...YUCK...no wonder I got my lowest mark ever in that class...

    thanks to all who brings the funny...

    :bday2: txflrgrl!!!!

  8. This is one of those times where I'm proud to be part of the Clay Nation!

    Yep. Very much agree. <3 Clay Nation to me is like family. You love them at times, sometimes you hate, sometimes you hurt, sometimes you laugh...and we all have the crazy aunts, so I don't even have to go there, but all in all, we can also take a moment to be proud of something fine. I think, for the most part, together we all do make a lovely whole.

    Thanks for this...I have to agree. I have come to terms with the fans that I do not agree with. They are part of the tapestry that makes this fandom soooo colorful. In the whole....we do make a lovely and vibrant picture.

    cindi...great pins!!!

  9. (((lucky and luckiest sons)))

    I see skits and parody blogs to be very similar to political cartoons. They can be great and funny if you agree with the sentiment. But when they seem to be making fun of people you know, yourself and/or people you care for or admire like Clay...the content can actually make you mad or upset. I guess that is the point of some of them. You want to make a commentary on behavior and get reactions from the readers. Same thing with blogs. There are blogs that are simply meant to be the creators way of self expression. There are blogs that are there for self promotion, others have an agenda and others are there to get hits so they may say things that are meant to anger people and get people to comment. At this point I am pretty familiar with most skit and blog writers and know who to avoid.

    I do appreciate the courage it takes to put ones creative efforts in public to be judged. I applaud anybody that does make the attempt. But not everyone will enjoy your work and getting negative reaction is part of the process of artistic expression.

  10. I knew I shoulda ate that damn cabbage and black eyed peas...but I hate both of them. Hate, hate, hate. And my mother keeps saying just eat a spoonful, pfui! So I managed to totally avoid them yesterday - and woke up late this morning, couldn't find my badge to get into the office, left 20 minutes late, couldn't find a parking space on my normal floor, got to the garage elevator bank and managed to turn my purse upside down (and of course zipping it up was too much to ask) just as the elevator arrived, let that elevator go and turned the purse upside down again (still unzipped of course) just as the next elevator arrived, managed to miss the building elevator with the co-worker in it so I can get into the office suite, drew a mental blank on anyone's extension so I couldn't call for them to let me in (and my cell phone battery just died), and now the side of my fist hurts from beating upon the glass door that no one can hear.

    I think I will blame Clive Davis for old times' sake.

    are you kidding me?!?!? sorry your New year is not starting off right...but its good to have an all purpose person to blame...

    I had the most vivid Clay dream last night...sorry nothing smutty about it...even my sub conscious refuse to smut...but its pretty cute anyway.

    the setting is my childhood home in the Philippines... for some unknown reason Clay was there, having some car problems I think. So here I was trying not to be all fangirly and acting calm and treating him like an ordinary guy all through out supper. He was having nice conversation with my family. Then after supper he stands up and serenades the family and I felt all bad cos I didn't want him to feel obligated to entertain us. After that we were hanging out in my moms room. Once again I was trying not to be intrusive and ask him all kinds of questions....then all of a sudden he makes several dance moves that looks like something straight from thriller...and I was truly shocked cos it was just out of the blue... I asked him if that was from his spamalot role. Sheepishly he said yeah, he needs to remember the choreography...hee. I then asked him if he can speak with an English accent and he mumbles something below his breath...couldn't hear enough to judge whether it was good or not. Just then his car came and off he goes to the airport...hee.

    I guess I was thinking about my trip home in March and spamalot...hee

  11. ISO - another shot of Baileys....... Funny thing happened... I was sitting here reading and someone (I won't say who) mentioned having a bottle of Baileys nearby. So I went rustling in the cabinet for some which I knew we must have. All I found was a single shot bottle that arrived in my stocking. I seized it and brought it back here with a shot glass. Then I poured it in and drank a bit til it needed replenishing. I wasn't paying attention and unscrewed a bottle in front of me and poured a drop in my glass. Looking down, I realized in horror that it wasn't Baileys I poured -- but NAIL POLISH!! yes folks, I ended up drinking a drop of nail polish tonight. So if you never hear from me again, please know I will miss you all!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Who will take my opening night Spamalot seat?????


    Just a few notes on the posts I just read....


    I join in the Legolas love.... In fact Legolas has been coming to our parties for a couple of years!! Here's the visual evidence....


    From the Halloween party, but someone has already borrowed his wig!!

    YSRN - I would love to have your Biscotti recipe!!

    ansa - what companion pieces to LOTR do you have?? I hope you are not talking about the Silmarilion! I don't know if I can ever read that!

    I am making some black-eyed peas for tomorrow too. But I have to admit I really prefer the canned variety! I tried making from scratch once and they were just not right. The canned ones taste fiiiiine!!


    HERE'S TO 2008......... IN SNARKINESS AND IN CLAY......... I SALUTE YOU!

    (2008 just arrived on the west coast!!) :bier: :nanaonacid::manynanas::chacha::confetti2::confetti2::confetti2:

    and drink to your continued health and prosperity!!

    (even if it's laced with nail polish!!) :rainbowsmile:

    BWAH about the nail polish. I also got a one shot Baileys bottle for Christmas but hubby placed it in Caits stocking...hee that was a surprise...

    made waffles and 4 berry sauce for brunch this morning and I can't seem to stop eating...hee.

    black eyed peas...I think we may have some in the cupboard....might try some of those recipes but I never heard of this tradition so I think it may not be common here in Quebec..

