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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. ETA: To ldyjocelyn Yeah, I'm trying to avoid looking at your avatar now because when it caught me off guard I found myself mesmerized by it. Clay Aiken makes sneezing mesmerizing. I still say the man is magic! (Actually, it used to be he was made of awesome, wasn't it? :lol:)

    I have considered saying something along those lines... You know, something like I think our friendship shouldn't be split apart by your homophobia... for some reason I've been told not to phrase it that way. No idea why. :shrug::P Just kidding.

    ETA: To Couch Tomato, I'm not bringing it up so much as happening to be doing Clay-related activities in her presence--like logging onto FCA while I'm at school and she's nearby. Also, I have that fantabulous Clay/Reed background on my computer, so if she sees it she gets all "that's creepy, that's disturbing, blah blah blah". I'm just like, I'm not going to change a background that makes me happy or cut down on my already limited Clay-time because she can't handle that the guy bats for the other team.

    Thanks to both of you for the advice though... my mom is getting sick of me complaining about this stuff. I've tried the hint route (with the friend, not my mom :lol:), but it doesn't seem to work very well.

    EATA: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out what Clay means to me... yaaaah! ^_^ Sorry! I'll stop now!

  2. Ugh.... I don't know how to shake this homophobic girl. She's nice most of the time, but any time anything Clay-related comes up (down, muski... :P) she acts like I have a crush on a serial killer. I don't look at pictures of gay men, I look at a picture of a gay man who also happens to be a humanitarian, an amazing singer, and pretty darn cute.

    I mean, I'm just like... He's Clay Aiken. He sneezes in style. What does his being gay have anything to do with it? Heck, I respect the opinion of the girl who doesn't like him because of his hair more than I do the opinion of the girl who thinks he's icky because he's gay.



    Sorry to soliloquy at y'all... I'm just waffling on what to say to her and how to say it--because being polite is probably not going to get her to stop. I guess I need to stop the waffle-age and just ignore her, huh? :huh:

  3. I'd like to know where the vault is too! I always thought it was CU, but I guess not?

    As to all the other stuff... Yes, the amount of over-interest in Clay's life much, but... that's sort of the price of being famous. He's done a good job of keeping his private life as private as possible--which has probably led to some of the pettiness directed his way. You think you're entitled to a private life??? HERESY!!

    Ennyway... I'm too lazy to try to remember everything else that was said... there were some good points made though, I can remember that. :lol:

    ETA: Eh, why aren't we allowed to delete our pooosts?

  4. BWAH!, 00lsee! I just showed that pic of Reed to my co-worker buddy. He's the HAWT gay man who's been with his partner (another HAWT gay man) for 17 years....and I said, "So....does this appeal to you at all?"

    He looked and said, "Oh, is that Clay's boyfriend?"


    He looked, nodded and smiled. Then he said, "He's definitely cut"


    I said, "OMG...are his pants that tight? You can tell?"

    He looked at me a second or two, perplexed, and then started guffawing! "I'm talking about his BODY, for God's sake!"


    I---chagrined---said, "Oh...right. Yeah. :cryingwlaughter:


  5. Has there ever been any talk about whether they're using Jaymes' eggs? I know that seems kind of invasive to ask about, but I was just thinking about all the possible risks and stuff and it made me wonder...

    Anyway, I don't know what the telephone game is, but I agree in the general sense that until either Clay confirms it or there's a new Aiken baby, I'm going to take it with a grain of salt. But I immediately did the big AWs when I considered the possibility. I also went like OOH! "We (Clay and the Clay Nation, of course)" having a new baby! :hahaha:

    ETA: On a sort of but not really related note, has anyone else started to think of someone as physically less pretty because of their personality? I have this "friend" who is extremely homophobic (and enjoys reminding me of this fact) and when I first met her and didn't really know her that well, I thought she was pretty, but I kind of don't anymore... It almost makes me feel bad--like I'm sort of being petty. :unsure:

  6. OK... Has anybody else seen someplace where this statement: "Clay Aiken, 29, took a decidedly non-traditional route to daddyhood, having a child with BFF Jaymes Foster. He’s loving it so much that, yes, it’s confirmed that Foster, 50, is pregnant again with his baby, due August 2009." is, in fact, confirmed? I just saw it in an article about Molly Ringwald being pregnant and I'm not apt to trust it until the Clay Nation is debating it... :lol: The link to the site with that bit is http://9months.com/molly-ringwald-pregnant/

  7. Out of all the songs he knows he picked a downer that he does not like enough to remember the words to.

    Isn't that a bit of a leap, though? Supposedly one of his favorite songs on MCWL was MDYK -- which we all know was a major Aiken Random Lyric Generator moment for him in concert. I don't think I would assume that because he forgets the lyrics, he doesn't like the song.

