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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. Hee, I'm on youtube too. I did a stupid today and accidentally wiped the bulk of the stuff off of my iPod trying to put the contents onto my interim computer... only half worked, I got all the stuff I've purchased from iTunes, so no Clack at all. :( I have all the other stuff saved to a backup hard drive, so I'm not particularly worried.

    Anyway, I'm rewatching a lot of the AI stuff on YouTube since I had a sudden hankering for it and, naturally, don't have it at my fingertips like I usually do. I may not be a huge fan of AI (never have, really) but I love those original Clay moments. The first time I saw Clay was on Leno singing OMWH, but when I really fell flat on my face was when I looked him up on YouTube. Sometimes I'll forget just how unique his voice is, but there's nothing like a quick spin through those videos to remind me!

    ETA: Hmm... did I read somewhere that he had an allergic reaction to something before Tell Her About It or did I imagine that? Because he looks fine to me...

  2. I can't say that I'm worried. Actually this time I'm very hopeful that good things are coming. My problem is that I am very impatient. I'm the one who will usually go to the end of the book before I've finished it to find out the ending and who doesn't feel like a movie or tv show is ruined if I've already heard the end. So waiting just kills me, especially when its about Clay. If there was a 24 hour Clay channel, I'd never leave my couch.

    Now even though I'm impatient with that kind of stuff, with most other things in my life, except traffic, I'm usually pretty patient. Had years of practice.

    I'll admit, I worry. I think it's partially from being a latecomer and partially being a worrywart amidst all this bad music industry news. I'm sure Clay has plenty socked away and isn't going to be foreclosed on or anything, but I want his success for me to be able to keep listening... obsessing... swooning... smutting, etc!

    And this is my ineractive, 24-hour Clay channel! Full of chat about Clay and the "news anchors" who love him.

  3. "Wipe the floor"? I've always assumed it came from boxing... you know, you knock the other dude out and have thus "wiped the floor" with his/her face? :shrug: I dunno, though.

    As for the topic, I agree! He should come back and sing TWO songs! One to appease the AI people who want him to sing something AI connected (SOT, MTK, anyone? ;)) and then something from OMWH (or the supposed new CD) like EIDN or Ashes!


  4. Oooh, audiobooks? I bought the long version of LTS off of iTunes and burned it to CD before I got Ethel, my 80 GB iPod. It's not a particularly good system, burning iTunes purchased audiobooks to CD--at least, not as I was trying to do it. It just runs until the end, so you have one hour-long track. I was mucho happier when I could put it onto my 'Pod. I've also got the selected works of Emily Dickinson, which I love. I tried listening to Hamlet, which was a mistake, I realized I was just tuning it out so I gave up. I really like having Nora Robert/J.D. Robb's stuff on CD. Hmm... Now I want to go to the library and browse their pitiful (sorry, librarians) audiobook collection...

  5. Scarlett, my librarian heart blesses you for asking those questions. Are you sure you're not a librarian? Because these are the kinds of questions we ask students ALL THE TIME. Personally, I tend to trust stuff that has lots of backing sources (footnotes are a good thing). Of course, that means I question a LOT of stuff.

    ldyjocelyn, I spent hours and hours in the library in grade school (the Matilda connection) and I think that's what led me to one of favorite jobs ever -- helping build, index, search through and maintain efficient databases, because what's a database really except one very large library of records. This is going to sound silly to people born here but as I was growing up I'd heard about how extensive the libraries here were and how there were multiple copies of popular books -- and it was a big item in the Pro column for moving here for me. We used to have such long waiting lists for our Nancy Drew / Hardy Boys copies back home and you could forget about ever getting one of the Tintin or Asterix and Obelix books unless you got in under special circumstances. I'm still envious and somewhat sad about seeing shelves and shelves of books just lying there. In my part of the world, the cost of books and magazines was so high in proportion to other things that books were treasures to be shared around like the precious items they are.

    Speaking only for my library...but if you look at our statistics; the highest rating circulation items are DVD's, CD's, Video Games and Electronic Books...sad to say, it doesn't seem like books are that popular anymore...I can't imagine anything more pleasant than curling up on the couch, wrapped in an afghan reading a book. Don't think an electronic book would give me the same pleasure.



    Count me as a book lover! I despise even doing research on internet sources--bugs my eyes and it's just not as easy to flip from one spot to another. Plus, I really, really, like holding onto a book and being able to "disappear" into one as I read--you know, see the scene and not the book? Can't seem to do that with e-books.

  6. So that Clay Aiken Facebook with 4,389 fans is not a site approved of by Clay? and the person who set it up is being inappropriately rude with some fans?

    It looks so "official".

    The CANN has a poll. Which picture of the seated, hands clasped Clay do you like best. I was surprised to see how few have voted for piano guy, the one I prefer.

    I think what the problem is is someone has created an actual profile and pretended to be Clay. I think what you're talking about is a fan page about Clay--not the same.

