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Posts posted by Clayzy

  1. Dayum! Why am I not in Florida? Why am I not rich?

    Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?????? :cry4:

    Please, babyjesus, let somebody who will tell us about this be in attendance!



    Surely there'll be a generous Claymate in attendance...

    Speaking of Claymates, does anyone else dislike that nickname? Personally, since I'm Asian, I prefer to be a Claysian, but... Well, since the whole ongoing meh-fest with my super-conservative friend (who thinks "Claymate" is tacky... I say no tackier than a "Fanilow" but hey), I actually am thinking of myself more as a "Claymate"... I guess I'm just a contrary individual. :lol: You say "Claymate" is tacky? Fine, I'm a Claymate and I'm proud to be one!

    Uhhh... sorry to soliloquy there... :unsure:

  2. Let's see... nasty internet comments? Meh. Screw 'em to a wall. Too many people are small, insecure little gnomes (typically with very tiny genitalia... ) who have to talk badly about other people to feel good (or get off, probably).

    Oh! Thanks for the picture of the cat flipping the bird! I haven't had any coffee yet so my brain isn't wanting to remember who posted it... I'm thinking of adding that picture to my Facebook page and put her name on it... <_<

    So my mom thinks that this picture of Clay with Merle is the nicest, but thinks his hair "needs to be away from his face" like in the dinner picture and characterized the Professor Aiken look as geeky. :lol: I think with Clay, geeky is just inevitable!


    Stuuuuuuubble... :hubbahubba:

    Oooh, feel free to ignore me. I'll be found sitting on page 10, drooling. :tasty:

  3. The man should simply ALWAYS wear dark colors. Dayum! He looks fucking gorgeous here!



    I keep thinking he looks a lot like Parker did in that Dr. Phil shot of Clay, Jaymes, and Parker. Just the expression and the shape of his gorgeous face... no stubble, so that helps too. :lol:

    Oh, and is there any nice way to say STFU to someone who won't quit it with the snide Clay remarks? <_< I'm gonna have a ten foot long signature if she doesn't let up... Well, I guess I won't inflict that on y'all...

  4. I composed a post earlier, but we lost power here at the house and I lost my post, so...

    I think I'll just go with: I am happy that Clay looks so happy and that Reed seems so comfortable wearing Clay...I mean Clay's shirt. :hahaha: Whether it lasts 5 minutes, 5 weeks or 5 years-TM Clay-I am happy that there's a someone who makes him "glow" even moreso than he usually does. Happiness like that is a beautiful thing, y'all.

    As for the fans with the exploding heads over a few silly photos with people obviously mugging and cutting up for the cameras :boo-hoo:

    Did I just post that? :bolt:


  5. Ahhh, cindilu2 I have a serious love affair with your avatar.

    The ability to get computers and images and anything technological to do cool things is so awesome to me... :) Smilies and stuff like that is about where I hit my limit.

    Oh, and I'm just curious, has anyone heard anything about the SAU Obama montage? I haven't read anything, but I figured I might have missed it or it might have gotten buried under the Cleed/Creed, blog for us Clay!, CV 10 (11?) hullabaloo.

    ETA: Here's another question, if we ship involving Clay, can we call it clipping? *giggle*

  6. Ugh. I just don't understand homophobes... especially people who brag about being homophobic. Would you brag about being a racist? NO (well, I guess if you were a flaming racist you might...). Who wants to wear hatred on their sleeve?

    Sorry to be all *fangy and grrr*. It's just, I don't mind being teased about my Claiken obsession, but when it's unkind (to both myself and to him... me and him? us?) I get cranky. *sigh*

    ETA: Just to be clear, I'm definitely not talking about anyone here. This is a personal experience.

  7. That is so cute!

    Does this mean the relationship is confirmed?? :lol:

    ETA: Oh, and who else lol-ed way too loudly at the "Clay's on top" thing? :sleezy:

    EATA: I agree that the outfit doesn't look hawt. I think the sweater/bow tie combo looks adowable on Clay...

    EYATA: I don't like the nasty comments either, but it cheers me up to see people stick up for Clay, and in good ways, not just "CLAY IZ THE MOST AWSUM SINGER EVER ESAD YOU EVIL B*TCH". Which is how I'm always tempted to do it... but I don't... At least the blog post itself is a positive one. :shrug:

  8. I know I'm going to be bow tie girl if I keep bringing it up, but can you imagine the furor if Clay had been wearing a bow tie as he asked the CV 10 not to flapping their jacks off about every little thing that was said at the dinner?

    :hahaha: I don't know why this amuses me so...

    I, for one, am in the camp that believes it was the right thing to do. I mean, if I had a three-hour dinner with someone (especially someone famous that I adored) there'd be no way I could accurately remember any details. And even if I thought I could, all the other people I was with would be going, "He didn't say that! He said this! NO, what he really meant was this! *huge brawl*"

  9. Did anyone see the "shouty" Somewhere Over the Rainbow guy? I've been reading a lot of comments saying he's Clay with a white hat. I listened to him sing and I think he does have a good voice, but who can tell when he's just "SOME WAAAAA-ERRRRRRRRR OVER THE RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINbow" ing?

