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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. ldyjocelyn me too! I have almost an entire flair board filled up with Clay Aiken flair! I kind of wish there were actual buttons that I could attach to things like my bookbag.

    I never thought I'd like F-book either. I never used to do much "networking" on the internet, no MySpace or anything like that. But all my friends were on it when I started going to school, so I decided to get an account. It's a magnificent time-waster... Unfortunately! :laugh2:

    We should totally start a little FCA group! That would be kind of fun!

    I think I have some pretty stringent privacy settings on my account, but if anyone wouldn't mind being F-book friends with me, shoot me a PM and I'll add you! :)

  2. <snippage>

    My daughter just joined Facebook and she sent me an invitation, so it looks like I may have to join. I need to find that article on Tips on your information on Facebook, or something like that, that someone posted last thread first tho. I should go see if it is in the Facebook thread, huh.

    I hardly watch tv at all. I read a lot. I do watch The Biggest Loser and DWTS and So You Think You Can Dance. Other than that, I am a football fan and for 6 months of the year I watch lots of football. The other 6 months I wait for football to start again. :cryingwlaughter:

    I, too, think Clay will tour this year. I think he has to get better and he has to figure out a way to do it that actually makes him some money and lets him not be too long without Parker. He can multi-task and do the planning while he is recuperating. :whistling-1:

    Hear, hear! College or NFL?

  3. I'm having trouble with IE also and have to use Mozilla most of the time so it may not be your computer but a larger problem.

    The plant in the snow looks a lot like mint. If you crush the leaves does it smell good? Does it have a square stem? Those are two tests. If it's not mint, it may be ajuga - grows everywhere and has pretty small blue flowers.


    The plant looks a bit like catnip except for the purplish cast at the top.

    Alabama. So, is there a difference between the South and the Deep South? Hmmm. I'm a bad Southerner, really, since my parents are both from up north. I'm like a Northerner in Southerner skin and waffle between the two.

    Well, I’m originally from northwestern Ohio. But I’ve lived in Nashville for going on 17 years and from what I understand Nashville is the “mid-south” and Alabama would be the “deep south”. Of course, most of Kentucky is also considered the south. Southerners tell me that anything north of the Mason Dixon line is the north. Actually, they say “Yankee” but that it technically incorrect, since Yankee refers to the northeast. It’s all very confusing. It could be the wine. <g>

    Annabear!! I’m having puppy love! I want to kidnap him and keep him for my own, kitties or no kitties.

    To whoever posted that older version of Emanuel - wonderful, beautiful, swoonworthy. What an amazing voice our man has.


    lilyshine, wow, I'm amazed at your knowledge about plants. So, clayzycoffin, does it fit any of the ones lilyshine described?

    Thanks for the booklist, ldyjocelyn! I'm perusing the first one on your list, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time"

    :shrug::unsure: I feel bad... I really have no idea what the plant is. Since dashing out of the house to take pictures of the snow this morning, I've been on the computer doing homework all day. I was going to go check and see if it was mint, but forgot.

    As for all the Southern stuff... I've always assumed AL, MS, TN, FL, GA, and SC made up the "Deep South" and everybody else was just the "South".

    Does anyone here use a netbook? I'm thinking of getting a refund for my computer and buying a little netbook instead.

  4. Squeee! When did he do that? I almost like that better than his typical version! Thanks, Scarlett!


    EATA: I'm all excited because it snowed about 1 1/2--2 inches today. That's the first time it has snowed (aside from some flurries) at my home for about 3-4 years and the most since I was single digits. (I'm 18 now, :D) I'm trying to figure out how to post some pictures... Pics, hopefully

    It's from one of the HCC Christmas shows. 1998, I think. I prefer the new Emmanuel though I keep this to play once in a while.

    You got a lot of snow! I liked this picture. What sort of plant is it?


    Treppie and gnocchi are so huggable!!! *waves to annabear* :puppykiss:

    Thanks very much for the book recommendations, liney and FromClaygary!!! (and djs yesterday)

    Thanks, Scarlett. Can you believe all that snow is already gone? As for the plant, well... :whistling-1: Sadly, I have no idea. It grows all over the place--more a weed than anything else.

    annabear--your puppy sure is cute! He seems to like the camera too! My dogs will stare at me until I get the camera out, at which point they look anywhere but at me. :rolleyes:

  5. OK, does anyone have any recommendations for a good, traditional version of OCOCE? I love Clay's version, but it's the only version I've ever really heard (comes from despising radio and Christmas radio programming...) so I was looking for a nice, traditional OCOCE. I have Enya's version, but it's either non-traditional or v. v. traditional as it sounds like there's Gaelic in it. :shrug:

    Thanks for putting up with more random pleas for help from me! :laugh2:

    Traditional OCOCE

    Squeee! When did he do that? I almost like that better than his typical version! Thanks, Scarlett!

    liney23 and *checks* luckiest1--that's what I keep saying! (About the hair.)

    ETA:Oy, didn't see that at first! Thanks, smittenwithclay for showing me that website! I've been looking around for a place that does that, but the only sites I found were pretty expensive.