  7. [*sorry!*... the guy was too distracting but here it is... (and it took me 4 tries to get that) *shakes head!*

    No problem. Will take yours/Aflacks and upload. I have these but they are mpg. Will let you know when they are up so you can look.

    Thank you! :thankyou:

    I've got to go to bed right now, but will try to do it tomorrow at school. *casts sulky look at the interim computer* My laptop went into a coma and had to be sent to Texas (I think I've bitched about this before... sorree) so I'm making do with my brother's old laptop--which is 3-4 years older than mine--and it keeps freezing up if I try doing "too much" (read: anything at all) with it.

    *sigh* It's been a rather dreary day (despite the nice weather) for me...

    I applied for and got turned down for a job today... My class schedule stinks!

    I'm trying to slowly come out to my friends so their eyeballs don't all pop out of their heads.

    Pretty much all my said-friends are coupled up, which makes me feel like a total third wheel hanging out with them. :shrug: Irrational, perhaps... Not that many open gay/lesbian people where I live (although I could be, and probably am, just clueless) so it's hard not to feel slightly fish out of watery.

    Oy. I don't mean to be all depressing and moaning about my life. Um...



    I can love his butt and Angela's too!

  8. I caught my first almost-full episode of AI last night. Did anyone else see Jorge's (I forgot his last name) performance of DLTSGDOM? I hated it. It wasn't his accent, but his performance.... I thought it was awful! I'm surprised he'd do it one season after David A. got so much good press out of his version... But it made me wonder, has anyone (auditions aside) ever done another rendition of BOTW? I kind of think that Clay "owns" that song on Idol--like Kelly Clarkson and Respect or... I can't think of anyone else right off the top of my head.

    ETA: And I still don't understand the Von Smith/Clay Aiken comparisons! They look/sound nothing alike to me.

  9. Nice poster, clayzycoffin! Why don't you start a cause on fb? (well, it will be like a sub-cause for tbaf but one that just handles the printer cartridges)

    KF, the tickets went to DS and roomie. I wish I'd known you then.

    Someone emailed me this link to Ticketmaster to demand that Clay have concert in my area. Do not know if it will do any good, but I did it anyway. I was number 37 from Houston to demand that he come to Houston. I only recognized two of the screen names. Have any of the ehp demanded? If this was posted on FCA before, I must have missed it.

    Oh, we're very demanding! But in a nice way... ;)

    I was thinking of trying and doing something like that (I was thinking an event) but I couldn't quite figure out how.

    merrieeee--so let me get this straight, they do accept toner cartridges? And cell phones/PDAs and mp3 players? Dang, I wish I'd known that before I printed off my flyers!

    Anyway. If anyone wants to send me their cartridges, PM me and I'll give you my address.

  10. Whee!

    Yes, it goes to the BAF, yes you could send some to me if you wanted. But it might be easier to go to TBAF site and look for the fundraisers page; you could contact Linda Learn for some labels that she'll send you and then ship off the empty inkjets yourself. (This discussion sounds familiar, ha!) Or, since they want at least ten at a time and that's rather a lot, didn't someone volunteer to be the send-to point for a possible FCA collection? I don't mind doing that either, if anyone thinks that would be a good idea--hopefully I'll get at least ten from my school *crosses fingers* but maybe if everyone wants to send their cartridges to me I could try putting together a whole bunch?

  11. clayzy, just realize that there COULD be some crazy people out there who would be willing to pick you up, even if they live 15 hours away from you, and drag you to a concert 15 hours away from you. Bring you back in less than 24 hours too. Just sayin'. *g*

    Seriously, one of the things I love about this fandom is the crazy things I've done over the years to help other fans get to see Clay. Sleeping with people I don't know, things like that. Love it.

    That might have to be where I draw the line... :cryingwlaughter:

    And I'm psyched to learn that one of the perks to being a Claymate/fan is that you can defy the laws of time! When do I acquire this new ability?

  12. Oh Clazy you should have been with us on the 9 hour trip from Atlanta to Pensacola! 5 crazy Clay fans, heading from one Clay concert to another, reading about Clay, talking about Clay, listening to Clay, lusting after Clay and that was only the first 30 minutes.

    Well, now, that wouldn't be so bad! I'm sure I'd ask a zillion questions and learn lots of stuff that I've missed coming four years late to this fabulous party and everything. It's my, uh, NJU? friends that I'd have a hard time rounding up and convincing to go with me. *hunts for a nice lasso* A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, ya know?

  13. Hey ANY where is driving distance for us!

    Normally, I'd agree, but I doubt my friends/mother/whoever I could harangue into going to a Clay concert with me would appreciate a 9-hour drive with me babbling about Clay the whole dang way! :laugh2:

    Earplugs and Tequila, clayzy...earplugs and Tequila. For them, not you. :)

    Well, that would definitely make the ride more interesting... In fact, I might use that technique (the tequila bit, anyway) to get a few more friends into the car with me in the first place... Hm!

    ETA: Hmm... maybe if he comes to Atlanta or Knoxville again like with the DCAT, I could swing that... :praying:

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