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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. I swear, in that last picture, it looks like he has two! :scream:

    Or, perhaps this would be a better reaction... :nana:

    ETA: I like this Rose Radio! A station where I can hear plenty of Clay, while branching out at the same time? Fabulous! My radio stations here NEVER play enough any of our favorite singer. They do play some of the songs he covered on ATDW, though....

  2. By the way, does anyone have any really, really happy pictures of Clay saved up somewhere? I need something to reflect my mood, and most of the ones I have/can find at the moment are just regular ol' smiles. I need some big-ass grins!

    IMG_7855.jpg<-- He vants to suck your bluhd! Eek!


    Yeah, the bold is my addition. Thanks, shamrock!

  3. :tasty: More of the pretty! :Thud:

    Ask (for smiling Clay pictures) and ye shall receive! I love that first one! I wanna steal it and make one of those life-size cutouts of it. And then I want to... :whistling-1: never mind, nothing!

    ETA: Oi, I just remembered another question/request I had... Is that Broadway Q&A thing he did in the CU? Or, does anyone know where to find it?

    EATA: Thanks, annabear!

  4. Poor KAndre!

    Since going to Broadway would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for someone like me, I imagine there were people in the audience that felt even worse about it. Not to diminish your pain or anything, though, KAndre. :P

    By the way, does anyone have any really, really happy pictures of Clay saved up somewhere? I need something to reflect my mood, and most of the ones I have/can find at the moment are just regular ol' smiles. I need some big-ass grins!

    ETA: Hey, liney23 you wouldn't happen to have any duplicate copies of her "In the Garden" trilogy that you'd be willing to part with (at a generously low price, even? :lol:), would you? I have... I think it's Black Rose but I'd have to check to be sure, but can't find either of the other two.

  5. Hope Permaswooned doesn't mind, I had to share this:


    Just had to post that pic again. YUMMMMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heeee - Under the covers with Clay? Now that's a concept I KNOW I'd enjoy!!

    Unfortunately for your fantasies, you'd probably both just end up eating marshmallows and gossiping about boys. :lmaosmiley-1:

    I love that smiley. I wish I could laugh my ass off. It would help me handle the adverse affects of my chocolate chip cookie addiction. :lol:

    ETA: Aww, thanks jmh123. And here I thought someone would crack on my age. Which is actually another benefit of ATDW--it gives me something to talk to my father about! He talks about the originals and I force him to listen to Clay's versions.

  6. Yeah, I never got the whole flap over ATDW. (Freeze-dried karaoke? Really?) It's probably my favorite CD (uh-oh, I think I just pissed OMWH off...) but maybe that was because I'm totally not a music aficionado and had never heard any of the songs before...

    Somebody joked that Clay should have called it "Under the Covers With Clay Aiken". Which made me think of muskifest. :cryingwlaughter:

  7. Isn't she a comedian, or comedienne rather, slash actress on The New Adventures of Old Christine? I'm pretty sure she is, but I don't see her name very much. She had a TV show of her own on Fox a while back as well, if I'm thinking of the right person.

    Also, she was on the Tonight Show when Clay turned his feet around. One of my favorites.

    ETA: I just saw an article about it on Yahoo! As per usual, they added the photo gallery of gay/lesbian Hollywood-enites with Clay. Can't they get a better picture of him?

  8. Quantum of Solace--latest James Bond movie---


    Tonight we're going to see Alex's high school play, The Laramie Project. (She doesn't have a main part in this one.) It's based on the story of Matthew Shepard, the poor boy who was killed in a hate crime in Wyoming. I googled the name and found some interesting things about a Katie Couric interview with the accused attackers back in 2004. I don't remember about that..

    NBC won't apologize for Couric interview

    Evidently, the "Christian group Focus on the Family" took issue with Katie, accusing her that in her interview she suggested "that biblical teachings on homosexuality may have contributed to the kind of hate that led to the murder of Matthew Shepard."

    No wonder Clay kept his sexual orientation to himself...no wonder so many gay people do the same for so much longer of their lives.


    ETA: Wait, he did an 'Ugly Duckling' thingy? Huh? Jeesh, I'm so clueless.

    EATA: I really like David C.'s "Light On", but I haven't heard any of his other stuff yet. I have the CD on pre-order from iTunes, though. As for David A.... I like him OK, but not enough to pay for his music. :lol: But what really bugs me is how all the Archuleta fans that leave bratty posts on the YouTube video of Clay singing DLTSGDOM... I mean, for one thing, Clay's version is clearly better (what, me, biased??? :tongue09:) and for another, David A sang it years after Clay did.

  9. Sorry to hear Clay is out for the matinee, but probably best to just take it slow and not push his voice. Looking forward to Claybella's recap of her M&G and tour!

    Random thoughts I had while cleaning the bathrooms today:

    "Does Jaymes have to remind Clay to the put the toilet seat down?"

    "How hard is it to wash down the sink after one brushes their teeth so the toothpaste does not become cement! Perhaps I need to give the family a demonstration..mutter, mutter"

    "I bet Clay and Jaymes have separate bathrooms...wonder who does the cleaning? Probably have a maid service"

    "How many bath, body and hair products are really necessary?"

    "Perhaps I need to put instructions for putting a new roll of toilet paper on the spindle right next to the holder..."

    "I really need to clean the linen closet out more often..throws out 5 half-used tubes of toothpaste"

    "Does Clay clean out the sink after he is done shaving or just let the hairs accumulate? I bet those hairs would fetch a pretty penny on E-bay"

    Yes, I have no life! :wacko:


    I bet at least a few... Surely nobody is as pretty as them without even a little bit of help? :D

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