    Cha cha ...up its the silmarillion...and when I read it I was really so into the LOTR that I didn't re reading parts I had a hard time understanding. I just got it out to check and I can;t beleive I actually read those pages. Just reading the chapter names was making my head spin...hee

    I plan to veg today...lots of food for left overs ....have a good day to all

    ((((soulsistah4clay and mr Clayzor))))


    I am pretty tired!!!

    yesterday I made 6 meat pies...today cleaned the house...must be clean for the new year...then made some empanadas, spring rolls and fried wontons and leche flan...for our New Year stay up all night party. The girls have one friend each...then at around eleven they will be going with hubby (I stay home with little cait) to the town park to watch the big fire works. I did it with the girls last year and it was fun but FREEEEEEZING...its hubby's turn. I don't know if Cait and I will be able to stay up till Midnight...I will stay up with you guys...I usually stay up anyway...but I wonder if she will be able to stay up with me. So far she is going strong watching her Treehouse TV. Its fun to listen to my other girls having fun with their friends!!!

    YAY for the UNICEF fundraiser!!!! When did this fundraiser start? cos its like only a week isn't it???

    Now to catch up to lots of convo...

    LOVE musicals...growing up I spent the afternoon watching old mgm films and musicals...and we had lots of musical soundtracks and had season tickets to Repertory Philippines. This is a premier theater group in the Philippines that was where Leah Salonga first started. I first saw her as a little girl playing Annie. My favorite gift ever was a Time/readers digest set of broadway music...

    Love HP...I think her stories grew with each book. The first one truly is a childrens book but from the third to the last ...were very complex with a lot of character development. I will truly miss waiting for a book...will probably re-read all of them again and again. The films...are a bit of a disappointment because they can never capture all of the fun scense in the book...but I do like the actors that are playing them and I do think they do as good a job as possible.

    LOTR...I also had a difficult time going through the Hobbit...but LOTR...couldn't put them down. I ended up also reading some companion piece that filled in some of the blanks and history of the whole series...a great read. I tend to enjoy scifi series like the robot and foundation series by Asimov, the Dune series by Frank Herbert, and the most recent series I read, Kings Dark Tower series...

    ldyJ...you and I have a similar romantic background. Never was boy crazy so treated all my male friends as buddies through highs school and college so never had a boyfriend and was convinced I was going to be single so I had a bet with my best friends for the first person to marry to treat everyone to the most expensive restaurant. So I leave the Philippines to pursue my doctorate...and ended up getting married with my roommate/best friend after 2 years. I was not even looking to have a relationship with him. I was so sure I was going to be alone that I truly planned to get artificial insemination cos I knew I wanted to get a child. Hee...that apalled my hubby when he first heard that...well now I have 3 lovely girls and not really sad about letting go of my planned career. Life certainly had other plans for me. Oh and yeah I was the first to marry among my girl friends and had to treat all of them...

    as for our collective BF...

    I truly feel like this year will be a stellar year for him. I have good feelings about Spamalot and the new CD...I am so excited, I cannot wait. I am glad that I have all of you to share the next adventures with...

    Bring on the new year!!!!

  13. Spoil sport spoils sport where are you? I guess it is me. Isn't there a problem using "Clay Aiken" on a pin. I thought you could use one or the other, but not both since it is trademarked.

    Love D!!!

    yes its true that the full name Clay Aiken is trademarked .... but there are tons of pins out there that are in violation of his trademark with his pictures and name, I think as long as we are not doing it for profit and are keeping it below the radar, I think its worth the risk.

  14. I watched a few trailoes of Lost on my Yahoo home page the other day. OMG. Starts January 31st. I am just beside myself. I swear I almost peed my pants with anticipation. It is going to knock our collective socks off this season. I was so looking forward to getting season three for Christmas, as I have gotten each season as a Christmas gift so far. However, since we had to do an early Christmas on the 15th, Lost wasn't out yet. I got a girlfriend hooked on the show. She called me the other day to see if I got it for Christmas, because if I didn't she was going out to buy it and I could borrow it. Here's to hoping she does. I forget so much between seasons that I need a refresher course. Hee!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE off to search for some trailers...can't wait!!! I need a replacement for my Heroes...sniff

  15. I don't know why, but I've had a soft spot for Philippe Candaloro for a while. Yep, he's cheesy to the extreme, and probably way too cocky, but I still like him. *shrug*

    I haven't seen the Shae-Lynn stuff yet. Eh.

    No one answered my one question from earlier today -- what AIW from Merrillville do I need to get to poke my eye out?

    Sorry about stealing your avi annabear. My bad.

    LURVE the new banner. Thanks cindilu2!

    was it merrillville canfly? was it also in jojoct?

  16. Ah, Shae lynn is back.

    This explains much. This is apparently the skank part of the program. And Clay apparently felt they were lacking in the boobage department for true skankaliciousness.

    Is Shae Lynn really a good skater? Am I missing something?

    Even good music couldn't make this better for me.

    KAndre, I'm sure one of our Canadian skating fans could answer this a little better than I, she is a former World Champion Ice Dancer and she and her former partner parted ways. If you could watch her and imagine a guy behind her doing the same move maybe it wouldn't look so awkward. They really were wonderful to watch together.

    Your skate by skate coverage has been great :cryingwlaughter:

    Yeah the moves Shae lynn likes to do are some of the moves she and her partner developed....and were well known for...but not very effective as a solo.

    I used to love them too and was so frustrated that the ice dancing judging was so messed up during the time they were competing.

    Kandre...for a non skating fan your observations are very insightful....

    Surya is quite a story in skating...never like her cos I am not too fond of power skaters that lack grace...

    Oh gah Philippe always reminded me of Constantine...

    and whenever I hear Caryn Kadavy's name...my brain makes it caryn cadaver...yeah she has been around forever!!!

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