    As for his song choices -- to me, it's almost always "hey! He's singing! Good enough for me!" It may be songs he's sung several times before, but he add subtle (my term, not Clay's *g*) differences to each and every version, and I revel in the voice.

    In the meantime -- heh. I watched TITM -- and honestly, will probably never watch it again. Much better than the old high school version, to be sure, but I just don't get that one. IDHTH, though -- OMG. This song has always been one of my favorites since it came out in the early 1990's, and I think Clay did a magical job with it. I'll be watching it over and over and over again.

    Strange but true story for me -- this is the second song Clay has covered that has a connection to an old boyfriend. The other one was ICMYLM. I suppose you could see how THAT whole relationship turned out. Heh.

    Aiken Random Lyric Generator?

  8. Anyone else planning on watching the big game? Or just the commercials? :) I used to be that way, until I went crazy for football.

    Anyway, I'm rooting for the Cardinals (I just love underdogs!) and I thought I'd see if anyone else likes football--or commercials! :D

  9. The CV stream is connected to the Gala. Currently, Greg Raymer is talking. He's an internationally known poker player. I believe he and his wife live in Raleigh, and I know for sure that they're very big supporters of the BAF. They paid $65,000 for the handwritten lyrics to "Lover All Alone" at the 2007 Gala.

    Anyway, Greg's telling some kind of story about poker and whatnot.

    Wow. I would have liked the handwritten lyrics to LAA... why couldn't I be rich?

  10. http://www.musicianwages.com/musician-prof...ed-on-broadway/

    This is an interview with Ben Cohn, who played the piano for Clay at the gala and also during the OMWH TV promo that he did back in May. Its a good article and talks about how a musician in a broadway show is responsible for training "subs" for when he is unable to perform due to illness, time off or other gigs. I found this part very interesting:

    I am also Clay Aiken’s pianist and we have a gig coming up in Florida [this] week. I’m sure I’ll be subbing out a bunch in the coming weeks… Hope my subs are available!!

    I am not surprised he is at GFI since he did the gala BUT what does I’m sure I’ll be subbing out a bunch in the coming weeks… Hope my subs are available!! mean? Or more to the point, can one assume hope since it follows mention of the GFI event with Clay that the need for subs in the coming weeks could be Clay-related????? Just maybe???

    If so... EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

  11. he's so CUTE.

    Especially with stubble! (And really tight pants!)

    *giggles snickers*

    I hope that was appropriate.

    What???? We're supposed to be appropriate around here?? Who knew?!? I sure didn't. And I don't wanna be, either. Heh.


    You know, for being a gay man, Clay sure is frisky with the womenfolk, isn't he? Gives us prurient types something to cling to. :sleezy:

    Yup, I've noticed that, too. He seems to enjoy boobies. Wonder why? I think I'll need to do some research to find out. I'll volunteer for the 'boob hold' shot when I get my pic taken with him next time.

    :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

    You'll have some competition there. :hahaha: But that just gave me the delightful mental image of Clay saying, "OK, what kind of pose for your picture?"

    "Can you grab my boobs?"



    Oh, and I have a trademark random question! (Not so random, I'm finally getting around to downloading all of the CFC gala clack...) Does anyone know the order the songs were in?

  12. Proud Claymateron here. I always thought I was a little too old to be a Claymate, so I chose Claymatron as my board name on all boards. I have since realized that I am one of the younger thinkers, comparatively speaking, but it's mine, so i'll keep it! :lilredani:

    Oh...Clay Matron. Yes. That does make more sense.

    -->I was saying it clayMAtron. Like some cyborg/robot/thingy.




    Claymate never bothered me. :noidea:

    Good thing. I don't think it's ever going away.

    Bold arrow was my addition.


    You know, for being a gay man, Clay sure is frisky with the womenfolk, isn't he? Gives us prurient types something to cling to. :sleezy:

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