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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. OK, I think I might have had a very vivid dream or something... Is there a montage somewhere out there of a bunch of Clay's glory notes? SOT, BOTW, DSIAFCD, Solitaire, FIEKY, and AIW all with the glory notes snipped out made into a video? I might be adding or forgetting a couple of songs--or, seeing as how I can't find it, did I make the whole thing up in my mind?


    I feel kinda dumb...

  2. goldarngirl

    I was only joking with the dance mix :) who knows it might be fun

    *imagines a Clay Aiken dance remix*

    "If I was invis-uh-uh-uh-uh-ble, then I could just wa-a-a-tch you in your r-r-r-r-room..."

    Or would that be a techno remix? :shrug: Eh. I don't know music--I just know I like Clay! :D

    I have no idea how these came to be (and even more scary, I don't know how the hell I remembered these), but if you can right-click and save, try this link from Clack Unlimited:

    IWCY and Invisible -- the dance mixes

    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude... I actually think I like those better than the originals.


    ETA: *facepalm* Sorry, cindilu2. I guess I need to look at the actual username and not just glance at the avatar when I'm talking to people, huh?

  3. Oy. Totally O/T, but does anyone know if Toshiba is a good brand for external hard drives? With my computer going kaput a day ago, I'm looking into getting an external hard drive so that I can (hopefully) transfer all my stuff onto it before I send it in to be fixed. I asked my bro, the only person I know who knows computers, and he's recommending Western Digital and Seagate because of their warranties, but they seem a little pricey... (Get what you pay for, I know, but...) So I just thought I'd ask here for a little advice.

    Well I don't know about Toshiba, but I would agree with your brother. Seagate and Western Digital have a really good reputation and if (heavens forbid) they fail there is a 5 year warrantee on them. Like you said you get what you pay for. I have noticed, though that harddrives are coming down in price. They used to be $1 per gig now they are much much less. Maybe just keep your eye out for a sale.

    Thanks, goldarngirl. My brother kept suggesting TB hard drives too me, which was way overkill. Mostly I'm just going to be storing my assorted bits of Clack, so I've been wrestling with the idea of going cheap with a small 160 GB Toshiba for around $50 or trying to think long term and go with the 500 GB Western Digital for around $75... I'm leaning towards the Western Digital, even though I kind of doubt I'll use up that much space. I'm trying to convince my mother to split the cost with me and I'll probably back up all of our vacation photos and videos for her if she does... The downside to the Western Digital is it will have to be shipped to me, meaning I'll have to delay sending my computer off to be repaired until I get the hard drive... >_> Ugh. This is so not the time for me to be having these issues...

    ETA: In another totally random aside brought on by my iPod offering up DIAFCD to me, does anyone know if there's a story behind Clay and "Baby, that's a fact" in DSIAFCD? I was watching a video where he dropped his voice real deep when he sang it... and everybody screamed. :) It was funny, but I was a little lost.

    EATA: Hee, cindilu2 luckiest1! I'm typically a "bigger is better" (not smutting either!) kind of person... unless of course I'm paying for it! :whistling-1: Why, yes, I am a tightwad... why do you ask? :lol:

  4. Step away from the TITN video and nobody gets hurt. Just sayin'.

    clayzycoffin, you do manage to find the most interesting ways to give that gerbil a workout. :cryingwlaughter:


    I sorry! I just happily bop along in my cluelessness until someone goes "ARGH, why'd you bring THAT up???" and then I make frightened noises and duck. :o

    Heh. :D

    Hey! A gerbil needs a good workout now and then, you know! (I do, I owned a zillion, remember? :lol:) If you don't let it get a good workout, it'll get cranky and bite you!

    ETA: wandacleo--HAH! I was wondering if anyone was going to bring that up... I had all sorts of ideas about what the VERY BEST of Clay Aiken might be... and then ran into trouble wondering how they were going to package it. Hee hee hee.

  5. ...

    This was posted at the CH, some interesting stuff - naming names, too.......

    stuff about the different ways the break with RCA is written about, depending on agenda..

    but anyway, this is my favorite headline from that column, CMSU!!!!!


    David Cook Sells Out Half of Weidner PAC

    I liked reading that thing about how RCA never really understood Clay... I used to wonder why the TITN video was such a piece of crap--I mean, I love that song, but the video... First time I watched I was left with an enormous WTF!? They tried to make an angsty video to a victory song! Blegh. I've always liked the video for The Way and didn't understand why they didn't do something similar with TITN--guess I understand a little better now.

