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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. Cleyeliner makes me lol. :)

    It's David. Both he and the runner-up were named David. Which Ryan Seacrest really loved, I think...

    Ryan: AND.... THE....... WINNER......... IS................ DAVID!............................................................................

    ..........................................*commercial break*....................................COOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. No Clack yet? Aww... :(

    Has anyone else seen this? AI where are they now? Clay gets mentioned four times, but nothing too exciting. I just thought it was funny that they used such an old picture and, well, they seem to need a new fact-checker. Spamalot didn't close until tonight, y'all, he left last week but it wasn't closing...

    *lols at Gibby's Reed/Clay picture*

    I thought you were going to give something like a photoshopped Clay/Tyra picture. :P

  3. Darlin', I've watched AI TITN more than a couple of hundred times. The song I've probably listened to the most is I Survived You...that my JAM! Second? To Love Somebody. It's easier to list things I don't listen to: Here, There, Everywhere; that damn mouse song; Solitaire; Mack the Knife; his solo Open Arms; Lover All Alone.; most of his demos except for Blood - I love Blood with a perverted love.


    You don't like the mouse song? Aw. I love the mouse song! I used to love Fievel with that "perverted love" you speak of. That was the song I watched on YouTube that made me just sit back and go "DAMN, SON!"

    Oooh... FIEKY! I love that song, plus the fact that you can say the acronym like a word. :lol:

    My favorite performance to watch is probably Build Me Up Buttercup. My dad hates the original, so I always have to sing it to him and make him grimace.

    *squeezes jamar1700* I absofrickinlutely love WYSYLM. I've stopped listening to it when I drive because I'd bop around to it and it was rather unsafe... :hahaha:

    Of course, if we're listing songs we don't listen too... Hm, for me it's probably RTM, IYDKMBN, SSB, and Blood. I don't listen to ATM that much either. I used to not like Touch, but I've begun to think of it in terms of a dance (I keep getting images of Clay in a tux, AI TITN-style, doing a sexy ballroom with me someone) I really like it.

    ETA: Yay for a sold-out Spam!

    EATA: Where's the love for No More Sad Song? I love that one. I made a CD once that was full of sad songs and stuck NMSS at the end. :D It never failed to crack me up.

  4. So... O/T poll-ish question here...

    I made the mistake of telling one of my friends (the one featured in my signature, actually) that I had listened to the single of TITN 72 times, plus assorted other versions of it for a total of listening to TITN 94 times, which makes me wonder... Does anyone else have a Clay Aiken song that they just can't get sick of? (I might get sick of it though... she's proposing locking me in a car and making me listen to it all 94 times, which would be, like, four hours straight of TITN.) If you do, how many times have you listened to it?

    That's all. I just want reassurance that I'm not, y'know... nuts... :D

    ETA: You know... 94 is actually on the really low side since I listened to it on CD so many times before I got my iPod... :lol:

  5. One of my favorites is him and Quiana singing Listen. I think LauraQ's may be my favorite mainly because you could see Sean really getting into it in the background with a big smile on his face. I think someone may have made one that combines different angles. Are you looking for singing or banter? Cuz there are a lot of banter ones I can recommend. Like when they wouldn't keep the spotlight on Quiana for her solo so he sat her in his lap or the bats in Asheville or when he flirted with Anglela with her family in the audience. I could go on and on. My favorite clack gatherers are Scarlett and Spotlightlover because theirs are usually the clearest and steadiest.

    As far as the hair, I liked it blonde but I saw the work in progress so it wasn't such a shocker. Like it brown too, and red, and would probably like it purple cuz he's so purdy. I just love his face.

    Thanks, justclay12! I'm looking for entire concerts, basically. I don't know if there's an entire concert that has been recorded that is very good quality, but if there is, then I'll take that. I would like them broken down, though, just so I can listen to them in parts. Those banter ones that you mentioned sound really funny! I think I've heard of the bats in Asheville one, but I haven't downloaded it. Do you know if that would have the bats banter in the title or would it be under something else?