  10. Some people may be crying that they won't know what was talked about at that dinner, but the recaps we have gotten have been awesome and have made me utterly schmoopie. Clay, once again, has shown what a GOOD man he is, IMO. I love him more than ever.

    By the way, I think Clay has a rivel in my affections... yah, right! :cryingwlaughter:

    I am in love with Larry Fitzgerald of the Cardinals. He is a fine figure of a man... board shoulders, narrow waist, and great bootie... and he has long hair. He makes the most acrobatic catches ever. So last night I saw a video of him after the last game. All dressed up in a suit with a nice topcoat and GLASSES... O.M.G. He is gorgeous!

    Course my heart is taken by this certain cutesingerman, but I can spare a tiny corner for Larry, I think. :cryingwlaughter:

    I like Larry Fitzgerald too. He's very good-looking.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these recaps! They're so full and detailed enough that I'm like, pfft, who needs details of what exactly they said? It's like the Spam recaps, I get the spirit and the lurve without needing every line reiterated for me.

  11. From CV:


    When I spoke with Kristy she explained their dilemma: legally that have to honor the offer from the auction. They can't do anything else but fulfill their promise. I made it clear back to her that (a) we as a group didn't give a rat's ass about the Celine concert (sorry Celine) (cool.gif whatever they offered had to be yesterday and not today © it had to include all of us and (d) it had to include Clay for at least 2 hours. I suggested a restaurant (most were close due to weather), a meeting room, a board room, Clay's house, and a few other locations. She took it all in and said "I'll have to get back to you" and I thanked her and hung up quickly. This was at around 3:30 or 4 I think.

    It took her over an hour to get back to us. We were all sitting in Toni et al's room all this time. All 10 of us. It was a trip! She called back with 2 options: (1) go tomorrow night; we'll cover costs or (2) We can spend one hour with Clay eating and talking. The group gasped at the one hour, from 6-7). I asked for 1 1/2 hours. Problem is Clay and Jerome are timid about driving in "weather." Hee Southerners. [who knew I was such a good negotiator? not me]. I selected Option 2 and she said she'd get back to me if they could find a hotel. Waited and waited. And waited and waited. And waited and waited. At 6:05 she FINALLY called back. OK you can have your option: Dinner at a restaurant (I don't know its name but it's not a secret as far as I'm concerned; I just don't know it but it starts with "M" IIRC), Clay will sign one thing, Jerome will take pictures and send us a CD. No cameras, No recording devices allowed. No cell phones. Kristy said Clay wanted it to be intimate and not all distrupted by media collection and he wanted to just be able to relax with us and be ourselves. Finally I had to sign a waiver accepting the "lesser prize" [did she forget about the rat's ass???]

    :cryingwlaughter: Poor Celine!

    Blogs or no blogs (heck, I couldn't read 'em anyway!), bow ties or green sweaters, too much makeup--who cares? :sm227: Why read that story and go... "Where the frick is my recap??? I'm a fan, I deserve a recap of their private dinner!"? Just read it and remember that Clay's magic turned one hour into three! The man can bend time, for Pete's sake! What more than be said? :lol:

  12. Yawn. Some fans are having hissy fits again? So, what else is new?

    The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    I agree that it's totally up to Clay and the fans who paid so much money whether to share. It's their right. And if I had a dinner like that with Clay, and he said no sharing, I'd say, "YES, MASTER!!!!!" And I'd hope that I could then be a bit less restrained with my . . . um . . . affections. You know, hugs, and WHATNOT. Heeeeee.

    I think a better topic of conversation would be THE HAIR!! When, oh when, will he grow out his hair again, and make it look like this?!?! :tasty:


    Jerome was there, ya know... :lol:

    I think we need....

    filteredpianothud.jpg <-- :hubbahubba:


  13. Is it unbecoming to be happy that the thread title drawn from something I said is in first place? :unsure::yess:Third time's the charm, baybee... HA!

    Also... Good grief! Why should people expect details from a private dinner some fans had with Clay? Spoiled brats. :lol: I mean, if I had a private dinner (with anyone) then I wouldn't automatically assume I could spread the details far and wide anyway. Pfffshh.

    Muskifest's one-on-one massage party with Clay, however... I think we all deserve to live vicariously through her... :sleezy:

  14. that gif thing is a little terrifying

    I have always found that gif to be horrifying.

    As for Clay and the increased tongue action on the last weekend, could he not have decided to give his fans an extra treat since it was obvious how much that tongue was appreciated?

    And I don't believe that the only information he gets from fan boards is from the OFC.

    That gave me a sudden image of Clay sitting in his pjs jammie.jpg reading stuff posted on fansites.


    ETA: Sorry to horrify people with the gif. :o

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