    EATA: I'm all excited because it snowed about 1 1/2--2 inches today. That's the first time it has snowed (aside from some flurries) at my home for about 3-4 years and the most since I was single digits. (I'm 18 now, :D) I'm trying to figure out how to post some pictures... Pics, hopefully

  6. OK, does anyone have any recommendations for a good, traditional version of OCOCE? I love Clay's version, but it's the only version I've ever really heard (comes from despising radio and Christmas radio programming...) so I was looking for a nice, traditional OCOCE. I have Enya's version, but it's either non-traditional or v. v. traditional as it sounds like there's Gaelic in it. :shrug:

    Thanks for putting up with more random pleas for help from me! :laugh2:

  7. Mmm... that new CD cover certainly is all the rage! I love your calendars, cindilu2! They give me such a fabulous excuse to have Clay on my desktop. Why do you have a picture of him? Because he's PURDY and it's USEFUL!

    Ugh... I'm trying to convince my mother to let me whack my hair off short (and spiky, hee hee hee) but now she's trolling the internet for "square face" hairstyles and most of the info is that square-faced folk (like me, apparently) need to have long hair. Blegh. I don't like having long hair, gets in my way.

  8. Wow, lots of ketchin' up today!

    I love that Clay "handpicked" the songs on the new CD! (And I love Here You Come Again, I downloaded the DP version to hear what it sounded like and I must say, I like them both. One's a great country song, one's a great pop song. What's not to love?)

    cindilu2 is not Scarlett or luckiest1--check.

    I'm a bit surprised by the MOAM favorites being chattered about--what, no love for When You Say You Love Me? I love the bouncy start, always makes me butt-dance as I'm driving. :lol:

    Five favorite Clay songs ever? You're making me pick five? That's almost as impossible as picking just one! See, now I have to go through all my songs... listen to each one very carefully... listen to a few more than once to decide proper ranking... OH THE HORROR!! *swoon* Nah. TITN, The Way, ALAWH (I've gone completely bananas for the "When you're with me, I breath easy" part... and the rest of the song too!), Solitaire, EIDN... What? Five already? But I haven't even added in IWTKWLI or BW or LNM or LAA or OMWH or SL!!

    OK, I'll do everyone a favor and take my crazy somewhere else now... :laugh2:

  9. Aww... :elephanthugs:annabear!

    *guiltily hides from the OFC membership talk* I'm poor, so I'm donating my $25 to TBAF instead of getting a membership. Can't do both, not with the unexpected technological problems I've been having... :(

    Anyway... I hope I'm not waking up a new gerbil or anything, but I was just listening to my guilty pleasure song, Invisible and it occurred to me that instead of thinking of it as Clay peeking into people's rooms and stuff, I should just think of it as the fans wanting to peek into his! :lol: After all, if you sing along, you're kind of singing it back to him, right? Hee hee. I used to hate the lyrics, but this new train of thought kind of makes me like them!

  10. Personally, I think his name is probably going to be the most recognizable thing to attach to it... Then again, whatta I know? :)

    Well I think his names matters to a lot of people but I bet there are many more people that would care about what TBAF does if they only knew. You don't have to guess what the Diabetes Association does but say Bubel-Aiken Foundation to the average person on the street and they'd have no idea what it does other than it probably gives money out to something or other. If somehow special needs or inclusion was incorporated into the name it could be a good thing.

    Oy. I just meant I don't think disconnecting his name from the foundation completely is necessarily the best idea.

    ETA: Ah. Okey-dokey. I getcha now.

  11. I'd help FCA out, but... I'm going to send my cartridges with the ones that I (hopefully) collect. This feels good. Positive, I guess. Plus, I'm going to have fun designing some flyers to post around campus.

    It's funny, I'm in an ethics class at school and I keep flashing back to Immanuel Kant and how he talks about doing things for duty and no other reason...

    ETA: Wow, that was random. Don't mind me, I'm just being all over the place tonight.

  12. You can get pre-paid mailing envelopes and they send the money directly to BAF.

    You need to email llearn@epix.net for information. They just sent me some plastic envelopes and I mailed the cartridges...that's all.

    Ah, a'ighty. Thanks, merieeee.

    ETA: Oy. Well, that's good to know. Thanks, jmh123! I'm glad I'm not going to have to handle any money. That gets rid of some worry for me.

  13. OK, I have a stupid question... I'm planning on trying one of the empty inkjet cartridge fundraisers here at my school, and was just wondering what to do with the check from empties4cash. As far as I understand, I send them the ink cartridges, they send me a check. I tell them to make the check payable to TBAF and then send that to TBAF with a printed version of their online form, correct?

    Again, sorry if it's a stupid question. I just want to be absolutely clear on anything involving money.... :D

    EDIT: Hooooooly freaking crap I hate this stupid computer! It took me ten minutes to cut/paste this question!

  14. OK, I have a stupid question... I'm planning on trying one of the empty inkjet cartridge fundraisers here at my school, and was just wondering what to do with the check from empties4cash. As far as I understand, I send them the ink cartridges, they send me a check. I tell them to make the check payable to TBAF and then send that to TBAF with a printed version of their online form, correct?

    Again, sorry if it's a stupid question. I just want to be absolutely clear on anything involving money.... :D

    Ooh, and I hope this is the right place for me to post this...

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