  6. Oooh, pretties! Gosh that man is cute!

    Did anyone else really, really dislike his long blond hair when it was first unveiled but really miss it now? I guess I feel a little partial to it now that it's gone since it was the hairstyle he had when I first became a fan, even though I thought it was horrible when I first saw it... Now I keep sighing wistfully over those Leno and Kimmel appearances when he had that hair--especially the Leno one! That outfit, the hair, the raspberry to the teacher who cut him in high school... *sigh*

    OK... I'm done now. I promise. :D

    *slinks off with head down*

    ETA: *slinks back in*

    I have another newbie question that I don't think can be solved by remembering the "FCA Recommends..." threads. I'm trying to increase my video Clack collection (even though I have more video Clack saved to my iPod than I have music period :lol:) and I was wondering if anyone knows any particularly good videos of the DCAT/SRHP tour--or any of the tours, really. I did go read the "FCA Rec..." thread, but that was mainly concentrating on audio quality, it seemed, so...

  7. I have my CITH recommendations!! :D

    My song was Where Are You Christmas.

    I thought jojoct's in Kalamazoo had the best audio, but it was in WMV-format only and included the whole story (vignette?). It was very clear, very good in terms of volume, a great, great performance with no hollow/echoing quality that some other versions had.

    My runners-up are: Scarlett's Merrillville recording b/c of the small amount of crowd noise at the beginning, the good quality and volume, and the good vocals. Very good ending by Quiana, as well.

    spotlightlover's Minneapolis recording. It had some crowd noise at the beginning, covering up the first word or so. Still, I thought it had very good quality, if a little quiet, but great vocals. Very powerful and very delicate. I liked it a lot.

    Hope that's everything necessary! :D

  8. Heeeyyy! *slides in Kramer-style*

    I wanna be in the band! I don't have any musical talents! :( Can I play spoons... with Clay? :hahaha:

    Also! I have another newbie request! *listens to the thuds as FCA-ers fall over from shock... :P* Does anyone have any good SRHP Classics Medley recommendations? I have Asheville and I was wondering if there are any other well-recommended ones. I'm slowly (but surely!) adding to my Clack collection. (I might need an external hard drive soon... :o Which I really can't afford, but... I CAN'T lose the Clack! :lol:)

    ETA: Oops! Never mind the above request--I remembered the FCA Recommends... threads!

  9. Celine: At the Gala, one of the things that was bid on was attending a Celine Dion concert with a group of friend in a private box with Clay and a friend.

    Oh. Wow! That would be awesome! Of course, if I had that ticket the night would be completely boring because I'd spend the whole night staring at Clay with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth going, "NNNNNGGG PURDDY". :cryingwlaughter:

  10. Yay I'm unemployed!!

    Yay I'm going to NYC.

    Damn I haven't even started to pack..but first i need to wash clothes, and babysit tomorrow... but yay!

    Anybody else watching the Kennedy Center Honors..

    ahem I didn't know the CSI theme song was a Who song...I'm so out of it oh and BWAH their other song is the theme song for CSI Miami... learn something new everyday..torrents is calling

    (Erp, my bolding.)

    All of the CSI theme songs are sung by The Who. My dad is compelled to tell me this every single time he catches a glimpse of one of the shows!

    Random off-topic remark: One more thing I love about Clay Aiken (besides, of course, the fabulous singing voice and adorability) is his sanity in naming his child. I've been reading a zillion "2008 was the Year of the Famous Babies!" articles/blogs/etc. and when they list the handsome name Parker Foster against the crazy-ass unorthodox names like Bronx Mowgli or Max Liron (well, OK, at least the middle name is the crazy-ass unorthodox one there) or Jagger Joseph Blue... Well, I just can't help but :clap: Clay and his sanity in picking a nice, normal, very handsome name for his son. OK, I'm done. :lol:

    *No offense meant to anyone who really likes names like Jagger Joseph Blue, etc. :)

    ETA: D'OH! How did I forget? Good luck and have fun in NY, guys!

  11. Hi, claylove. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Bottlecap, thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. I guess I just don't know where to look or something because I seriously scoured for an hour... I'd thought I'd already had a good version saved, but I was wrong.

    liney23--Those are good suggestions. I'll have to try them out. I didn't figure out how to resize pictures until I was almost finished (Paint... computer stupidity... yep!) which is why that one is so big (and on its side!). I need to resize that black and white one too (the one between the two you were talking about) because as it is, there's a stripe of black background color beneath it that is bugging me.

    ETA: I think, if I just tried reversing those pictures, they would probably end up distorted because the one is so small and the other so big... Hm.

  12. Sounds like a fun trip, KAndre. :P I hope you're having fun--or at least an experience.

    So... now I'm on a picture kick and I have yet another request. Does anyone have a good copy of that ATDW photo where he's sitting with his elbows on his knees, body facing left, and head turned towards the camera? The only one I'm finding is of very poor quality.

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