    ETA: Can I count myself as a CT-mate too? :D I never saw anything particularly bitchy about y'all's posts. Then again, I tend to be hard to insult/recognize insult--which comes from me being a rather insulting person at times. Hey, if you wanna dish it out, you better be able to take it, right? :lol:

    EATA: Back to the RCA thing... does anyone else (who knows football, lol) kind of equate Clive Davis with Al Davis? Eeek! They aren't related, are they?

  6. Oy. Totally O/T, but does anyone know if Toshiba is a good brand for external hard drives? With my computer going kaput a day ago, I'm looking into getting an external hard drive so that I can (hopefully) transfer all my stuff onto it before I send it in to be fixed. I asked my bro, the only person I know who knows computers, and he's recommending Western Digital and Seagate because of their warranties, but they seem a little pricey... (Get what you pay for, I know, but...) So I just thought I'd ask here for a little advice.

  7. This "new" CD with mystery songs on it makes me kinda :cryingwlaughter: I mean, ever since Clay had his fans at "Take", many have said they'd pay to hear him sing the phone book.

    Wouldn't that be a hoot if, when the actual CD is released, the tracks are:

    1. "A-Ch"

    2. "Ci-Em"

    3. "En-G"




    But whose phone book? For instance... his own, in which case it might have his number in it? Hee hee hee. If he's singing the phone book, I'm so there. Can you imagine? "Aaron, John (205) 555-5155.... la la la... "


  8. Movers & Shakers

    We are good!!

    Amazing! And we don't even know what's on the CD!

    What was that possible thread title again? No matter what, no matter where, if he's singing it, I'm there? It's more like, no matter what, no matter where, if it has his name on it, we'll buy it!

    ETA: I was wondering about the royalties thing myself, Liney23... But I would think no matter what, unless he's signed over his copyrights or whatever, they have to pay him something for using his songs--remastered or otherwise. :shrug: But, of course, I have no real idea and it would depend on what sort of contracts he's signed.

  9. Ooooo, this has been a looooong frickin' week! My new TV is up (though the frickin' cable itsn't working - I need AT&T U-verse so frickin' BAD!)

    Stubborn? It's all relative...I sincerely believe that all coping mechanisms people develop work for them on some level - having a justified reputation as being stubborn can eliminate a lot of annoying people bugging you about stuff you don't wanna and ain't gonna do...compromise only if necessary. (Y'all can probably tell I'm a little biased). OK, quick question: how can one rodent type thing sort of eat the other rodent type thing? Semi-cannibalism? Hokay!

    RCA? Totally indifferent one way or another. Prior to Clay, the only label I paid any attention to was Motown, and that was mainly for the style of music...turns out Barry Gordy was something of a son of a bitch - just like just about every other record dude out there. Anyway, to me it looks like everybody and their brother are starting their own record label these days - and push comes to shove the majority of working musicians don't have a major label contract. I personally think in his heart of hearts, Clay is an entertainer. Now what audience he plans on entertaining, I don't know. As long as it's public, I'll be there. And there hasn't been an online fan that has yet to convince me of their expertise.

    Clay Aiken? Sings pretty all the frickin' time; can occasionally look real good; one of the good things in my life.

    Partial eat-age, I imagine... My family used to have a zillion gerbils when I was little (yeah... never get two gerbils and trust the pet store employee when he says that they're the same gender) and one of the females was rather nutty and sort of ate her babies. Came home from school one day, looked in on the babies and went... where's the other half of that baby?


    We had some cuddly gerbils and some mean ones. They were the devil to find if they ever got out of their cages. Unfortunately the sweetest one we ever had got out of his cage and found his way into a box fan. That was sad.

    Not to be all depressing or anything. :o

  10. You didn't Aikim. I'm with you on knowing very little about the music business and even less about Clay personally.

    Claylove I did something administrative on your behalf. If you can't get in contact me.

    Is clay stubborn? I don't know. I've seen it used on things like...

    he won't stopped interrupting WDC out of sheer stubborness

    I don't think that's stubborness. He liked his way better and it was the best way he felt to give his band the props it deserved.

    I think Clay has a very good idea of what he will do and won't do and sticks with it. But he has been known to also change things that don't work. I've always loved how his shows evolved because he would fix what didn't work as he went along. And when he didn't change things - like not sing YWT - I don't think that's out of subborness or spite.

