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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. So, I have a quick question: Does anyone have the full-length Kimmel Invisible when Clay was promoting ATDW?

    Here ya go, Clayzy-


    Well since it's so slow I'm bringing this over from 2 pages back to make sure Clayzy sees it. And anyone else who may be looking for some clack to pass the time! This was a really good performance and the first time I had ever seen him strut across a stage like that or even on a late night show. Seriously :flirtysmile3:

    Not caught up yet, but THANK YOU, treenuts! That made my day! (Night, whatever.) :laugh2:

    ETA: Claylove so sorry to hear about Archie! :( I have dogs myself and they're getting on up there and starting to get health problems... And I just want them to be puppies again!

    Love the Creed picture! Clay looks happy--and warm!

  2. preden so sorry to hear that. To paraphrase one of my favorite book characters, sometimes people are just no damned good. :/

    FearOfH20 and liney23--hee! It was (I think this is the right date, I might have to check) the May 12, 2008 episode where he went on to plug for OMWH! I don't usually watch any late-night TV, and when I do it's usually Craig Ferguson, but my mom and I just happened to be channel-flipping and landed on Leno with Clay on. I remember my reaction perfectly: "THAT'S Clay Aiken??? He's FUNNY! I didn't know he was funny!" And after sticking around to hear him sing, "DAMN! He's got a good voice! What was that song called? On My Way Here? What was the CD? Same name? MOM, LET'S GO TO WAL-MART SO I CAN BUY THAT CD."

    And the rest is obsessive history. :laugh2:

    ETA: Heh, I'm still a neophyte Claymate. Or would it be a Claymate neophyte? Eh, enough of the hard words, I'll just stick with NEWBIE.

  3. Heh, and here I've been spending my night watching old late night appearances to fill the time between Clay-related fun and he goes and starts answering questions! Ah, well, I don't have an OFC membership, so I can't read them anyway. But it sure is good to hear he's got news (yes, even if he won't share)!

    I've never liked anything as much as I like Clay Aiken. I'm so glad that I caught that Leno appearance. Just by chance, but if I hadn't I'm 99% positive I would not be a Claymate/fan today. And that would be sad. :laugh2:

  4. There actually is a Clay connection, clayzy. "The Bishop's Wife" was re-made as "The Preacher's Wife" with Whitney Houston. Whitney sang "Who Would Imagine a King" on the movie's soundtrack. Angela sang "Who Would Imagine a King" during Clay's Christmas concerts in 2007.

    :laugh2: Well, I've been duly shown! The things you learn!

    That reminds me, I'm supposed to cull out the top 3 WWIAKs for the FCA recs... I might not be able to do it until I get my computer back, though.

    Six degrees of Clay Aiken? I know I couldn't do that. I'm definitely not well-versed enough in the world of Clay to get from him to Harvey Keitel. Good luck, bottlecap! :lol:

  5. Aw, how cute! I don't get to see much cute wildlife in our yard seeing as we have two mid-size dogs that like to chase the cute wildlife away. :(

    ETA: I was going through my photobucket album and found this! clay10x10-43.png?t=1248054188 He looks a touch like Seth Green there, IMO.

    Oi, and has anyone ever seen The Bishop's Wife with Cary Grant and David Niven? It was on TV today... Odd timing. Clay content? Um... I'd like to see him in a black-and-white movie? :lol:

  6. The second birthday in a row that I've been late! *bops self on head* Happy birthday, Carolina Clay!!!


    Does that make up for being late? *lol*

    And :starhugs:jmh123 for the name change! Of course, it took me 4 tries to log in properly; I thought my log-in name would change too! Silly me. :lol:

    ETA: Hm, yeah, I like to ponder about Clay's balls--I mean, I liked that story about the clay balls! Very true.


  7. Couchie, that's so cool about your nephew. I know I still love seeing my daughter's name in our little local paper after a softball tournament. In fact, I might have even collected copies of some especially noteworthy mentions... :whistling-1: Oh, and in that article you linked, I saw the name of someone I know. He's the younger brother of Carrie's teammate--"her" catcher, actually. Great family.

    My older daughter is now officially a Duck! We went to orientation at the University of Oregon last week, where she got her I.D. and her class schedule for Fall term. She's so excited! Of course, at home she's a typical soon-to-be-eighteen-year-old know-it-all. Gawd. Nature has it right. When they get that age and start acting like parents are just soooooooo yesterday, everyone is pretty happy to see the high school graduate take wings and....

    get the hell outta Dodge! :hysterical: She has a boyfriend now, too, so donchaknow, she's just too cool and busy and important and.....if I see her patented eyeroll again at just the sound of my voice, I'm gonna...... <_<

    ...Okay. Deep breath. OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......

    Maybe I should start acting like that, 'cause my momma won't let me leave!

    Are we in a "drought"? I guess my lack of having ever seen Clay perform live has inoculated me against fretting about what he's doing. :laugh2:

  8. :bounce: Clay Aiken - Better than burnt weinies. :onFire:

    Ah, but I'm sure Clay's burnt weinies are delicious... And not just his burnt ones, either! :cryingwlaughter: Hee hee.

    In related news, Happy Birthday, Muskifest!!!

    So, I tried grilling my chicken today (PS, thanks for the tips) and it actually didn't turn out too badly. I use a charcoal grill so it's quite ineffecient for me to boil first and then grill, so I tried the indirect heat method, which worked OK. I feel dumb though--the chicken had been on the grill for almost an hour and a half but the thermometer wouldn't register over 140, and I was popping the legs out of the sockets and everything! While I was taking a break I happened to turn on the TV to a grilling show where the guy was grilling whole chickens and when he checked the temperature instead of sticking the thermometer in vertically like I was he slid it in horizontally. So I tried it and it shot up to 180 immediately! They should really include that tip in cookbooks... :hysterical:

    Anyway. I don't do this often, but...


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