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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. Wow. I knew I shouldn't have taken the day off to study! Love the Clay news, love the Oprah clip. I've never heard him sing IWCY like that before! Had to rush off and download it. :wub: Faboo!

    I have so much Clay Aiken Christmas music. It's amazing. I didn't even realize it until I was trying to study today and my iPod kept offering up CAC music to me. I bring this up because I have a question about the Not A Christmas Tour. I was looking at the FCA recommendations and I was just wondering if there was anything similar for the banter, b/c I seem to recall chatter about how banter-y the NACT was.

    Oh, and I have a new phone!! *dances* I can't download ringtones yet because the web access still isn't activated (I tried to get "Invisible") but I discovered this "record voice" option that allows me to record stuff so I just turned "Invisible" up really loud and recorded it and it sounds OK. I'm going to look into downloading a ringtone-creator once I get a Bluetooth adapter for my computer. Being a Clay fan sure has been giving me a crash course in technology!

  2. Oh, my. How is it that I could watch him say that speech and be OK, but when I read the transcript, I get all sniffly? Maybe it's just because the video was a little blurry, a little echoey--something.

    Oh, and, *runs around e-hugging all the puppies* First all the hotness that is Mr. Aiken and now a deluge of adora-bubble puppies. Too much visual prettiness going on here!

  3. Less than 24 hours from squeeing to nasty, what-about-what *I*-want-entitled-needy-fuckerism. Yep, that seems about right. Sorry - some folks don't deserve to feel the happiness he can bring. Fuck 'em.

    You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken. You continue to rock my world.

    Thread tiiiiiiiiiiiiitle?

    And I just want say, while I think Clay's chin does look swollen, the only reason I don't like it is because it looks like it must be painful. :huh: I don't understand where the plastic surgery stuff would be coming from... I mostly stick to FCA and I think I'm going to keep doing that.

    ETA: Wow, that post came out a lot more disjointed than it sounded in my head. I need to not talk when I'm running on fumes and bad coffee...

  4. Clay not comfortable singing on a stage? Clay Aiken? The guy was born to be on a stage - he comes alive with a mic in his hand.

    What I meant was associating with other pop singers not including those from AI. I have no doubts that he will be singing on a stage as long as he can breath.

    Clay looks so much better than he did in the bowling party pictures. It shouldn't be long before the swelling is gone from his face.

    I hope that's so! It just looks like it must be so painful! I love his suit, though. Man, he looks slick!

    (Also, the swelling on his chin sorta makes looks like that "giggity-giggity" guy from Family Guy from the wrong angle...)

  5. Hey, can someone tell me "where" the "look who's coming to dinner" exchange Couch Tomato mentioned took place? :D As in, before/after a certain song, not actual location.

    Try this link from Clack Unlimited (download only, please):

    2007 SRHP Tour -- the Greek Theater in LA

    File is titled: 070804_LA_FavoriteSingersCanISitByYouSurpriseGuessWho'sComingToDinnerBanter_Scarlett_XviD.avi, but you can also download large wmvs or small wmvs from this place. mp4 too!

    Gosh, I love helping Clayzy find things -- if nothing else it proves my memory still works!

    #1 The Avengers (the original series)

    #2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer (YAY Clayzy!! It's close to first for me, but I wanted to be Emma Peel!!)

    #3 Prime Suspect

    I did a mult-quote post! Yippee!

    Thanks for helping me find things, ldyjocelyn. :hello: Although "helping" actually consists of finding them for me and gently nudging me in the correct direction! Hee!

    jmh123--we have good taste! ;)

  6. I guess I don't like to anticipate things so that if it doesn't happen I'm not disappointed and cursing AI all over the place. I always remember I know nothing about how any of this is decided unless Clay tells me. He did last year. But if did seem like they were bringing back more 2nd/3rd tier idols. And then on the flip side like Ldy said they did profile him and he also did Idol rewind. So I have to look at things practically. They aren't Clay Aiken fans. They are business people and will do whatever is right for them, not Clay. And Clay will do the same.

    I loved the "look who's coming to dinner" exchange at the LA DCAT tour. Too funny although I think Angie wanted to throttle him.

    OK here's a hard one.. Name your 3 and 3 only favorite TV shows of all time. It's so easy for me..and I was chatting about it today with someone.

    #1 Homefront

    #2 Moonlighting

    #3 Homicide LoTS

    Oy! Someone needs to tell me where some good Clack of this is because it soitenly sounds like :funny:

    Three fave TV shows? That's hard. I don't fall for a whole lot, but I really love the ones I do... sorta how I am with singers.

    #1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer, hands down. Greatest show of all time. ;)

    #2 Firefly. Might have surpassed the Buffster if given half a chance.

    #3 Supernatural. It was a close fight between SPN and Boston Legal, but in the end pudgy lawyers in nice suits doing legal babble talk just can't stand up to Jensen Ackles and his really big guns.


    ETA: I really like BBT too! Unfortunately, House comes on at the same time and my mom likes it better... Me + House = "it's just not good".

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