    Career wise, I don't know.. doing JBT every year, not going to places to be seen with the right people and photographed and hob nobbing... singing SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW songs when he has a choice.. heee. does that qualify as stubborn? Don't think so.

    My auntie made me eat grits when I was little although I told her my mom didn't fix those things for me. I refused to eat them for the next 20 years. ha! Now that's stupid and stubborn cuz I love grits. hee.

    Interrupting WDC? I'm confused! (Happens a lot, unfortunately. :lol:)

  11. spotlightlover's Minneapolis recording. It had some crowd noise at the beginning, covering up the first word or so. Still, I thought it had very good quality, if a little quiet, but great vocals. Very powerful and very delicate. I liked it a lot.

    Ok, I am finally getting around to uploading these mp3s to the media site, and I need to know which Minneapolis, as there were two nights. Dec 19th or Dec 20th?

    Oy. Dec. 19th. :D Sorry, I forgot there were two nights.

  12. Maybe clayzcoffin's next listening project could be "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word" from the DCAT tour? That one never got done, and all the rest are complete.

    Ooooh, that's a great idea. What do you think clayzycoffin?



    An hour ago, I would have said yes (even though SSTBTHW is probably my least-favorite song from ATDW) but now... Gackt! I hate my laptop sometimes. First, it was this strange little patch of pixels that died for absolutely no reason... and then revived... and now intermittently "die" and revive... Now I get an error message saying my computer's fans aren't working! Gary (I named my computer Gary... maybe that's why it's mad at me) wouldn't move past this page that said fan 1 and fan 2 weren't working so turn them off and check fan your out or something poorly written like that... AUGH!!

    *hunts for that disturbing GIF with the dude beating himself to death on the computer*

    It should just be a hardware problem... Of course, since I bought the computer off of woot.com, it only came with a 90-day warranty, so no warranty now. I'm going to take it to Best Buy tomorrow and see what they have to say... UGH, I hope it's a hardware problem that can be easily fixed without killing the contents of my computer--It's only twenty GBs or so of slowly-accumulated Clack, but I don't want to lose it... plus all my miscellaneous Clay pix... And I have a bunch of music I bought off of iTunes that isn't backed up--I know, my fault, I should have backed it up. I wish I had bought one of those external hard drives when they were on sale on Thanksgiving. I couldn't really afford them, but, eh. Hindsight's 20-20.

    Even more infuriating, I can't find the warranty/purchase info! GRR! I was so sure I left it in the computer box--where else would I put it? AGH.

    Anyway, my point was, as long as I can't use my own computer (I'm on my bro's old laptop now) I don't think I'll be able to do the Clack recs.

    ETA: Oh, and I must say I'm a little bit apprehensive about Clay and RCA parting ways... Not because I think RCA is this great company or whatever (being a fairly new fan, I really have no idea about the Clay/RCA relationship) but just because of the image issues with the split. I do like that it is being reported as a mutual decision, though, and not that he was dropped. That's much more positive.

  13. Oy. Clay - what are ya thinking???? I'm skeered.

    Personally I wish the OFC were one-way communication. He talks, we listen.

    Maybe a diversionary tactic? I don't know, but I can see this going south really fast...hope I am wrong.

    Clayzcoffin It wasn't a typo...that is what it is called over there...A Forum to talk about the Man...Clay Aiken...but I am glad I made you laugh!


    Oh... Bwah! Well, it certainly made me laugh! Sorry, I guess I shouldn't admonish if I don't know what I'm talking about, huh? :lol:

  14. OMG I'm on facebook. I have friends. I don't know what the hell I'm doing :cryingwlaughter:

    Fear Ansa's fine. We chat every day. We do the same sit on your ass job. She has been working upwards of 50 hours a week on one job, plus continuing with substitute teaching- and honestly I think her learning to drive has just really changed her life. She posted a picture of where she lives that one time..it's kinda isolated. Now she is just all over the place and doing things with friends, for herself and chaffeuring her kids. You know how when you don't do something for awhile it gets harder to do it? I think that's where she is. LdyJ and I keep her posted. I always tell her when someone asks about her.

    We should start an FCA group on the F-book!

    ETA: Oh, aikim you have a hilarious typo--the Man Forum! I thought it meant the forum for the, ya know, Claydawgs or other male Clay fans! :hahaha: That would cut down on the number of replies, huh?

    EATA: Cindilu2 I kind of agree, but at the same time, I think it's good of Clay and shows how much he values his fans--some might be nasty to him, but he's still trying to keep the lines of communication open.

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